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1398 lines (982 loc) · 72.9 KB

File metadata and controls

1398 lines (982 loc) · 72.9 KB



1.21.0 - 2021-09-08


  • Windows installer: Allow user to choose the instalation path.
  • Copy-paste images into chat
  • make chatlist item height changeable by themes.
  • "rocket chat"-like experimental theme
  • Implement new contact request ui/ux
  • Implement new connectivity view


  • Update translations (06.09.2021)
  • Upgrade electron-builder to 22.12.0
  • Upgrade deltachat-node to v1.60.0
  • Upgrade esbuild to 0.12.15
  • Update testcafe to 1.15.0
  • Upgrade react and react-dom to 17.0.2
  • refresh theme if there is an update event by electron
  • Update to electron 13.1.6
  • Update some dependencies (classnames, emoji-regex, mime-types, use-debounce) and remove unused ones (immutability-helper, @blueprintjs/select, wolfy87-eventemitter, @types/classnames, @types/css, @types/sass, depcheck, pngjs)
  • use core method to validate email addresses, this will make tld email addresses possible
  • upgrade minimum nodejs to version 14
  • remove dependencies that are now not needed anymore (fs-extra)
  • Upgrade error-stack-parser to 2.0.6
  • Make sass and @types/debounce development dependencies
  • cleanup backend / main process (remove unused functions / variables)
  • Remove dependency array-differ
  • replace react-virtualized with react-window
  • show user-visible error in fullscreen media view if mimetype isn't set or not supported
  • migrate to core account system


  • rename --debug flag to --devmode (in order to fix #2315)
  • fix duplicated contacts in search
  • fix going into archived view starts at bottom

[1.20.3] - 2021-06-30


  • Chat Background fixes (fix black border on bee background, fix preview of background in settings and color picker now is set to the current color when its opened)
  • allow brackets in links (see #2238)


  • Update translations (30.06.2021)
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.56.0

1.20.2 - 2021-06-04


  • Add env option VERSION_INFO_GIT_REF to manualy set the git-ref on the version info, so that you can set it manually if needed. (interesting for packagers only)


  • Fix "Forwarded by $author" in message and add support for overwritten sender name to it.
  • Fix cursor type on hovering over sticker
  • Fix links in status (profile view)


  • Adjust sticker styling (quote styling).


  • remove unused dependency spectron, which also removes chromedriver dependency.

1.20.1 - 2021-05-28


  • fix empty settings after importing backup
  • fix archiving/unarchiving chat deselection issues (see #2262)
  • clear userfeedback on account switch / logout (see #2261)
  • fix link color in quotes


  • update translations (28.05.2021)

1.20.0 - 2021-03-22


  • use new decideOnContactRequest api


  • add option to open message HTML in browser
  • encryption info for groups
  • Add status text to profile view
  • allow sending of ".webp" stickers
  • allow starting a video chat in groups
  • add local help for zh_CN and fr
  • add missing Czech translation #2218
  • add Mailinglist support
  • add support for overwritten sender name (also sometimes referred to as impersonation)
  • add experimental audit log to chats (view where only info/system messages are shown such as member added/removed)
  • add --minimized CLI option to start DeltaChat minimized as a tray icon. This is useful for setting DeltaChat as a startup application that starts up with your computer.
  • add support for handling mailto: links.


  • Fix source-mapped stack trace on crash screen in bundled production builds
  • Don't delete Contact request messages, that are blocked - answered with never. #2225
  • hide show encryption info for saved messages (resulted in error)
  • Make text of elements like timestamps, chat list summaries etc. non selectable
  • remove "file://" scheme from filenames before calling dc_msg_set_file for stickers
  • initialize name field in contact profile dialog with previously manually set name and use authname as a placeholder
  • show context menu also for video chat messages
  • Fix a bug where the settings crashed
  • Fix a startup crash that sometimes appeared when you had multiple accounts setup.


  • update translations (22.05.2021)
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.55.0
  • Remove double-click to quote → this allows users to properly use double and triple click to select stuff again

1.15.5 - 2021-03-27


  • add Menu item on macOS to show the main window

1.15.4 - 2021-03-24


  • Fix dragging out file attachments #2177
  • own location and path in maps is not visible in single chats
  • Fix crash in settings-profile if account object is empty
  • make notifications more reliable and allow multiple ones at a time


  • Switch back to file scheme #2171 fixes audio and video seeking issues
  • adjust warning/hint color of before-login-hint
  • increase DAYS_UNTIL_UPDATE_SUGGESTION to 120 days
  • improve notifications (show chat name and avatar)

1.15.3 - 2021-03-18


  • Fix qrcode unscanable in darktheme #2163
  • choose better default locations for file open dialogs #2133


  • Disable fontligatures completely
  • Rename message context menu entry "Copy" to "Copy Text" #2294

1.15.2 - 2021-03-03


  • Fix disable contact name edit field on device message
  • Fix right click on image mesage opens both context menus #2122
  • Fix Attachment sometimes not being displayed (#2144)
  • Fix possible backup corruption (pause io while doing a backup) (#2148)
  • Fix some react warnings (#2152)
  • Fix crash in settings
  • Fix enabling/disabling notifications


  • update translations (02.03.2021)
  • change "Download attachment" to "Export attachment"


  • translations for Khmer, Kurdish, Sardu, Slovak and Norwegian

1.15.1 - 2021-02-13


  • Package Problems


  • Update electron-builder to 22.9.1
  • Update electron-notarize to 1.0.0

1.15.0 - 2021-02-11


  • open message info when clicking on the error status icon of a message
  • add deltachat desktop version & build info to the logfiles
  • Add warn dialog for urls containing punycode
  • add a minimalistic theme featuring an irc like message view
  • add a context menu for electron (adds copy/paste options to composer #1997, #2047)
  • Add copy button to qrcode text/url result dialog
  • Add a confirmation dialog when starting a new videochat


  • always show timestamp and padlock/nopadlock on messages (previously padlock and timestamp were hidden on error)
  • update translations (10.02.2021)
  • add Farsi translation
  • Try to always focus composer textarea
  • Store relative instead of absolute path to last Account #2028
  • replace parcel bunder with esbuild bundler (faster bundle speed)
  • turn "theme not found" error from the --theme cli option from process exit into normal init fail with a user readable error message in an dialog.
  • loghandler: warn on non-writable stream
  • move error toast to top in order to free the view onto the message input field.
  • overhaul ui of email settings
  • overhaul ui of switching between media/message list and map
  • overhaul ui of "context" menu button
  • ui: integrate map dialog into the main screen
  • Upgrade electron to version 11
  • use only esbuild for frontend builds (skip typescript build & validation, typescript can now be checked with npm run test or npm run check-types)
  • ui: make videochat invite messages look like on android
  • ui: overhaul send message button
  • ux: indicate who forwarded the message in groups


  • Remove intergrated BasicWebRTC, because it was broken and we currently lack the resources to fix and maintain it
  • Disable React Devtools as they are broken in the newer electron versions
  • remove terser minification, the minfication of esbuild is sufficient and faster


  • correctly display RTL text inside of the message input field (see #2036)
  • performance: only mark messages read on the currently fetched page instead of all when selecting a chat
  • show right default background for theme in background preview in settings
  • handle invalid theme metadata better (don't display no themes anymore when one has invalid metadata)
  • Fix copy of labeled links
  • Fix hard to alter text in the middle of "Video chat instance" input field (see #2016)
  • Add missing options (at once, one minute...) for autodelete from server
  • Update failed messages also in messagelist
  • Fix crash on upgrading from v1.12 or earlier

1.14.1 - 2020-12-15


  • Add Press F5 to call dcMaybeNetwork


  • Show linebreaks in quotes
  • trust all labeled links from device chat
  • Adjust order of buttons at labeled link dialog
  • Change order and ux of context menus, especially for messages
  • Increase padding of draft/reply area
  • All import of .tar backup
  • open profile view instead of chat on click on contact
  • Switch to showing archived chats when selecting an archived chat in the chat search and emptying the search
  • Switch to archived/normal view accordingly when selecting an archived/unarchived chat
  • Update Translations
  • call maybe_network on window focus
  • Overhaul ui of chat background settings


  • Fix "copy link" context menu option for labeled links
  • Fix exception when opening second instance of deltachat and tray icon is disabled
  • Fix showing/focusing deltachat on second instance
  • Hide reply context menu option in device chat
  • Fix messages sometimes overflowing
  • Fix resizing of quote after fetching author
  • Fix state update on unmounted components in Timestamp and LoginScreen
  • Fix non emojis getting displayed big (see #1989)
  • Fix selecting a chat focus composer input (see #1986)
  • Fix processing qr code again while another is still getting processed
  • Fix reconnecting logic on suspend/resume or disconnecting/connecting to a network
  • Fix using first letter of email address on avatars if there is no username or profile image set
  • Fix styling of disabled "remove profile image" button
  • Fix bug in tray menu showing hide when the window was visible or vice-versa
  • Hopefully fixed rare bug of draft area not getting cleared
  • Fix copy text selection from context menu
  • Fix Contact Requests (ui was not properly updating)

1.14.0 - 2020-11-24


  • Upgrade Emoji Picker(Emoji 12.1) and emojifont(Unicode 13.1) for new emoji support 🦾
  • Add Keyboard navigation between accounts in account selection screen
  • Add the account name to the account deletion-confirmation dialog
  • Add a hover tool-tip with account path and size when hovering over the email address of an account (this is useful when importing a backup of an account you already have and can't distinguish which is the old account and which is the imported one)
  • Add context menu to gallery
  • Option for packagers to disable asar (NO_ASAR=true npm run pack:generate_config).
  • Added context menu for info messages
  • Add simple support for displaying quotes (no attachment preview nor jump to message yet)
  • Show sending indicator for outgoing info messages #1867
  • Implement tray icon (huge thanks to @pepea28 for contributing & pushing this)
  • Add info log message that lists all unconfigured accounts, so you don't need to find them yourself to delete them. (see #1952)
  • Add draft/staging area
    • add a description to the files you send
    • reply to other messages
  • Re-add pasting in of qrcode data


  • Change "More info" translation to "Message Details"
  • Through the emoji mart update, frequent emojis are now not sorted immediately, fixes #1177
  • gallery media display type is chosen via viewType now and if the mime type is not displayable by the browser an error is shown
  • minor gallery style adjustments
  • Own Context Menu Implementation that makes development easier
  • Update translations
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.50.0
  • Update inAppHelp
  • hasLocation indicator on messages is now always shown even when the experimental Location streaming feature is not turned on
  • localize some unlocalized strings in settings ("select" and "remove" buttons beneath the profile image)
  • Overhauled look and feel of the profile editing section in settings
  • Overhauled look and feel of about dialog


  • removed inline message buttons (3dot menu button and download button)


  • Fixed missing application icon for linux
  • Fixed unselecting current chat after deleting another chat
  • Fix hover color on emoji picker for light theme
  • Fix missing translations in emoji picker
  • Fix broken enlargen group image #1924
  • Fix opening of multiple setting windows via keybinding
  • Fix two issues with the labeled link (see #1893)
  • Fix refresh of "empty chat" info meassage on chat changes
  • Fix removing incompleted account (see #1952)
  • Fix that drag n' drop selection message text resulted in an "send following dropped files" dialog
  • Fix adding of multiple members to a group via add member with searches in between (see #1964)

1.13.1 - 2020-10-06


  • order media in gallery after sortTimestamp, newer ones up


  • Fix a bug where we render an empty message list
  • Hide invalid options in menu (example: send video invitation in device chat)

1.13.0 - 2020-10-01


  • Fix search shows placeholders
  • Fix ok button not being a primary button in EncryptionInfo dialog
  • Fix handling of QrReader errors with own logger instead of console.error

1.13.0-rc4 - 2020-10-01


  • Added indicator icon if disappearing messages are enabled in a chat/group


  • Update deltachat-node to v1.45.0
  • run npm audit fix
  • Overhaul colors of login hint
  • Change "remove account" translation to "delete account"
  • Disappearing messages are now enabled by default and not experimental anymore


  • Fix network errors not shown on failed login
  • Fix crash on settings after first login
  • Make sure login screen doesn't flash on slow devices
  • Fix logging of react crashes.
  • Fix confusing error message on wrong autocrypt setup message code
  • Fix automatically login to last remembered account
  • Fix scanning qr code and general improvement of the whole process
  • Fix avatar initials of the text avatars, of people with no displayname, inside of the messagelist
  • Fix refreshing message list when disappearing message timed out

1.13.0-rc1 - 2020-08-13


  • Improve UX of changing/updating group & contact names, add buttons in those dialogs to the dialog footer
  • Overhaul QR Code dialog and condense scan/show qr code into one dialog
  • Implement welcome screen & overhaul login flow & account overview
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.44.0


  • Fix sluggish ui while typing in email address in login form
  • Fix url parsing in labeled link confirmation dialog

1.12.0 - 2020-07-31


  • Updated deltachat-node to v1.42.1

1.10.4 - 2020-07-30


  • Implement experimental WebRTC support for 1to1 video chats & audio calls

1.10.3 - 2020-07-30


  • Fix labeled links (fix the regex, make it dumber)

1.10.2 - 2020-07-30


  • Fix messagelist being empty when starting chat with contact request
  • Fix messagelist not having a scrollbar sometimes
  • Fix settings dialog not closable with escape key
  • Fix "New contact" in search results

1.10.1 - 2020-07-29


  • add hint below ephemeral messages options, that explains the feature


  • translate the term "error" in configure dialog
  • fix "Invalid date" in message details on searchresult


  • disable keycombination for Scroll active chat (alt + left arrow because this keyboard shortcut is already used by mac to move over words in input fields)


  • deltachat-node to 1.41.0
  • core version 1.41

1.10.0 - 2020-07-16


  • :colon-emoji: support for skin tones (👍:skin-tone-6:)
  • :colon-emoji:'s are now replaced with the unicode emoji they represent on send
  • add explaination if there are no contact requests
  • add support for markdown links [label](url) (with a open confirmation dialog to prevent phishing)
  • implement disappearing messages as an experimental feature


  • fix using the system language if no language is selected
  • fix a bug where the user would end up with multiple contexts after reloading from a frontend crash
  • fix Chat-view does not scroll down on incoming message #1783


  • when opening the emoji picker its search bar gets now focused and when closing it the composer gets focused


  • removed styled-components
  • increase the version numbering to 1.10 to sync up with ios & android versioning and to avoid troubles with the ancient tags that still linger in the git history.


  • updated google-noto color emoji font
  • deltachat-node to 1.40.0
  • core version 1.40

1.4.3 - 2020-06-30


  • localize full timestamps (when hovering above the short ones) (issue #1732)


  • fix startup with last used language (issue #1765)
  • fix language update did not apply instantly (issue #1637)
  • fix ChatListItem timestamp bug (issue #1720)



  • window.translate is now window.static_translate
  • also introduced <i18nContext.Consumer> & useTranslationFunction() which trigger a rerender when the language changes

1.4.2 - 2020-06-26


  • Burner accounts with QR code
  • Theming (some Dark themes and the possibibilty to add even custom ones)
  • Mute Chats
  • Add Search for Contacts and Messages
  • Add autodelete settings
  • add git rev to the version in the about dialog
  • Oportunistic reminder to update after 90days
  • Add a crash-screen that appears instead of the white-screen on a react crash.
  • Add enlarge group image
  • Add chat image to navbar


  • Pointer cursor on hovering over document item
  • update Readme a bit
  • Fix whitescreen crash on opening the EncryptionInfoDialog
  • Fix drop send multiple files at once (#1622)
  • Fix window bounds are not saved correctly #1705
  • Fix export backup progress bar missing
  • Fix dc_get_msg called with special msg_id=0 warnings printed to console
  • Fix window position on first start (#1711)
  • Fix error message on login starting with ',' #1702
  • Fix offline toast displayed before login #1729
  • Fix "Authentication failed" notification does not disappear even after successfull login #1594
  • Fix login button staying disabled on error #1661
  • Fix use system language until the user chooses their language #1712
  • Fix selecting a non existing chat after restarting DeltaChat


  • Tweak settings design a bit
  • Adjust chatlistitem hover colors
  • Improve human-readability of logfiles
  • display the offline status as permanent toast instead of the error message
  • open an electron error dialog on uncaught Excerptions
  • Tweak Login styling
  • move qr code description up
  • Tweak: Less cursor type switching
  • Improve styling of Fullscreen-Attachment buttons
  • move the verified icon over the group avatar
  • now it is possible to have multiple accounts with the same email address (you can import a backup next to the active account)
  • change account path again - now the account folder name isn't tied to the email address anymore.
  • Update to deltachat-node v1.39.0 (async core)
  • Add open attachment to message context menu and increase clickable area (click to open attachment)
  • Overhauled login/update credentials flow & ui/ux to provide a more stable and clear experience
  • Importing a backup now automatically loads the imported account
  • Save account path instead of account addr for remembering the last selected account
  • We don't scroll down on incoming messages anymore
  • Solved the macOS appstore issue and the macOS notarizing issue.
  • Exclude some unused resources from being bundled with the release.


This section is only relevant to contributors.

  • Convert everything in the source folder to typescript
  • move more styles from styled-components to scss
  • Refactor Dialog system to make things easier for developers and fix stacking multiple instances of the same dialog
  • split settings dialog into multiple files
  • convert requires to imports
  • Refactor Keybindings
  • Split Build script into smaller build scripts.
  • replace node-sass with sass to remove the native dependency
  • introduce runtime.ts as a place to collect electron specific functions (will replace renderer/ipc.ts)
  • 1.4.0 and 1.4.1 don't have a tag/release as they were test versions only distributed on the Microsoft App Store


  • update Translations
  • update Help

1.3.4 - 2020-05-18


  • Fix crash on login when entering invalid email
  • Fix not being able to login because of old core
  • Fix scanning qr code
  • Fix error toast only showing the event name and not the error message


  • Upgrade deltachat-node to v1.33.0

1.3.3 - 2020-05-12


  • Fix encryption dialog causing white screen


  • Account Path: old accounts are now migrated to the new account system.

If you experience startup problems make sure you don't have two account folders of the same account.\ This could happen if you duplicated an account folder for backup purposes, for example. If you did not modify the account folders please open an issue on github.

1.3.2 - 2020-05-11


  • Fix not being able to delete the first character when renaming a contact


  • Mirror picture when scanning a QR code
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.32.0

1.3.1 - 2020-05-05


  • Fix showing the correct menu on Mac
  • Fix showing the titlebar on Mac
  • Fix qr scanning on Mac

1.3.0 - 2020-04-30


  • add Import/Scan QR code which enables you to verify contacts and to join verifed groups from desktop (#1550)
  • add pinned chats #1537
  • add big view of profile image (closes #1356)
  • add option to change a contacts displayname (#1502)
  • add some Mac keybindings (related to #1451)
    • add cmd + , as shortcut to open the settings
    • focus the message composer
    • mac specific hide window (solves #634)
  • add primitive & experimental contact import (you can import a json array of contacts in the devconsole)
  • add archive label to archived chats #1537
  • add support for opening openpgp4fpr uris with deltachat-desktop


  • --debug enables now --log-debug & --log-to-console
  • The forward message dialog now shows saved messages as first option.

Performance Improvements

  • remove lag when scolling the settings (add thumbnails for chat backgrounds in settings screen)


  • Info events are now always logged (not only when --log-debug is enabled)
  • fix that emojis get displayed right in the popups
  • fix composer whitescreen when having a zoomlevel
  • Some styling fixes:
    • remove unneccessary border on chatlist
    • changer caret color of sarch input to the same color as the placeholder
    • make dialog height overlap navbar/composer for fixed dialogs
    • Fix fake-contact-item label #1529
  • fixes help won't open on mac (open help in seperate electron window)
  • fix hover color for selected chats and make it a lot more slight


This section is only relevant to contributors.

  • Convert project files to typescript (75% complete)
  • Move more styled components to scss and cleanup some unsused classes
  • add top-evil script (shows places that need work)


  • Update translations & languages shown in menu, change prefix of npm translation scripts
  • Update Core to deltachat-core-rust @ 979d7c5 (deltachat-node v1.29.1)

1.2.0 - 2020-03-30


  • Update deltachat-node/deltachat-core-rust to v1.28.0
  • Some typescript convertions @Simon-Laux


1.1.1 - 2020-03-14


  • Update deltachat-node/deltachat-core-rust to v1.27.0
    • This fixes a bug of undecryptable messages

1.1.0 - 2020-03-10


  • Add copy qr code manually
  • Add zoom factor option in order to adjust font size. (It's found under View->Zoom Factor)


  • Development related:
    • new code formatter (prettier insted of standardjs)
    • convert some more code to typescript
  • update deltachat node 1.26.0


  • fix focus composer textarea when chat id changes
  • fix group name editable
  • fix avatar shrink bug on too long names (profile view)
  • fix emoji name/initial avatars in message list
  • fix a css bug that destroyed the app layout in media view (eadd487)
  • fix copy to selection button shown even when nothing was selected.


  • removed some unused dependencies

Known Bugs

  • inApp help is broken on MacOS Help

1.0.0 - 2020-02-22

Known Bugs


  • open help via F1
  • button to open DM chat in profile view
  • info messages are now selecteable
  • provider info
  • info message in empty chats
  • --multiple-instances flag to allow multiple deltachat instances


  • Upgrade deltachat-node to v1.25.0
  • upgrade electron builder to 22.3.2
  • upgrade electron to 6.1.7
  • Open Help in browser
  • improved build process
  • Chat scrolling improvements
  • replace webpack with parcel
  • convert more
  • Restyle main menu
  • Media view doesn't go into fullscreen anymore.


  • Small styling fixes
  • Fix qr images getting scrollable
  • Duplicate language entries in Language selection menu
  • Fix Message state was not updated in ChatView
  • Fix images so they don't cause horizontal scrolling anymore.


  • remove version from titlebar

0.999.1 - 2020-02-02


  • Fix crash on help in distributed packages

0.999.0 - 2020-02-02


  • Fullscreen view for media files
  • Select last openend chat after starting app
  • Implement In-App Help
  • Implement BCC-Self setting
  • Add TypeScript support
  • Add/Move to TestCafe as testing framework
  • Add windows icons


  • Improve chatlist performance
  • Removed welcome screen and image
  • Rewrite account folder logic
  • Improve styling of media gallery
  • Show Verified Icon in Navbar
  • Disable search when showing archived chats
  • Update deltachat-node to v1.0.0-beta23.1


  • Fix importing keys
  • Various login & account setting fixes
  • Fix unread counter
  • Fix clicking on notifications and focusing app
  • Map dialog styling
  • Fix qr images overflowing on small screens
  • Fix missing avatars in groups
  • Fix sometimes not loading all messages
  • Fix destination of DeltaChatData folder if run as portable app
  • Delete old logs
  • Fix showing spinner more noticable
  • Fix video attachment play button

0.901.0 - 2019-12-20



  • markdown removed (will come back in the future)


  • Fix the desktop side of the bug where when a user changed their name the new name wasn't displayed see #1228 for more info on that bug.

  • Fix MessageList not updating/scrolling down on incoming message #1229 @Jikstra

  • Fix subtitle missing in device-chat #1225@Simon-Laux

  • Fix CHAT_MODIFIED state update #1247 @nicodh

  • Fix POI only visible after reloading map #1351 @nicodh

  • Avoid update draft loop #1248 @nicodh

  • Make sure all layers are removed before updates #1259 @nicodh

  • Fix bug: chat was still selected active after switching accounts #1260 @nicodh

  • Don't fetch chat twice #1262 @nicodh

  • Update deltachat-node to 1.0.0-beta.21

0.900.0 - 2019-12-12







  • @adbenitez fixed some types

  • Thanks to our translators

  • Update deltachat-node to 1.0.0-beta.15

0.840.0 - 2019-11-05




0.201.0 - 2019-09-27


  • A few default chat background images to choose from @Simon-Laux


  • fixed new Language Strings and fixed a11y strings

0.200.0 - 2019-09-26




0.104.0 - 2019-06-09




0.103.0 - 2019-05-22




0.102.0 - 2019-03-12





0.101.0 - 2019-02-27





  • Show leading digits in Autocrypt Setup (#651) (@ralphtheninja)
  • Change chown to chmod in (#655) /(@naltun)
  • Remove/Hide scrollbar in groupname & and fix emoji in avatar (#661) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Do not send empty messages (i.e. only spaces) (#670) (@nicodh)
  • Fix layout breaking when pasting long multiline messages to composer
  • Focus the composer position on the current selection/cursor (#677) (@jikstra)

0.100.0 - 2019-01-27




  • Fix message duplication (#613) (@Simon-Laux)
  • Appdata updates and cleanup (@har9862)
  • For some reasons emoji-mart doesn't pull in a required dependency, we need to require it manually (@jikstra)

0.99.0 - 2019-01-20





0.98.2 - 2019-01-11





0.98.1 - 2019-01-06


  • Use google noto emojis and remove image emojis (@Simon-Laux)
  • Tweak functionality in edit group page (@Simon-Laux)

0.98.0 - 2019-01-05



  • Add settings for configuring mvbox and sentbox threads (@jikstra)
  • Add divider between chat list and chat view (@Simon-Laux)
  • Write output of dc.getInfo() to console (@ralphtheninja)



0.97.0 - 2018-12-24


0.96.0 - 2018-12-11


  • Improve experience for inputting Autocrypt setup codes (@karissa)
  • Media view for chats (@karissa)
  • See encryption info for contacts in a chat (@karissa)
  • List contact requests (@karissa)
  • File->Quit in the menu to quit the application (@ralphtheninja)
  • Drag a file out of the chat window to the filesystem to copy it locally (@Simon-Laux)
  • Settings option for sending read receipts (@karissa)
  • Settings option for preferring encryption (@karissa)
  • Forget account button in the Login screen (@karissa)
  • Update account settings while logged in (@karissa)


  • Make button hover state a pointer cursor (@karissa)
  • Read and delivered checkmarks are now green (@Jikstra )
  • Display filename and size for downloadable files in messages (@Simon-Laux)
  • Richer file messages, including displaying webm videos (@ralphtheninja)
  • Ask user before leaving group (@ralphtheninja)
  • Mark messages read properly (@karissa)
  • Small bug with exporting backups (@Jikstra)


0.90.1 - 2018-12-11




Historical Note We decided to change the versionining scheme to be more in line with the android app.

Historical Note 2 We removed the older changelog, you can look at the git history to get it. (version numbers made hallmark crazy) 1.21.0 [unreleased]: