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Releases: directus/directus


03 Apr 19:47
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⚠️ Potential Breaking Changes

  • @directus/api

✨ New Features & Improvements

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Fixes issue where public pages didn't have the correct tab titles (#21827 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Deprecated Webhooks and auto-migrated existing ones to Flows (#21808 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Simplified v-image component (#21904 by @br41nslug)
    • Moved @directus/format-title into the monorepo (#21847 by @paescuj)
      Notable changes since the last release:
      • Added AI and SDK to the list of acronyms
      • Fixed the RegExp used to detect separators
    • Fixed active state for Collections in navigation menu with Content Versions and Bookmarks (#21786 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue where images in the file library can hit the rate limiter (#21894 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed the search filter to show the input in collapsed state and use the correct border color in expanded state (#21840 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue where duplicating an item (Save as Copy) with many relational items could fail (#22053 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Added autocomplete attribute to 2FA input (#21986 by @vamsii777)
    • Fixed "Save As Copy" functionality for M2M/O2M root fields (#21896 by @joselcvarela)
    • Ensured "Auto Refresh" is paused when the app is not in use (#22024 by @paescuj)
    • Ensured the search interface applies the correct initial value for boolean filter operators (like "Is null") (#22050 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed marketplace pagination not allowing partial pages and corrected TS type errors for search and type query parameters. (#22034 by @ComfortablyCoding)
  • @directus/api
    • Moved @directus/format-title into the monorepo (#21847 by @paescuj)
      Notable changes since the last release:
      • Added AI and SDK to the list of acronyms
      • Fixed the RegExp used to detect separators
    • Added WebSocket Session Authentication (#21837 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed state of extensions after enabling/disabling in multiple instances setups (#21908 by @joselcvarela)
    • Ensured "ON UPDATE" constraints are considered in schema snapshots (#21190 by @u12206050)
    • Fixed the extensions migration for sub extensions of module bundles (#21857 by @paescuj)
    • Optimised updating of multiple fields by clearing caches and regenerating schema only once at the end (#21818 by @licitdev)
    • Hidden non session SSO providers from the app (#21874 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed an issue where requests with long User-Agent headers could fail (#21687 by @connorwinston)
    • Improved schema retrieval performance by locking the generation of the cached value (#21824 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed an issue preventing MSSQL and CRDB from initializing system tables on bootstrap (#22019 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/system-data
  • @directus/format-title
    • Moved @directus/format-title into the monorepo (#21847 by @paescuj)
      Notable changes since the last release:
      • Added AI and SDK to the list of acronyms
      • Fixed the RegExp used to detect separators
    • Added new acronyms and cleaned-up duplicates (#21935 by @licitdev)
  • @directus/types
  • @directus/sdk
  • @directus/utils
    • Fixed "contains" operators (used for validation / conditions) to work with arrays and "icontains" to respect case insensitivity (#22002 by @DanielBiegler)

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Moved @directus/format-title into the monorepo (#21847 by @paescuj)
    Notable changes since the last release:
    • Added AI and SDK to the list of acronyms
    • Fixed the RegExp used to detect separators
  • Added report URL configuration support (#21174 by @ComfortablyCoding)
  • Added SDK Custom Endpoint Helper (#21850 by @br41nslug)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@12.0.0
  • @directus/api@19.0.0
  • @directus/composables@10.1.12
  • create-directus-extension@10.1.7
  • @directus/env@1.1.1
  • @directus/extensions@1.0.2
  • @directus/extensions-registry@1.0.2
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@11.0.2
  • @directus/format-title@10.1.1
  • @directus/memory@1.0.6
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.18
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.19
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.19
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.19
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.20
  • @directus/storage-driver-supabase@1.0.11
  • @directus/system-data@1.0.2
  • @directus/themes@0.3.6
  • @directus/types@11.0.8
  • @directus/utils@11.0.7
  • @directus/validation@0.0.14
  • @directus/sdk@15.1.0


12 Mar 17:31
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/api
    • Fixed an issue that could cause the graphql system endpoint to use the wrong schema (#21821 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/specs
    • Corrected the type of the filter query parameter in OpenAPI specs (#21802 by @paescuj)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@11.0.4
  • @directus/api@18.2.1
  • @directus/specs@10.2.8


11 Mar 21:29
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✨ New Features & Improvements

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/api
    • Improved the performance of repeat calls to graphql endpoint by caching the graphql schema in an lru cache (#21783 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed sandboxed operation extensions to return the payload (#21789 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/sdk
    • Fixed logout SDK auth composable to include auth mode in request (#21793 by @paescuj)

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@11.0.3
  • @directus/api@18.2.0
  • @directus/env@1.1.0
  • @directus/sdk@15.0.3


08 Mar 23:01
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Prevented leaving the edit mode of a Flow via save shortcut while editing the trigger or adding a new operation (#21736 by @fanmingfei)
    • Fixed the height of list items which do have thumbnails (#21756 by @formfcw)
  • @directus/api
    • Prevented an error which could occur when sandboxed extensions are reloaded (for example via extensions auto reload) (#21781 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed loading of Sandbox Operation Extensions (#21751 by @paescuj)
    • Enabled usage of extensions auto reloading in dev mode (NODE_ENV set to development) (#21780 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the extensions folder sync from third party sources to fail if the sync request came from a secondary process (#21747 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Ensured errors thrown in Sandbox SDK functions are reported correctly (#21749 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed the type check for headers in the Sandbox SDK request function (#21746 by @paescuj)
    • Updated the send method in MailService to return the promise with info, adapted use within @directus/api to not
      block until mails have been sent (#21741 by @appy-one)
    • Ensured extensions auto reloading works for all local extensions (#21779 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/memory
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the extensions folder sync from third party sources to fail if the sync request came from a secondary process (#21747 by @rijkvanzanten)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@11.0.2
  • @directus/api@18.1.1
  • @directus/memory@1.0.5


06 Mar 22:27
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/api
    • Fixed issues with the marketplace migration script for MySQL/MariaDB, as well as for multiple bundle extensions having same sub-extension names (#21721 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/env
    • Added support for the EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PATH to allow email templates to exist in any given location (#21729 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the host field of the package extension manifest to be the sdk version rather than (#21730 by @rijkvanzanten)
      directus version
  • @directus/extensions
    • Fixed an issue that would cause extensions loading to fail when non-extension folders were included in the extensions folder (#21718 by @br41nslug)

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Added a note about / reflect the relocation of custom migrations (#21719 by @phazonoverload)
  • Added support for the EMAIL_TEMPLATES_PATH to allow email templates to exist in any given location (#21729 by @rijkvanzanten)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@11.0.1
  • @directus/api@18.1.0
  • create-directus-extension@10.1.6
  • @directus/env@1.0.4
  • @directus/extensions@1.0.1
  • @directus/extensions-registry@1.0.1
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@11.0.1


05 Mar 21:46
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✨ New Features & Improvements

This release contains the extensions marketplace and big improvements to content versioning.

  • @directus/app
    • Integrated the Content Version in the browser URL / history to enable browser navigation and page refresh (#21624 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/api
    • Added a new set of extensions registry endpoints (#21674 by @paescuj)

⚠️ Potential Breaking Changes


If you're using extensions in type-folders, please be aware of breaking changes

  • @directus/app
  • @directus/api
    • Introduced deep relational fields merging for Content Versions (#21386 by @azrikahar)
    • Dropped support for the typed folders in the extensions folder (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Implemented Session Based Authentication (#21239 by @br41nslug)
    • Updated the extensions management endpoints to rely on a unique primary key rather than npm package name (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Added new MIGRATIONS_PATH environment variable to control where custom migrations are read from (#21674 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
    • Dropped support for the typed folders in the extensions folder (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Updated the extensions management endpoints to rely on a unique primary key rather than npm package name (#21674 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/extensions
    • Dropped support for the typed folders in the extensions folder (#21674 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/extensions-registry
    • Added a new set of extensions registry endpoints (#21674 by @paescuj)

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Added disabled state to MFA setup interface (#21588 by @paescuj)
    • Enhanced the language selection in translations interface by switching open/close icon and closing dropdown when (#21594 by @paescuj)
      toggling split view
    • Fixed an issue where "Copy To" action on Flow operations failed when connected to subsequent operations (#21566 by @paescuj)
    • Enabled JIT compiler for vue-i18n to drop need for 'unsafe-eval' CSP and excluded legacy API (#21649 by @paescuj)
    • Introduced deep relational fields merging for Content Versions (#21386 by @azrikahar)
    • Fixed issue that would cause the marketplace registry pagination to fail on certain pages (#21703 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Ensured app minimal permissions are only shown in Access Control settings when role includes app access and enhanced representation of permission rules (#21543 by @paescuj)
    • Enabled insertion of the translated string newly created via the system-input-translated-string interface (#21632 by @formfcw)
    • Updated dependencies (#21667 by @paescuj)
    • Updated the extensions management endpoints to rely on a unique primary key rather than npm package name (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue that prevented saving of content versions featuring relational data (#21509 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Aligned "No items" notice across relational list interfaces to prevent jumping on selection of items (#21609 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed gap between action buttons in Builder (M2A) interface (#21607 by @formfcw)
    • Ensured the Marketplace extension metadata buttons are perfectly aligned (#21700 by @formfcw)
    • Fixed the position of the empty fields info in translations interface (#21591 by @paescuj)
    • Ensured the user / project language is used as default value when creating a new custom translation via translation dropdown interface (#21634 by @formfcw)
    • Aligned the menu for toggling invisible collections (#21593 by @paescuj)
    • Ensured that translation strings are preserved when duplicating a field (#21648 by @formfcw)
    • Fixed loading of avatars in comment mentions (#21587 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/api
    • Updated dependencies (#21667 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed potential Open Redirect vulnerability with OAuth2/OpenID/SAML SSO providers (via Directus redirect query parameter), by requiring redirect URLs to be enabled via allow list (#21238 by @br41nslug)
    • Clarified the logged warning if the SAML identifier is not present in SAML response, enhanced error handler middleware for better fallbacks (#21552 by @flipswitchingmonkey)
    • Fixed an issue that would cause email sending to take a while for slower SMTP hosts by no longer awaiting the smtp (508508d by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed merging of app minimal permissions in permissions endpoint (#21542 by @paescuj)
    • Adjusted UUID validation of fields/keys to be more relaxed, permitting values with non-standard versions (#21613 by @kashike)
    • Fixed an issue that could cause field CrUD to emit too many events (#21670 by @joselcvarela)
    • Dropped uuid dependency in favor of Node.js built-in UUID generator (#21625 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue where storage could be unavailable at the first use after the start of Directus (#21590 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/types
    • Introduced deep relational fields merging for Content Versions (#21386 by @azrikahar)
    • Ensured app minimal permissions are only shown in Access Control settings when role includes app access and enhanced representation of permission rules (#21543 by @paescuj)
    • Updated dependencies (#21667 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/sdk
  • @directus/components
  • @directus/composables
  • create-directus-project
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres
  • @directus/data-sql
  • @directus/data
  • @directus/env
    • Updated dependencies (#21667 by @paescuj)
    • Implemented Session Based Authentication (#21239 by @br41nslug)
    • Updated the extensions management endpoints to rely on a unique primary key rather than npm package name (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed potential Open Redirect vulnerability with OAuth2/OpenID/SAML SSO providers (via Directus redirect query parameter), by requiring redirect URLs to be enabled via allow list (#21238 by @br41nslug)
    • Added a new set of extensions registry endpoints (#21674 by @paescuj)
    • Cast env defaults that are typed (#21702 by @licitdev)
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
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23 Feb 18:19
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Updated dependencies (#21536 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed the field state of conditions in field settings and enabled the undo action (#21498 by @paescuj)
    • Ensured overlapping popovers from block editor are rendered above other interfaces' elements (#21522 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed image select dialog showing above file drawer for markdown interface (#21520 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue that prevented logging in when emails contained unicode characters (#21454 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Fixed no results text for dashboard search and hide search if there are no dashboards (#21499 by @paescuj)
    • Added "Create Collection" button to nav bar for admins if there are no collections (#21500 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed app sending full field data when only some field properties have changed (#21385 by @azrikahar)
  • @directus/api
    • Enabled usage of bulk update format in "Update Item" Flow operation (#21443 by @datnv9)
    • Added validation for IP Access in role settings (#21444 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Fixed an issue where data from CSV imports can be corrupted (#21535 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed an issue which prevents updating non-admin roles when adding existing users (#21433 by @kashike)
    • Updated dependencies (#21536 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/composables
  • create-directus-extension
  • @directus/extensions
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3
  • @directus/update-check
  • @directus/memory
    • Adjusted bus subscription method for redis to ensure handlers are not being overwritten on consecutive calls (#21479 by @paescuj)
  • create-directus-project
    • Enhanced the Node.js version check and message in case of non-matching version (#21453 by @paescuj)

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.15.2
  • @directus/api@17.1.0
  • @directus/composables@10.1.10
  • create-directus-extension@10.1.4
  • create-directus-project@10.0.4
  • @directus/extensions@0.3.3
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.3.4
  • @directus/memory@1.0.3
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.18
  • @directus/update-check@11.0.7


14 Feb 16:21
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.15.1
  • @directus/api@17.0.1
  • @directus/components@0.0.6
  • @directus/composables@10.1.9
  • create-directus-extension@10.1.3
  • create-directus-project@10.0.3
  • @directus/data@0.3.3
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres@0.3.3
  • @directus/data-sql@0.3.3
  • @directus/env@1.0.2
  • @directus/errors@0.2.3
  • @directus/extensions@0.3.2
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.3.3
  • @directus/memory@1.0.2
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.16
  • @directus/random@0.2.6
  • @directus/release-notes-generator@0.2.4
  • @directus/storage@10.0.10
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.17
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.17
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.17
  • @directus/storage-driver-local@10.0.17
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.17
  • @directus/storage-driver-supabase@1.0.9
  • @directus/stores@0.1.6
  • @directus/system-data@1.0.0
  • @directus/themes@0.3.4
  • @directus/types@11.0.6
  • @directus/update-check@11.0.6
  • @directus/utils@11.0.5
  • @directus/validation@0.0.12
  • @directus/sdk@15.0.1


13 Feb 21:05
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✨ New Features & Improvements

  • @directus/app
  • @directus/api
    • Fixed the permission check in the Data Studio for permissions rules containing fields which the current user has no access to, via new dedicated permission check API endpoint (#21152 by @paescuj)

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Fixed manual flow dialog showing above select item drawer (#21361 by @ComfortablyCoding)
    • Fixed the permission check in the Data Studio for permissions rules containing fields which the current user has no access to, via new dedicated permission check API endpoint (#21152 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed collection folder dialog showing above translation drawer (#21368 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed document title formatting (#21400 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed an issue where form fields could crash when filled out with Chrome's autofill functionality (#21384 by @AshishBarvaliya)
  • @directus/api
    • Fixed the issue with events not being triggered anymore on data imports (#21406 by @paescuj)
    • Resolved error indicating inability to remove last admin user during user updates via roles (#21343 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed public branding assets permission issue (#21360 by @br41nslug)
  • @directus/types
    • Fixed the permission check in the Data Studio for permissions rules containing fields which the current user has no access to, via new dedicated permission check API endpoint (#21152 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/env
    • Fixed the treatment of environment variables when set to an empty string (#21371 by @paescuj)

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Fixed the permission check in the Data Studio for permissions rules containing fields which the current user has no access to, via new dedicated permission check API endpoint (#21152 by @paescuj)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.15.0
  • @directus/api@17.0.0
  • create-directus-extension@10.1.2
  • @directus/env@1.0.1
  • @directus/extensions@0.3.1
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.3.2
  • @directus/types@11.0.5


06 Feb 19:30
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⚠️ Potential Breaking Changes

  • @directus/api
    • Updated exif-reader (used for image Exif extraction) to v2 (#20820 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/env
    • Move environment handling to new tested directus/env package and use it in the api (#20985 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/sdk
    • Dropped the ability to import parts of the SDK through scoped entrypoints to prevent issues with TypeScript based libraries consuming the SDK. (#21206 by @rijkvanzanten)

      To migrate away, please update your scoped imports of @directus/sdk to use the root, for example:

      // Before
      import { createDirectus } from '@directus/sdk';
      import { rest } from '@directus/sdk/rest';
      // After
      import { createDirectus, rest } from '@directus/sdk';

✨ New Features & Improvements

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Fixed collection meta fields sometimes not showing and saving properly (#20912 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Added useSdk composable for use in the App and extensions (#20811 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed the system theme overrides interface color rules to refresh on external changes (#20951 by @ComfortablyCoding)
    • Added option in the translation interface for opening the splitview by default (#21160 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Changed the hard-coded default to current user language in field translation language selector (#21065 by @FloMaetschke)
    • Added visual indicator for invalid values in search-input filter rows (#21023 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Disabled field permissions to be set for a collections minimal required fields (#20901 by @ComfortablyCoding)
    • Ensured unconfigured tables are not displayed/selectable as releated collection (#20756 by @khako)
    • Fixed an issue where the field filter in search interface didn't hide non-matching nested fields (#20457 by @Voldemorten)
    • Ensured long collection names are not overflowing permission table on Access Control page (#21120 by @paescuj)
    • Updated exif-reader (used for image Exif extraction) to v2 (#20820 by @paescuj)
    • Prevented changing primary keys to nullable (#20874 by @mahendraHegde)
    • Updated dependencies (#21221 by @paescuj)
    • Disabled non-editable permission actions for editing on Access Control page (#20988 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed custom field presentation in system collections (#20910 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Added field note & template for wysiwyg-html interface (#20921 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Added target _blank to links in form-field notes (#20922 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Prevented datetime picker to go off-screen and become unreachable (#20879 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed visual inconsistencies in the tree view interface (#21013 by @ComfortablyCoding)
    • Bumped date-fns from 3.0.1 to 3.0.5 (#20846 by @dependabot)
    • Fixed an issue where the Directus version in the Settings area was displayed as "undefined" (#20856 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed confirmation dialog not always showing top level (#20952 by @ComfortablyCoding)
    • Added support for IP ranges and CIDR notations for IP access & deny lists (#20971 by @licitdev)
    • Fixed displaying of icon fallbacks for card thumbnails (#21143 by @DanielBiegler)
    • Updated the language selector of translation form to respect sort field of language collection if defined (#21134 by @joselcvarela)
    • Changed the arrow for field details menu to always be placed on the left side (#20881 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed issues with the form state when navigating between collection settings pages (#20949 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed visual glitch in color of data-model collection-item collapse icon (#20842 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Updated Vue to v3.4.15 (#21217 by @paescuj)
  • @directus/api
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