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Matt Magoffin edited this page Aug 23, 2020 · 3 revisions

SolarSSH provides a way to connect to SolarNode devices over the internet even when those devices are not directly reachable due to network firewalls or routing rules. It works via a SSH proxy server that your SSH client and SolarNode both connect to. The proxy server then forwards all traffic between your client and SolarNode. In this way all traffic over the internet is secured via SSH.

SolarSSH does not maintain permanently open SSH connections to SolarNode devices. Instead the connections are established on demand when needed. This allows you to connect to a SolarNode when you need to perform maintenance, but not require SolarNode maintain an open SSH connection to SolarSSH.

The SolarSSH proxy server supports two ways for clients to establish connections:

  1. via a HTTP websocket (browser)
  2. via a direct SSH connection

The browser method allows you to connect to SolarNode directly from a web browser, without needing any additional software installed on your computer. The direct SSH method requires you to have a compatible SSH client available.


For SolarNode devices to support SolarSSH, they need to have the sn-solarssh SolarNodeOS package installed. That can be installed via

sudo apt-get install sn-solarssh

but most likely it is already installed. The System SSH Support SolarNode plugin must also be installed. Most likely that is already installed, as it comes with the solarnode-app-core SolarNodeOS package.

Finally, for an optimal experience SolarNode should be integrated with SolarIn/MQTT, which is provided by the SolarNet MQTT integration SolarNode plugin. Most likely that is already installed, as it comes with the solarnode-app-core SolarNodeOS package.

Browser connection

The SolarSSH Web Terminal application allows you to establish a connection to a SolarNode device from within your browser. Once connected you'll have both OS-shell level access as well as access to the SolarNode Setup UI. Simply provide any User security token credentials and then optionally any SolarNode solar OS user's credentials to connect. You can skip the OS user credentials if you only want to access the SolarNode Setup UI.

SolarSSH Web Terminal

Direct connection

SolarSSH supports establishing direct SSH connections by way of a SSH "jump" host. The standard SolarSSH server hosted by SolarNetwork Foundation is available at This method allows full SSH integration, including port forwarding, scp, and sftp support.

The "jump" connection user is formed by combining a node ID with a user security token, separated by a : character. The general form of a SolarSSH direct connection "jump" host thus looks like this:

where NODE is a SolarNode ID and TOKEN is a SolarNetwork user security token.

The actual SolarNode user can be any OS user (typically solar) and the hostname can be anything. A good practice for the hostname is to use one derived from the SolarNode ID, e.g. solarnode-123.

Using OpenSSH a complete connection command to log in as a solar user looks like this, passing the "jump" host via a -J argument:

ssh -J '' solar@solarnode-NODE

⚠️ WARNING: SolarNetwork security tokens often contain characters that must be escaped with a \ character for your shell to interpret them correctly. For example, a token like 9gPa9S;Ux1X3kK)YN6&g might need to have the ;)& characters escaped like 9gPa9S\;Ux1X3kK\)YN6\&g.

You will be first prompted to enter a password, which must be the token secret. You might then be prompted for the SolarNode OS user's password. Here's an example screen shot:

SolarSSH Direct Terminal

Shell shortcut function

If you find yourself using SolarSSH connections frequently, a handy bash or zsh shell function can help make the connection process easier to remember. Here's an example that give you a solarssh command that accepts a SolarNode ID argument, followed by any optional SSH arguments:

function solarssh () {
  local node_id="$1"
  if [ -z "$node_id" ]; then
    echo 'Must provide node ID , e.g. 123'
    echo "Enter SN token secret when first prompted for password. Enter node $node_id password second."
    ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=ERROR \
      -J "$node_id"'' $@ solar@solarnode-$node_id

Just replace SN_TOKEN_HERE with a user security token. After integrating this into your shell's configuration (e.g. ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) then you could connect to node 123 like:

solarssh 123
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