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Matt Magoffin edited this page Feb 9, 2023 · 25 revisions

SolarNetwork Developer Virtual Machine Guide

This guide describes how to set up a SolarNetwork development virtual machine (VM) using VirtualBox and Vagrant. This is a convenient way to get started with SolarNetwork development, as all the required software will be available in the VM. The VM features:

  1. Ubuntu host with minimal X window manager
  2. Postgres server for SolarNet development
  3. VerneMQ server for SolarQueue development (SolarNode ⇌ SolarNet MQTT integration)
  4. pgAdmin Postgres GUI
  5. Eclipse IDE
  6. Firefox web browser
  7. Cloned SolarNetwork git repositories
  8. Basic developer configuration

Screen shot of SolarNetwork Developer VM


The VM requires VirtualBox and is initially set up using Vagrant. Install both of these before continuing. The VM will be allocated 2GB of RAM by default, but you may want to configure more if your system has enough RAM. The VM will also be allocated a 20 GB disk image (although only a few GB will be used at the start), so you must have that much disk space available.

Additionally, the Vagrant disksize plugin is required. Once you have Vagrant installed, simply run

vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize

to install the plugin.

Virtual Machine setup

Download the solarnetwork-dev repository, or clone it via Once downloaded or cloned if you can afford to give the VM more RAM and/or CPU cores to work with, the VM will run much more smoothly. You can adjust the RAM/CPU count by creating a Vagrantfile.local file, like this:

cd solarnetwork-dev/vagrant/solarnet-dev

# give the VM 6GB of RAM
echo 'memory_size = 6114' >>Vagrantfile.local

# give the VM 4 CPU cores
echo 'no_of_cpus = 4' >>Vagrantfile.local

You will end up with a Vagrantfile.local like this:

memory_size = 6114
no_of_cpus = 4

Note more options can be configured in Vagrantfile.local — see the project README for more information.

To then start the VM, run vagrant up like this:

# if not already in the solarnet-dev directory:
cd solarnetwork-dev/vagrant/solarnet-dev

vagrant up

Vagrant will download the VM image and then start configuring the SolarNetwork environment.

⚠️ Note This process can take a fair amount of time, as the OS image itself must be downloaded as well several hundred MB of software packages. Please be patient. It could be a good time to grab a ☕...

You should see output similar to this:

Bringing machine 'solarnet' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> solarnet: Importing base box 'ubuntu/jammy64'...
==> solarnet: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> solarnet: Checking if box 'ubuntu/jammy64' is up to date...
==> solarnet: Setting the name of the VM: SolarNet Dev

SolarNetwork development environment setup complete. Please reboot the virtual
machine like:

vagrant reload

Then log into the VM as solardev:solardev and Eclipse will launch automatically.
Right-click on the desktop to access a menu of other options.

!! NOTE: If X fails to start on tty1, login on tty2 (Alt-F2) and run `startx`
!! to start X and have Eclipse launch automatically.

⚠️ Note you should take a moment before continuing to review all the script output for problems. Some parts of the script might fail, for example due to network problems that prevent software from downloading successfully. If any problems do occur, try running vagrant provision to execute the scripts again.

Follow the instructions to restart the VM:

vagrant reload

More details on the Vagrant setup are available on the project README.

Tweak swap

The VM image will have a 1GB swap file configured. You might need to enable more swap memory, if your VM is not configured at least 2GB or so. To change the swap file to 2GB, starting again from the solarnetwork-dev directory, execute:

vagrant ssh
sudo swapoff /swapfile
sudo fallocate -l 2G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

Log in to VM

Switch over to the VM in VirtualBox, and log in as solardev with the password solardev. You should end up with a screen like this:

Screen shot of initial VM desktop

Click on the Workbench big-arrow icon to dismiss the welcome screen.

Note if you get an error about X refusing to start, try this approach instead:

  1. Switch to the tty2 virtual console by pressing Alt+F2.
  2. Log in as solardev with the password solardev.
  3. At the shell prompt, type startx to launch the display environment.

Prepare screen resolution

The default screen size might be pretty small to work with when you eventually log in. Minimize Eclipse, then you can open up a shell by right-clicking on the desktop and choose Shells > bash. Then run xrandr -q to get a list of available screen resolutions:

Screen 0: minimum 64 x 64, current 800 x 600, maximum 32766 x 32766
VGA-0 connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
   800x600       60.00*+  60.00*
   2560x1600     60.00
   2560x1440     60.00
   2048x1536     60.00
   1920x1600     60.00
   1920x1080     60.00
   1600x1200     60.00
   1680x1050     60.00
   1400x1050     60.00
   1280x1024     60.00
   1024x768      60.00
   640x480       60.00

You can tell X to switch to one of those resolutions by executing

xrandr --size 1400x1050

(using whatever resolution you like). You can that change permanently by creating a /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf file with the desired settings, like this:

# log into the VM from your host machine, as an administrator
vagrant ssh
sudo mkdir /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-monitor.conf

The 10-monitor.conf file's content will look like this; note the Modes line where you specify the desired screen resolution:

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier             "Monitor0"

Section "Device"
    Identifier             "Device0"

Section "Screen"
    Identifier             "Screen0"
    Device                 "Device0"
    Monitor                "Monitor0"
    SubSection             "Display"
        Modes              "1400x1050" # Use one of the sizes returned by xrandr

Just replace the Modes line with the size you want from the xrandr output.

Note you can also configure Vagrant to create this file for you when it provisions the VM, by adding the file to a local-root directory on your host machine. See the project README for details. This is especially handy if you need to recreate the VM as the resolution settings will be applied at the start.

Eclipse setup

When Eclipse first launches, it won't have any projects configured. You need to perform some one-time initial setup tasks to get everything working.

Import team project set

A Team Project Set will have been created for you that contains all the SolarNetwork projects. Import this now by selecting File > Import... > Team > Team Project Set.

Eclipse import team project set

Click Next > and in the dialog that follows, enter a File path of /home/solardev/workspace/SolarNetworkTeamProjectSet.psf (or use the Browse... button to select this file), and then click Finished. This will import all the projects into Eclipse.

Eclipse importing team project set

Once the import completes, you should have all the SolarNetwork projects available in your Eclipse workspace. Eclipse will compile all projects, which can take a couple of minutes.

⚠️ Note you may see some projects reporting compile errors when importing the projects the first time. If that is the case, often selecting Project > Clean... > Clean all projects can sort things out. Some errors can be ignored (you can configure Eclipse to ignore those if desired).

Refresh SolarNet project to pull in child projects

The solarnet project is built with Gradle. It will have been imported in Eclipse, but not its children projects. To do that, right-click on the project and choose Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project:

Screen shot of refreshing the solarnet Gradle project

⚠️ Note this can take a fair amount of time, as many dependencies will need to be downloaded. Please be patient. You will need to wait for the refresh to complete before continuing. Perhaps it is time for another ☕...

Launch SolarUser

SolarUser is the application that provides a web-based UI to manage SolarNetwork accounts and their associated SolarNode devices and data. You must launch SolarUser first so it can generate some initial TLS certificate infrastructure. Launch the SolarUser app by going to Run > Run Configurations... > SolarUserApp and clicking the Run button. Wait for the app to start up.

Launch SolarIn

SolarIn is the application that SolarNode connects to to post data to and receive instructions from. SolarIn must be running to set up your first SolarNode. Launch the SolarIn app by going to Run > Run Configurations... > SolarInApp and clicking the Run button. Wait a few moments for the app to start up.

Create development SolarNet account

Now that SolarUser and SolarIn are running, you can create a development SolarNet account in SolarUser so you can then add a development SolarNode. Open a browser window (click the little earth icon in Eclipse) and visit http://localhost:9081/solaruser/. You should see a page like this:

Screen shot of SolarUser welcome page

⚠️ Note if no browser opens when you click on the icon in Eclipse, try going to the Window > Preferences > General > Web Browser and make the "Use internal web browser" option active, like shown below, and try again:

Screen shot of Eclipse web browser settings

Click on the Login link, then click the "goto the User Registration page" link to register as a new user. Fill in the form and submit it.

Screen shot of SolarUser registration page

When you submit the registration, SolarNet will send a confirmation email to the address provided with a confirmation URL in the message body. The development environment is set up to simply log outbound email messages, so look in the Eclipse SolarUserApp console and you should see the confirmation URL there. Since SolarIn was the last application you launched, you will have to switch to the SolarUser console, using the switcher button in Eclipse:

Screen shot of Eclipse console switcher

The logged email message will have a URL that takes the form of


Screen shot of mock registration log

Copy that entire URL, and paste it into the browser to visit it. That will complete the registration process, and you should then log in. That will land you on the My Nodes page:

Screen shot of My Nodes page in SolarUser

Invite new SolarNode

Now you are ready to set up your development SolarNode. Start by clicking on the Invite New SolarNode button on the My Nodes page you landed on after logging in. Fill in and submit the form that appears.

⚠️ Note to fill in the required Time Zone, simply click on the appropriate area of the map.

Screen shot of SolarUser node invitation form

Once submitted an invitation will be generated, like this:

Screen shot of SolarUser node invitation

Now select and copy the entire invitation code. You will need to paste that into the SolarNode setup screen in the next section.

Launch SolarNode

To launch the SolarNode platform go to Run > Run Configurations... > OSGi Framework > SolarNode and click Run.

Eclipse SolarNode run configuration

After a few minutes, the SolarNode platform should finish starting up, and you'll see many log messages printed to the Eclipse console, including some errors.

Associate development SolarNode

Now you are ready to associate your development SolarNode with your development SolarNet account. Open a new browser window and visit http://localhost:8080. You should land on an association form like this, where you can paste the entire invitation code you generated in SolarUser:

Screen shot of SolarNode association form

After pasting in the invitation code click the Verify button. You will be guided through the association process. Note the host will be shown as, which the VM has configured to map to (e.g. localhost).

⚠️ Be sure to enter a certificate password when asked, so SolarNet can generate the node's certificate for you.

Screen shot of SolarNode association verification

When the association is complete, you should see a screen like this (your node ID might differ):

Screen shot of completed SolarNode association

⚠️ A random password will have been generated for you to log into SolarNode. For development it can be useful to immediately change it to a simple password like solar so you do not have to remember the random password. You can use the change password now link on the completion page to quickly change the password.

Run SolarQuery, SolarJobs apps

The SolarQuery application exposes web APIs for accessing the data posted by your SolarNodes. Launch the SolarQuery app by going to Run > Run Configurations... > SolarQueryApp and clicking the Run button. Wait a few moments for the app to start up.

⚠️ Note that SolarQuery is configured to listen on port 9082, so the base URL to the SolarQuery API is http://localhost:9082/solarquery.

The SolarJobs application runs various maintenance jobs for SolarNetwork, like processing the raw data posted by SolarNodes into various aggregate rollups for faster query performance. Launch the SolarJobs app by going to Run > Run Configurations... > SolarJobsApp and clicking the Run button. Wait a few moments for the app to start up.

Checking SolarNet app status

All SolarNet applications provide a basic status/health URL that you can use to quickly check for issues. Those URLs are:

SolarJobs http://localhost:9080/solarjobs/ping
SolarUser http://localhost:9081/solaruser/ping
SolarQuery http://localhost:9082/solarquery/ping
SolarIn http://localhost:9083/solarin/ping

Look for Overall: ALL_GOOD to quickly tell if all checks have passed.

Screen shot of SolarJobs ping check

These URLs can also produce JSON if invoked with an Accept: application/json request header, for example

curl -s http://localhost:9080/solarjobs/ping |python3 -m json.tool
    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "allGood": true,
        "date": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.624887553Z",
        "results": {
            "net.solarnetwork.central.scheduler.SimpleSchedulerManager": {
                "success": true,
                "message": "Scheduler is running as expected; 28 triggers configured.",
                "pingTestId": "net.solarnetwork.central.scheduler.SimpleSchedulerManager",
                "pingTestName": "Job Scheduler",
                "start": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.624891604Z",
                "end": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.625264949Z",
                "duration": 0
            "net.solarnetwork.dao.jdbc.DataSourcePingTest-main": {
                "success": true,
                "message": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.629Z",
                "pingTestId": "net.solarnetwork.dao.jdbc.DataSourcePingTest-main",
                "pingTestName": "JDBC Pool DataSource Connection",
                "start": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.625267187Z",
                "end": "2023-01-25 03:21:08.630581181Z",
                "duration": 5

You can quickly tell if all checks have passed when the data.allGood value is true.

Setup complete!

Congratulations, your SolarNetwork development environment is set up, and you have created your own development SolarNet server and SolarNode to work with. Your node probably started collecting mock data and uploading it to your development SolarNet service. You can visit the API Explorer in the VM (works best in Firefox, not the Eclipse internal browser) to explore the data posted by your node. Make sure the Host field has http://localhost:9081 to access the SolarUser API or http://localhost:9082 to access the SolarQuery API. For example, enter a service URL like /solarquery/api/v1/pub/datum/mostRecent?nodeId=1 to see the most recently collected data (change the nodeId=1 to match the ID if your development node if needed):

Screen shot of SolarNetwork API Explorer

See the API Guide for more information on the available web services.

Installation summary

Here is a summary of what is installed in the virtual machine.

User accounts

  • The solardev user account's home directory is /home/solardev and is the main development account for running Eclipse.
  • The vagrant user account's home directory is /home/vagrant and can become root by running sudo su -. You can access this account by running vagrant ssh from the solarnetwork-dev/vagrant/solarnet-dev directory on your host machine.

Desktop menu

Right-click on the desktop to access a menu with shortcuts to the most useful development tools. Select Exit to shut down the OS GUI and either log out or return to the console command line.

Screen shot of the desktop menu

Git repositories

All the SolarNetwork git repositories have been cloned into ~solardev/git:

├── solarnetwork-build
├── solarnetwork-central
├── solarnetwork-common
├── solarnetwork-external
└── solarnetwork-node


Eclipse is installed in ~solardev/eclipse, and set to automatically launch with the workspace location ~solardev/workspace when launching the OS GUI (when you run startx).


Firefox is installed for web browsing. Some handy bookmarks will be configured as well:

Screen shot of Firefox default bookmarks

Postgres database

Postgres 12 is installed with the following settings:

  • Listening on the standard 5432 port for localhost access only
  • Configuration is in /etc/postgresql/12/main
  • Data directory is /var/lib/postgresql/12/main
  • systemd service is postgresql@12-main (for example: systemctl status postgresql@12-main)

The pgAdmin Postgres GUI administration tool is installed. To connect via the command use the psql tool. The solardev user can connect as the solarnet database owner like:

psql -U solarnet -d solarnetwork

To connect as the postgres database administrator run:

sudo -u postgres psql

VerneMQ MQTT broker

VerneMQ is installed with the following settings:

  • Listening on the standard 1883 port for non-TLS access
  • Configuration is in /etc/vernemq; the vmq.passwd and vmq.acl files control permissions
  • Data directory is /var/lib/vernemq

A helper tool solarqueue-tail is also installed for easily viewing the messages posted to the SolarQueue MQTT broker. Pass an MQTT topic filter to subscribe to. For example, to subscribe to all node messages:

solarqueue-tail node/#

Each message that is posted will be decoded from CBOR into JSON and printed, for example:

Thu Feb  2 03:56:55 UTC 2023 node/1/datum [ 1675310215001, -404849988206902096, -5993097785230245033, [ "4([0, 1010])", "4([-6, 10050955])", "4([-1, 2300])", "4([-1, 500])", "4([0, 5289])", "4([-8, 99999995])", "4([-5, 10050955])", "4([0, 5289])", "4([0, 1])" ], [ "4([0, 6885176])" ], null, null ]
Thu Feb  2 03:57:33 UTC 2023 node/1/datum [ 1675310253001, -3010941099974638936, -8249437777732963913, [ "4([0, 100])" ], null, [ "100" ], null ]
Thu Feb  2 03:57:33 UTC 2023 node/1/datum [ 1675310253001, -5598950462836224681, -5482446926411541645, null, null, [ "0" ], null ]
Thu Feb  2 03:57:33 UTC 2023 node/1/datum [ 1675310253001, 3452134440566082527, -9028603012390098324, null, null, [ "1" ], null ]

Forwarded ports

The following ports are forwarded to the VM, so you can access the services running there easily:

Host Port VM Port Service
11883 1883 MQTT (SolarQueue); admin login is admin password admin
15432 5432 Postgres; login solarnet password solarnet database solarnetwork
18080 8080 SolarNode (ui)
19080 9080 SolarJobs (ping)
19081 9081 SolarUser (ping) (ui)
19082 9082 SolarQuery (ping)
19083 9083 SolarIn (ping)
19483 9483 SolarIn SSL

Parting thoughts

If you only want to work on SolarNet development, you can streamline your workspace by closing all Eclipse projects except those under solarnet and solarnet-db-setup. Simply select the projects in Eclipse and choose Project > Close Project. See the SolarNet Development Guide for more information, keeping in mind the VM has already been configured with the various settings described there.

For SolarNode development, your development environment will start with all the available SolarNode projects enabled, which can slow your environment down. You can selectively close projects you know you don't need, such as the various net.solarnetwork.node.datum.* projects you are not working on. See the SolarNode Development Guide for more information, keeping in mind the VM has already been configured with the various settings described there.

That's it for this guide. Happy coding!

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