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Releases: apache/eventmesh

Apache EventMesh v1.10.0

19 Dec 13:35
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  • Bug #4178 When there are a large number of errors in the HTTP target, RocketMQ consumption is slow
  • Bug #4220 Fixes some bugs in eventmesh
  • Bug #4236 TCP reconnection failed
  • Bug #4245 Startup failed due to NullPointerException
  • Bug #4286The response body is not recognised as JSON in query WebHook config endpoints
  • Bug #4290 queryWebHookConfigByManufacturer endpoint causes NPE and unable to response
  • Bug #4309 Http process error
  • Bug #4345 Publish EventMeshMessage without requestCode throw java.lang.NullPointerException
  • Bug #4346http demo AsyncPublishInstance test fail
  • Bug #4350 Eventmesh startup failed under MQ plugin
  • Bug #4354 fix spelling mistakes.
  • Bug #4360http example unSubscribeUrl cannot be null
  • Bug #4366When listens for remote nacos offset configuration, ConnectorRecordPartition deserialization fails
  • Bug #4398 Should not use bash to excute sh script with CRLF in it and mis-output
  • Bug #4403 Fix the SPI extension admin-api loading of storage-plugins
  • Bug #4448 meta plugin dist startup failure
  • Bug #4456 startup failure caused by Retryer
  • Bug #4459 Unchecked call to a original type member
  • Bug #4472 MeshMessageProtocolAdaptor#fromCloudEvent throw NPE
  • Bug #4496 Gradle dist error
  • Bug #4517 Webhook callback path is not a valid Nacos dataId
  • Bug #4541 eventmesh-sdk-c make error for fail to make libcurl.a
  • Bug #4585 The first-interaction ci check error
  • Bug #4596 SourceWorker#convertRecordToEvent method converts ConnectRecord to CloudEvent throw NPE
  • Bug #4602 when wechat send message api response errcode is not zero, the wechat sink connector does not throw IllegalAccessException
  • Bug #4619 Grpc request reply can not work
  • Bug #4623 CloudEvents variable names do not support underscores
  • Bug #4625 Grpc request reply can not work-rust sdk
  • Bug #4643 After crashing the runtime and restarting it, the grpc client will not be able to reconnect by sending heartbeat packets
  • Bug #4647 The build binary package failed to run
  • Bug #4652EventMeshGrpcConsumer subscribe webhook send heartBeat throw NP
  • Bug #4659 HTTP source connector stop after receiving an invalid request
  • Bug #4667 Some connectors have not been included in the package
  • Bug #4670 Docker build failed due to a low JDK version
  • Bug #4667 Some connectors have not been included in the package


  • Doc #4182 Add JavaDoc for eventmesh-admin-rocketmq Module
  • Doc #4185 Correct comment grammar mistake
  • Doc #4208 Add JavaDoc for org.apache.eventmesh.runtime.admin APIs of dashboard
  • Doc #4211 Add JavaDoc for eventmesh.runtime.admin APIs (not in dashboard)
  • Doc #4559 Update connector readme doc file.
  • Doc #4607 Docu...
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Apache EventMesh v1.9.0

01 Jul 01:42
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  • Bug #3269 Load plugin failure
  • Bug #3271 Fix handle http message throw IllegalReferenceCountException
  • Bug #3273 Incorrect validation may cause the batch send of events to fail
  • Bug #3284 HTTP server HttpRequest release bug
  • Bug #3306 KafkaConsumerRunner Thread Closes Unexceptedly
  • Bug #3307 Kafka Consumer Closing Twice
  • Bug #3458 EventMeshHttpProducer publish Read timed out
  • Bug #3496 Can't build on jdk17
  • Bug #3595 Throw StorageResourceServiceKnativeImpl StorageResourceServiceKnativeImpl when start runtime with
  • Bug #3667 Rocketmq request callback timeout
  • Bug #3707 Thread leak exists when rocketmq consumer was shutdown
  • Bug #4141 GRPC subscribe error
  • Bug #4150 Fix ci compile error for JDK 11 in eventmesh-connector-openfunction
  • Bug #4144 Subscription is almost impossible to be cancelled when the TCP sub client is closed
  • Bug #4161 JsonUtils not support serialize java.time.LocalDate
  • Bug #4164 EventMeshGrpcConsumer client subscribe topic error
  • Bug #4166 AsyncPublishInstance has no push messages.


Apache EventMesh v1.8.0 (Incubating)

29 Jan 09:29
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  • Bug #2855 eventmesh-sdk-go test error
  • Bug #2849 TCP Server will throw stack over flow error when subscribing because of calling self method recursively
  • Bug #2845 Fix IOException in SSLContextFactory

Apache EventMesh v1.7.0 (Incubating)

04 Dec 01:47
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  • Bug #2163 This method needlessly uses a String literal as a Charset encoding [SendSyncMessageProcessor]
  • Bug #2148 The webhook test occurs with an NPE
  • Bug #1818 Fix IOException in SSLContextFactory
  • Bug #1656 The extension field of CloudEvent does not exist.
  • Bug #1654 Occur NullPointerException when broadcastEventListener consumes message
  • Bug #1627 ConsumerGroup subscribes multiple topics, only first topic can invoke url
  • Bug #1367 Cannot find the webhook protocol adaptor
  • Bug #1350 Fix WebHookProcessorTest test error
  • Bug #1347 Pravega connector writer doesn't close when unsubscribing
  • Bug #1279 incorrect under the eventmesh-connector-pulsar
  • Bug #1238 Can't start the pulsar connector
  • Bug #1208 Use zipkin hippen NullPointerException
  • Bug #1021 Span is null when eventMeshServerTraceEnable is false
  • Bug #1022 Two NPE problems with Tcp Protocol Resolver
  • Bug #1035 Tcp UpStreamMsgContext retry infinite loop
  • Bug #1036 The bug caused by the logical sequence of tcp closeSession
  • Bug #1038 The result of validate target url method is opposite in http protocol
  • Bug #1052 Only the first instance of the same consumer group receives the message in http protocol
  • Bug #1056 Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • Bug #1059 NullPointException of Http Request
  • Bug #1064 NullPointException Of ClientManageControllerTest
  • Bug #1074 Fix PrometheusConfigurationTest running test fail

Document and code style improvement

Apache EventMesh v1.6.0 (Incubating)

31 Aug 08:03
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  • Bug #980 The fields need to be made final
  • Bug #997 ProducerGroupConf#equals doesn't work
  • Bug #1021 Span is null when eventMeshServerTraceEnable is false
  • Bug #1022 Two NPE problems with Tcp Protocol Resolver
  • Bug #1035 Tcp UpStreamMsgContext retry infinite loop
  • Bug #1036 The bug caused by the logical sequence of tcp closeSession
  • Bug #1038 The result of validate target url method is opposite in http protocol
  • Bug #1052 Only the first instance of the same consumer group receives the message in http protocol
  • Bug #1056 Fix StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
  • Bug #1059 NullPointException of Http Request
  • Bug #1064 NullPointException Of ClientManageControllerTest
  • Bug #1074 Fix PrometheusConfigurationTest running test fail

Document and code style improvement

Apache EventMesh v1.5.0 (Incubating)

04 Jul 08:50
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  • Support golang sdk
  • Add consumer, producer, heartbeat
  • Add msg dispatcher on rece msg from mesh server
  • Add go client api
  • Add fake server for go sdk test
  • Add go sdk example
  • Support nacos registry
  • Add WatchDirectoryTask and add file watch listener and manager
  • Add ttl default value when building BatchMessage
  • Http request improve support request uri for http processors
  • Support http protocol adaptor
  • Support event bridge pub/sub
  • Add the eventmesh metadata to nacos
  • Add trace buried point for EventmeshTcpServer in eventmesh-runtime


  • Could not find or load main class by test script
  • Darwin operating system detection bug fix
  • Fix LocalSubscribeEventProcessor json deserialize error
  • Fix the key when removing item from ClientGroupMap


  • Remove tool directory
  • Lint the documentations with markdownlint
  • Update bug_report.yml, fix typo
  • Updated slack invite link in README
  • Removed redundant code
  • Optimized documentation docker script code blocks
  • Upgrade spring libs & jackson-databind s version to fix CVEs issues
  • Update ci.yml enable codecov
  • Upgrade rocketmq libs version to fix CVEs
  • Removed
  • Remove some useless classes from eventmesh-common.
  • Clean up some useless constants and classes.
  • Add test code for module [eventmesh-trace-plugin]
  • Add files via upload
  • Transitively export the dependencies of [eventmesh-sdk-java] to other module
  • Add the unit guidelines document and issue template
  • Add the unit test document link and modify the unit test issue template
  • Rewrite the English documentation
  • Format the code in eventmesh-sdk-java and eventmesh-common
  • Rewrite and fix errors in the documentation
  • Delete unnecessary shadow plugin
  • Add unit test for sdk java
  • Delete already defined java-library plugin and make lombok compileOnly
  • Adapt unit tests to JDK 8
  • Guide of EventMesh Java SDK
  • Avoid setting the value of the field by reflection in the unit test.
  • Add unit tests for EventMesh SDK for Java
  • Remove unused methods in EventMesh-Connector-Api Producer interface
  • Update Chinese version of
  • Add new contributor doc that have been reorganized
  • Update em host in example
  • Update licenserrc.yaml to ignore go.sum
  • Add http request doc instruction
  • Add remote processors for event bridge
  • Code optimization
  • Registry plugin is disabled by default
  • Optimize trace module in eventmesh
  • Check whether the registry is enabled

All pull request are here

Apache EventMesh v1.4.0 (Incubating)

15 Mar 15:49
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  • Feature #417 A lightable full-featured polyglot capability support



  • Bug #768 HTTP Subscriber: Updating subscription information is not taking effect
  • Bug #756 upgrade commons-validator as v1.6 depends on commons-beanutils 1.92 which has a CVE
  • Bug #754 guava 29.0 has a CVE
  • Bug #752 httpclient 4.5.2 has a CVE
  • Bug #750 eventmesh-common pom has junit and assertj has compile dependencies

Document and Code Style Improvement

Apache EventMesh v1.3.0 (Incubating)

20 Dec 11:55
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  • Bug #448 EventMeshTCPServer set unknown channel options
  • Bug #461 Global flow control is not work in MessageTransferTask
  • Bug #476 Biz Exceptions occured in EventMesh cause connection close of client
  • Bug #646 Missing the rocketmq message properties during protocol conversion
  • Bug #630 RocketMQProducerImpl cannot load config properties from classpath

Document and Code Style Improvement

Apache EventMesh v1.2.0 (Incubating)

31 Jul 03:15
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  • ISSUE #74 Suggest support rocketmq as store
  • ISSUE #176 Support Spi for extended implementation to accommodate a variety of MQ
  • ISSUE #190 Support pub/sub ,heartbeat manage and subscribe manage for http
  • ISSUE #201 Support running eventmesh in docker


  • ISSUE #391 Optimize interface design in eventmesh-connector-api
  • ISSUE #378 downstream broadcast msg asynchronously
  • ISSUE #186 Separate the eventmesh-connector-defibus and eventmesh-connector-rocketmq config from eventmesh-runtime
  • ISSUE #366 Clear some legacy concept
  • ISSUE #256 Upgrade Openmessaging-api to 2.2.1-pubsub version


  • ISSUE #397 Remove subscription session failed error
  • ISSUE #386 ConsumerGroup Queue Offset is not synced up correctly after PullConsumer has consumer all the messages in the topic
  • ISSUE #382 java.lang.NumberFormatException when parsing Long
  • ISSUE #368 Racing Condition problem in EventMesh SDK's LiteConsumer HTTP Client
  • ISSUE #211 Rocketmq-connector throw nullpointer exception
  • ISSUE #203 The consumer pull request message's attribute 'bizSeqNo' is null
  • ISSUE #212 For multiple listening instances, only the last started instance can receive messages
  • ISSUE #216 EventMesh ProxyTcpRetryer throws NumberFormatException
  • ISSUE #226 eventMesh-rocketmq-connector tcp pub throw operation time out exception
  • ISSUE #188 Test send sync RR(request-response) msg failed, just send one message, but receive msgs continuously
  • ISSUE #184 Eventmesh-connector-rocketmq can not send and receive msg successfully
  • ISSUE #220 pub/sub client fails to start
  • ISSUE #222 When onChange is NEW, eventMesh occurred NullPointException

Document and Code Style Improvement

  • ISSUE #393 The topic name in test file is long and obscure
  • ISSUE #302 Add "Incubating" to the project name in docs
  • ISSUE #306 Modify the package name to org.apache and improve the test cases
  • ISSUE #304 Lack Notice file of eventmesh project
  • ISSUE #295 Lack of licenses in each source file under the eventmesh-runtime module
  • ISSUE #265 Specification of code structure and file naming
  • ISSUE #219 Supply detail information or for eventmesh running in docker
  • ISSUE #242 Lack protocol document in English

EventMesh v1.1.1 release

11 Nov 04:13
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EventMesh v1.1.1 release.


  • Support HTTPS


  • issue-63, eventmesh doc has been supplemented and improved
  • issue-75, delete some duplicate import packages
  • issue-165, support HTTPS