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Many of your officials and journalists dealing with China affairs are subverted by red money,so they often give out gibberish.

苏冀 edited this page Aug 24, 2017 · 1 revision

Many of your officials and journalists dealing with China affairs are subverted by red money,so they often give out gibberish.

For example,VOA has become the CCP's low level agents's voice.Light ,superficial and weird mumblers such as He Qinglian,Chang Ping and Chen Guangcheng can not be trusted.Try to find some data,like part of Guo Wengui's legends, Liu Gang's "novels" and Zhuang Feng's "miniseries".

Do not readily trust talky Chinese ,sinologists or businessmen deeply tied with Beijing.Do not have them as ambassadors and alike.Overt mouthpieces such Jin Canrong can not be trusted, axiomaticly too.

Try to read real reformists at , and so on,like Wu Jinglian ,Li Yongzhong,Lin Shangli,etc. Li Ka-shing and Lee Hsien Loong are not at low level too,they are among filthy ,fat and wavering "Three Represents"s.

You westerners understand gloomy China little,as Chinese understand black African little.When Zhongnanhai is in unprecedented infighting,purge your rotten traitors first ,so as to cope with the CCP's looming infighting,splitting and falling.First of first ,get a more real view about China :

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