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Releases: directus/directus


30 Jun 15:43
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πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
  • @directus/api
    • Implemented sort number for fields in collections on creation to ensure order is always retained (#18877 by @azrikahar)

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Added new docs landing page to help users better understand available features and content (#18911 by @estheragbaje)
  • Fixed docker example to work out of the box (#19030 by @br41nslug)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.4.2
  • @directus/api@12.0.2


27 Jun 21:44
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⚠️ Potential Breaking Changes

There's a couple potentially breaking changes in this release that you should be aware of:

Consolidated environment variables for Redis use

Directus had various different functionalities that required you to use Redis when running Directus in a horizontally scaled environment (like caching/rate-limiting). With the release of 10.3, two more functionalities were added (websockets/flows). In 10.4, the configuration for these different parts will be combined into a single set of REDIS environment variables that are reused across the system.

Migration / Mitigation

Combine all the *_REDIS environment variables into a single shared one as followed:






Dropped support for Memcached

Directus used to support either memory, Redis, or Memcached for caching and rate-limiting storage. Since the 10.3 release, Redis has been used more integrated as part of WebSockets / Subscriptions and the ability to synchronize flows across containers. Given this deeper integration with Redis, and the low overall usage/adoption of Memcached across Directus installations, we've decided to sunset Memcached in favor of focussing on Redis as the primary solution for pub/sub and hot-storage across load-balanced Directus installations.

Updated Errors structure for Extensions

A new @directus/errors package is available that allows you to create custom DirectusErrors for use in extensions. Errors created through this package will be treated the same as errors thrown by the Directus API, which means you can use proper HTTP status codes, error extensions, codes, and messages. This does also mean that extensions no longer get an exceptions options passed in that contains some preconfigured errors.

Migration / Mitigation

Replace any system exceptions you extracted from exceptions with new errors created within the extension itself. We recommend prefixing the error code with your extension name for improved debugging, but you can keep using the system codes if you relied on that in the past.


export default (router, { exceptions }) => {
	const { ForbiddenException } = exceptions;

	router.get('/', (req, res) => {
		throw new ForbiddenException();


import { createError } from '@directus/errors';

const ForbiddenError = createError('MY_EXTENSION_FORBIDDEN', 'No script kiddies please...');

export default (router) => {
	router.get('/', (req, res) => {
		throw new ForbiddenError();

✨ New Features & Improvements

The New SDK is available in beta! We've been working hard on redesigning the SDK from the ground up to solve for / improve on some of the most often brought up pain points / shortcomings of the SDK. You can try it out by installing from the beta tag: npm install @directus/sdk@beta. Please tell us any and all feedback in the #new-sdk channel on Discord! We'll be pushing out more beta releases of the SDK during the next couple weeks. Docs will be continuously updated on

  • @directus/app
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres
    • Implemented sorting in PostgreSQL driver (#18954 by @jaads)
    • Added limit and offset support for postgres driver (#18894 by @jaads)
  • @directus/data-sql
    • Added limit and offset support for postgres driver (#18894 by @jaads)
    • Implemented sort conversion in SQL middleware (#18938 by @jaads)
  • @directus/data
    • Implemented sort conversion in SQL middleware (#18938 by @jaads)

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Fixed kanban layout not rendering certain images (#18904 by @connorsimply)
    • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loop on fetching large permissions sets (e5992b59b by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Added notice about case sensitivity for new collection creation (#18979 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed issue that could cause the export drawer to hang on export (#19004 by @u12206050)
    • Fixed issue where App was not fully taking rate limit into consideration (#18940 by @joselcvarela)
    • Fixed an issue that would prevent items with a comma in the ID from being rendered in the app (#18978 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Create and use new @directus/errors package for standardized errors across the Directus ecosystem. (#18797 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed issue that caused changes to flows to not be reflected in the inline edidtor. (#18960 by @connorsimply)
  • @directus/api
    • Added support for plain query flags for boolean & geo filter operators (#18888 by @paescuj)
    • Added WebSocketService to available services for extensions (#18943 by @br41nslug)
    • Ensured all caches are flushed when applying diff (#18986 by @licitdev)
    • Fixed resolving $CURRENT_USER in permissions for websocket authentication (#18901 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed API not properly validating against documented filename restrictions for custom migrations (#18971 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/validation
    • Create and use new @directus/errors package for standardized errors across the Directus ecosystem. (#18797 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/errors
    • Create and use new @directus/errors package for standardized errors across the Directus ecosystem. (#18797 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/types
    • Create and use new @directus/errors package for standardized errors across the Directus ecosystem. (#18797 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Expose case-insensitive variants of _starts_with and _ends_with filter operators (#18941 by @gitstart)
  • @directus/utils
    • Create and use new @directus/errors package for standardized errors across the Directus ecosystem. (#18797 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Expose case-insensitive variants of _starts_with and _ends_with filter operators (#18941 by @gitstart)
    • Fixed issue that would prevent JSON string from being treated as GeoJSON in filtering operations (#18976 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/storage
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
    • Fixed v-table allowing radio buttons to have multiple selection values when the show-select prop was set to one (#18931 by @Philippe-cheype)
  • @directus/stores

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.4.0
  • @directus/api@12.0.0
  • @directus/composables@10.0.6
  • create-directus-extension@10.0.6
  • @directus/data@0.1.0
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres@0.1.0
  • @directus/data-sql@0.1.0
  • @directus/errors@0.0.1
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.1.5
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.5
  • @directus/storage@10.0.4
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.6
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.6
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.6
  • @directus/storage-driver-local@10.0.6
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.6
  • @directus/stores@0.1.1
  • @directus/types@10.1.2
  • @directus/utils@10.0.6
  • @directus/validation@0.0.1


13 Jun 16:53
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✨ New Features & Improvements

  • @directus/api
    • Integrated Websockets Subscriptions for REST and GraphQL in Directus πŸ•ΈοΈπŸ§¦ (#14737 by @br41nslug)
      • A CRUD implementation over WebSockets
      • A REST Subscriptions implementation
      • GraphQL Subscriptions over WebSockets
      • Three authentication modes: public, handshake, strict
      • Authentication refresh with an open socket
      • Heartbeat signal to keep the connection alive
      • Follows the Directus permission model
      • Message rate limiting and connection limiting
      • Horizontal scaling with the Messenger
      • Extensible event driven design
  • @directus/stores
  • @directus/release-notes-generator

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ§ͺ Blackbox Tests

  • Fixed S3 storage scaling issues by using a customized request handler with an increased maximum of open sockets (#18799 by @licitdev)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.3.1
  • @directus/api@11.1.0
  • @directus/composables@10.0.5
  • @directus/constants@10.2.1
  • create-directus-extension@10.0.5
  • @directus/data@0.0.2
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres@0.0.2
  • @directus/data-sql@0.0.1
  • @directus/exceptions@10.0.3
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.1.4
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.4
  • @directus/random@0.2.1
  • @directus/release-notes-generator@0.1.0
  • @directus/storage@10.0.3
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.5
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.5
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.5
  • @directus/storage-driver-local@10.0.5
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.5
  • @directus/stores@0.1.0
  • @directus/types@10.1.1
  • @directus/update-check@11.0.1
  • @directus/utils@10.0.5


26 May 18:22
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This release doesn't include any new changes or fixes. An npm publishing problem was identified in 10.2 which caused "raw' npm installations to fail.

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/api@11.0.1
  • @directus/composables@10.0.4
  • @directus/constants@10.2.0
  • create-directus-extension@10.0.4
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.1.3
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.3
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.4
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.4
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.4
  • @directus/storage-driver-local@10.0.4
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3@10.0.4
  • @directus/utils@10.0.4


26 May 17:17
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⚠️ Potential Breaking Changes

  • @directus/api
    • Removed unnecessary disclosure of potentially sensitive server info (#18648 by @licitdev)
      This changes the available information and output type signature of the /server/info endpoint
  • @directus/update-check
    • Replaced update info in @directus/api by an update notifier in the directus package (#18738 by @paescuj)

✨ New Features & Improvements

  • @directus/app
    • Added live preview functionality to the Data Studio App to easily and instantly track the impact of item changes on web pages (#17794 by @Nitwel)
    • Improve custom translations management and performance (#18097 by @br41nslug)
  • @directus/api
    • Added synchronization across horizontally scaled instances to schedule flows and hooks (#18584 by @nickrum)
    • Enable caching for requests from data studio when CACHE_AUTO_PURGE is enabled (#18484 by @licitdev)
    • Added a new FILES_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE environment variable for setting a max value system-wide (#18735 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Improve custom translations management and performance
    • Added support for FILES_MIME_TYPE_ALLOW_LIST environment variable. (#18736 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/types
    • Improve custom translations management and performance
    • Added basic types for data packages (#18555 by @jaads)
  • @directus/random
    • Added randomAlpha, randomArray, randomInteger, randomSequence, and randomUUID functions (#18668 by @rijkvanzanten)

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
    • Removed unnecessary disclosure of potentially sensitive server info
    • Fixed FILES_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE crashing bug and files interface error when the upload request errors (#18737 by @licitdev)
    • Added pagination to flow logs to prevent memory allocation issues on large revision sets (#18652 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Fixed group-accordion value initialization for usage in extension options (#18638 by @hanneskuettner)
    • Fixed input-block-editor popover styles on dark mode (#18704 by @that1matt)
    • Fixed fetching of all permissions (#18655 by @paescuj)
    • Translated field names in collection dialog (#18708 by @br41nslug)
    • Optimised export sidebar aggregation call (#18724 by @licitdev)
    • Bumped @sindresorhus/slugify to fix undesirable behavior in slugify input (#18639 by @hanneskuettner)
    • Enhanced translations in export sidebar (#18686 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed incorrect endpoints for system collections (#18657 by @licitdev)
  • @directus/api
    • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
    • Added live preview functionality to the Data Studio App to easily and instantly track the impact of item changes on web pages (#17794 by @Nitwel)
    • Updated openapi3-ts to v4 (#18722 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed FILES_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE crashing bug and files interface error when the upload request errors (#18737 by @licitdev)
    • Optimised countDistinct aggregation on primary key field (#18717 by @licitdev)
    • Replaced update info in @directus/api by an update notifier in the directus package (#18738 by @paescuj)
    • Improved redaction of logs in Flows by catching additional keys (#18534 by @paescuj)
    • Updated handler response format for manual flows (#18741 by @licitdev)
    • Removed from imgSrc and mediaSrc in the base CSP configuration (#18728 by @azrikahar)
  • @directus/composables
  • create-directus-extension
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres
  • @directus/data
  • @directus/exceptions
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
  • @directus/pressure
  • @directus/random
  • @directus/release-notes-generator
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs
  • @directus/storage-driver-local
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3
  • @directus/storage
  • @directus/types
    • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
    • Added live preview functionality to the Data Studio App to easily and instantly track the impact of item changes on web pages (#17794 by @Nitwel)
  • @directus/update-check
  • @directus/utils
    • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
    • Added live preview functionality to the Data Studio App to easily and instantly track the impact of item changes on web pages (#17794 by @Nitwel)
  • @directus/specs

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Added synchronization across horizontally scaled instances to schedule flows and hooks (#18584 by @nickrum)
  • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
  • Removed unnecessary disclosure of potentially sensitive server info
  • Added documentation for auth create and update hooks (#18641 by @paescuj)
  • Added live preview functionality to the Data Studio App to easily and instantly track the impact of item changes on web pages (#17794 by @Nitwel)
  • Improved Affordance of Docs Card Component Link (#18628 by @connorsimply)
  • Added initial docs for running tests in the codebase (#18061 by @licitdev)

πŸ§ͺ Blackbox Tests

  • Updated dependencies in all packages (#18643 by @paescuj)
  • Enable caching for requests from data studio when CACHE_AUTO_PURGE is enabled (#18484 by @licitdev)

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.3.0
  • @directus/api@11.0.0
  • @directus/composables@10.0.3
  • create-directus-extension@10.0.3
  • @directus/data@0.0.1
  • @directus/data-driver-postgres@0.0.1
  • @directus/exceptions@10.0.2
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.1.2
  • @directus/pressure@1.0.2
  • @directus/random@0.2.0
  • @directus/release-notes-generator@0.0.1
  • @directus/specs@10.1.1
  • @directus/storage@10.0.2
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure@10.0.3
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary@10.0.3
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs@10.0.3
  • `@dire...
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16 May 18:03
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✨ New Features & Improvements

  • @directus/app
    • Add new toggle to collapse nested collections in the datamodel settings (#18547 by @that1matt)
  • @directus/api

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Fixed invalid field types in grouping for kanban layout (#18602 by @licitdev)
    • Fixed render issue in file item route (#18581 by @paescuj)
    • Updated Vue to 3.3 (#18588 by @paescuj)
    • Added missing translation in presentation-notice interface (#18591 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed drag & drop upload to the root folder in the file library (#18601 by @paescuj)
    • Added a maximum for query limit (#17309 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed api endpoint for insights list panel (#18631 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed issue with interface forms not rendering when interface itself has no default value (#18610 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed default values for interfaces & displays (#18611 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed users-invite component's incorrect null check (#18583 by @licitdev)
    • Allow batchMode and batchActive to be used in interface extensions (#18624 by @timio23)
    • Fixed field detail logic to ensure options for list & map interfaces are displayed again (#18603 by @paescuj)
    • Fixed deselecting options for kanban layout (#18600 by @licitdev)
  • @directus/api
    • Fixed error handling for unknown fields used in filters (#18630 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed issue preventing user from authenticating with external auth drivers when user info didn't change (#18607 by @aidenfoxx)
    • Updated vm2 dependency (#18616 by @br41nslug)
    • Fixed auto conversion of images with transparency support when accept header is not applicable (#18615 by @paescuj)
    • Sanitized column only when applying snapshot diff (#18579 by @licitdev)
  • @directus/composables
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
  • @directus/types
  • @directus/utils
  • @directus/schema

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ§ͺ Blackbox Tests

πŸ“¦ Published Versions

  • @directus/app@10.2.0
  • @directus/api@10.2.0
  • @directus/composables@10.0.2
  • @directus/extensions-sdk@10.1.1
  • @directus/types@10.0.1
  • @directus/utils@10.0.2
  • @directus/schema@10.0.1


11 May 21:22
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v10.1.0 (May 11, 2023)

✨ New Features & Improvements

  • @directus/app
    • Added Cache option so that caching can be disabled for GET requests to Flows webhook trigger (#18277 by @licitdev)
    • Added Kanban layout (#18516 by @azrikahar)
    • Added bar chart, line chart, pie chart, and meter panels (#18522 by @azrikahar)
    • Added folder navigation to the file(s) / image selector interfaces, making it easier to browse and select assets (#18320 by @paescuj)
    • Added block editor interface (#18525 by @azrikahar)
  • @directus/api
    • Added Cache option so that caching can be disabled for GET requests to Flows webhook trigger (#18277 by @licitdev)
    • Added support for the multipart/form-data content type in the /schema/apply endpoint (#18321 by @jaads)
    • Added Pressure-based rate limiter (#17873 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • @directus/specs
    • Added support for the multipart/form-data content type in the /schema/apply endpoint (#18321 by @jaads)
  • @directus/random
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
    • Added support for building API extensions to ESM format and default to ESM for new extensions (#18351 by @nickrum)
  • @directus/constants
    • Added support for building API extensions to ESM format and default to ESM for new extensions (#18351 by @nickrum)

πŸ› Bug Fixes & Optimizations

  • @directus/app
    • Updated vitest to 0.31.0 (#18483 by @br41nslug)
    • Prevented parsing non-decimal values in search query (#18383 by @br41nslug)
    • Added Pressure-based rate limiter (#17873 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Added support for relational fields in field presets (#16560 by @timspi)
    • Added no-nested-ternary eslint rule to ensure better readability in the code base (#18376 by @br41nslug)
    • Added overflow scrollbars in v-card component (#18503 by @br41nslug)
    • Made folders hidden by default in system collection-chooser interface (#18362 by @Nitwel)
    • Fixed an issue that would cause the display template to fail on the calendar layout (#18267 by @br41nslug)
    • Updated the direct links to discussions/issues to drop the pre-chosen template (#18520 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Added a shortcut link in settings for relational fields in the data model (#18346 by @hanneskuettner)
    • Fixed v-checkbox emit behavior when used with array model-value and the custom-value flag (#18552 by @hanneskuettner)
    • Translate module link name in project settings (#18343 by @licitdev)
    • Fixed boolean display to show icons when default values are used (#18357 by @Nitwel)
  • @directus/api
  • @directus/extensions-sdk
    • Added a constant with all possible javascript file extensions (#18350 by @nickrum)
    • Updated vitest to 0.31.0 (#18483 by @br41nslug)
    • Added no-nested-ternary eslint rule to ensure better readability in the code base (#18376 by @br41nslug)
    • Silenced prefer builtins and circular dependency warnings when building extensions (#18366 by @nickrum)
    • Removed extension config import workaround that is no longer necessary since we are building to ESM (#18349 by @nickrum)
  • @directus/constants
    • Added a constant with all possible javascript file extensions (#18350 by @nickrum)
    • Marked the constant, utils, composables and exceptions packages as side effects free to shrink size of API extensions using Typescript (#18365 by @nickrum)
  • @directus/composables
    • Updated vitest to 0.31.0 (#18483 by @br41nslug)
    • Marked the constant, utils, composables and exceptions packages as side effects free to shrink size of API extensions using Typescript (#18365 by @nickrum)
    • Improved select-multiple-checkbox behavior when modifying a custom value (#18554 by @hanneskuettner)
  • @directus/exceptions
    • Updated vitest to 0.31.0 (#18483 by @br41nslug)
    • Marked the constant, utils, composables and exceptions packages as side effects free to shrink size of API extensions using Typescript (#18365 by @nickrum)
  • @directus/storage-driver-azure
  • @directus/storage-driver-cloudinary
  • @directus/storage-driver-gcs
  • @directus/storage-driver-local
  • @directus/storage-driver-s3
  • @directus/storage
  • @directus/update-check
  • @directus/utils
    • Updated vitest to 0.31.0 (#18483 by @br41nslug)
    • Added Pressure-based rate limiter (#17873 by @rijkvanzanten)
    • Marked the constant, utils, composables and exceptions packages as side effects free to shrink size of API extensions using Typescript (#18365 by @nickrum)

πŸ“ Documentation

  • Added support for the multipart/form-data content type in the /schema/apply endpoint (#18321 by @jaads)
  • Added Pressure-based rate limiter (#17873 by @rijkvanzanten)
  • Added Kanban layout (#18516 by @azrikahar)
  • Added bar chart, line chart, pie chart, and meter panels (#18522 by @azrikahar)
  • Added support for building API extensions to ESM format and default to ESM for new extensions (#18351 by @nickrum)
  • Added warning note about the requirement of a package.json file when initializing Directus from node directly (37d74f96fd by @rijkvanzanten)
  • Instruct users to use the la...
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26 Apr 18:12
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In v10.0.0, Directus is adopting BSL 1.1 β€” with additional usage grants added in to keep the platform open and available. For nearly all of our community, today’s announcement won’t change a thing, but licenses can be intimidating, so let’s highlight the key points below:

  • All Directus source code will still be open and available on GitHub
  • Non-production use of Directus is still completely free for everyone
  • Production use of Directus is still completely free for nearly all users
  • Everyone can still use the entire Directus platform for free… unless you (your legal entity) exceed $5,000,000 USD in β€œtotal finances” per year
  • Code released under this new license converts to GPLv3 (OSS) after 3 years

Massive thanks to everybody who chimed in on the discussion in and on Discord ❀️

For more information, please see our blog post and FAQ.

List of all the license updates below:

Package New License
directus BSL 1.1
@directus/api BSL 1.1
@directus/app BSL 1.1
@directus/composables MIT
@directus/constants MIT
@directus/create-directus-extension MIT
@directus/exceptions MIT
@directus/extensions-sdk MIT
@directus/schema BSL 1.1
@directus/specs BSL 1.1
@directus/storage BSL 1.1
@directus/storage-driver-azure BSL 1.1
@directus/storage-driver-cloudinary BSL 1.1
@directus/storage-driver-gcs BSL 1.1
@directus/storage-driver-local BSL 1.1
@directus/storage-driver-s3 BSL 1.1
@directus/types MIT
@directus/update-check MIT
@directus/utils MIT


24 Apr 20:41
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v9.26.0 (April 24, 2023)

✨ New Features

πŸš€ Improvements

πŸ› Bug Fixes

🧽 Optimizations

πŸ“ Documentation

πŸ“¦ Dependency Updates


20 Apr 14:50
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v9.25.2 (April 20, 2023)

πŸš€ Improvements

πŸ› Bug Fixes

🧽 Optimizations

πŸ“ Documentation