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TM v4.6.0

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@Ichchhie Ichchhie released this 02 Jun 13:16
· 642 commits to develop since this release

This is a major release that brings exciting new features like being able to delete project chat messages, recommendation of similar projects on the project detail page, and others. In addition, this release also includes various updates, fixes, enhancements, and dependency upgrades that are brought to improve the functionality, performance, and stability of the Tasking Manager system as a whole. More details are below:

What's new in TM 🎊

What has been fixed🏗️

What has been improved 🪄

Expand to see detailed changes to the codebase 🧑‍💻

Also shout out to our 6 new contributors 🙌

Full Changelog: v4.5.4...v4.5.5