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IPEP 27: Contents Service

MinRK edited this page Jun 16, 2014 · 11 revisions
Status Active
Author Min RK <>
Created May 30, 2014
Updated June 16, 2014
Implementation PR #5938,


Moving the generic file-handling code (save, load, list, delete) out of the notebook API, and into a generic contents API. The only notebook-specific actions are trust and signing.

Contents API

This webservice handles operations on files - plain files, directories, and notebooks.

A basic contents model:

    "name": "My Notebook.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-10-01T14:22:36.123456+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00",
    "content": null,
    "format": null,

All contents models have basic name, path, type, created, and modified keys defined. type will have one of three values:

  • "directory"
  • "file"
  • "notebook"

If the model does not contain content, the content and format keys will be null.

If the model includes the file content (e.g. requesting a file with GET), then content will be defined, and its format described in format. There are three basic cases:

  1. type="directory"
  • content will be a list containing a model for each item in the directory
  • format="json"
  1. type="file", file is UTF-8 text
  • content will be the text of the file as a string
  • format="text"
  1. type="file", file is binary
  • content will be the base64-encoded content of the file as a string
  • format="base64"
  1. type="notebook"
  • content will be the JSON structure of the file (dict)
  • format="json"

Only the server will provide a complete model

Client requests will never specify a whole model. They will only specify those values that should indicate a change.

The timestamps in the file model are read-only. A request to the server to update or upload a file model should never contain the timestamp keys (they will be ignored).

Since the path and name are specified in the URL, these keys are generally omitted from requests as well. The one exception being saving an existing file to a new location, in which case the new name and path are given in the model, and the current name and path are in the URL.

The type field can also be omitted by the client, but will always be provided by the servers.

Create new files

POST always creates a new file. There are a few ways to create file: simple creation, uploading, and copying existing files. In each case, POST requests are always made to a directory URL, in which case the server picks the new file's name. If you want to specify the new file's name, make a PUT request to the full path URL.

Creates a new file. If a POST, the name will be the first unused name of the form "Untitled#.ipynb", with the first available integer.

POST /api/contents/[:path]
PUT /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]

POST requests accept one optional argument, the file extension:

the file etension. If unspecified, `.ipynb` will be used
status: 201 Created
Location: /api/contents/foo/bar/Untitled0.ipynb
    "name": "Untitled0.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-09-01T09:15:14.12345+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00"

Upload a file

Uploads a new file to path. If a POST, the name will be the first unused name of the form "Untitled#.ext".

POST /api/contents/[:path]
PUT /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]
One of file, notebook, or directory
One of json (notebook), text, or base64 (file)
The actual file content (json for notebook, text or b64 for file, ignoredc for directory)


    "name": "MyNotebook.ipynb",
    "type": "notebook",
    "format": "json",
    "content": {
        "nbformat": 3,
        "nbformat_minor": 0,
        "worksheets": []
status: 201 Created
Location: /api/contents/foo/bar/MyNotebook.ipynb
    "name": "MyNotebook.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-09-01T09:15:14.12345+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-09-01T09:15:14.12345+00:00"

Copy a file

Create a new file from a copy of an existing file. If POST, the new file will have a name of the form {copy_from}-Copy#.{ext}, with the first available integer.

POST /api/contents/[:path]
PUT /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]
The file name to copy from


POST /appi/contents/foo/bar
    "copy_from" : "MyNotebook.ipynb"
status: 201 Created
Location: /api/contents/foo/bar/MyNotebook-Copy0.ipynb
    "name": "MyNotebook-Copy0.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-09-01T09:15:14.12345+00:00"

List files

GET on a directory returns the directory model. The content of a directory model is a list of models (without content) of the directory's contents.

GET /api/contents/[:path]
status: 200 OK
  "name": "bar",
  "path": "foo",
  "type": "directory",
  "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
  "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00",
  "format": "json",
  "content": [
        "name": "notebook1.ipynb",
        "path": "foo/bar",
        "type": "notebook",
        "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
        "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00"
        "name": "file.txt",
        "path": "foo/bar",
        "type": "file",
        "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
        "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00"
        "name": "subdir",
        "path": "foo/bar",
        "type": "directory",
        "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
        "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00"

Get an existing file

Returns the contents model for a given file path, including the full document content.

GET /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ext]
status: 200 OK
    "name": "notebook1.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "format": "json",
    "modified": "2013-10-02T11:29:27.616675+00:00",
    "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
        "metadata": {},
        "nbformat": 3,
        "nbformat_minor": 0,
        "worksheets": []

Rename file

This request renames the file and returns the updated model without content.

PATCH /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]
The new filename (e.g. `notebook.ipynb`)
The new path (e.g. `foo/bar`)
status: 200 OK
Location: /api/contents/foo/bar/notebook1.ipynb
    "name": "notebook1.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-10-04T14:32:19.123456+00:00"

Save File

Update an existing file in-place. This is how standard saves are performed. If the path and/or name of the file are specified in the model, the file will be saved to the new location specified in the model. After doing this, future PUT requests must use the URL for the new path.

Returns the updated model without content.

PUT /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]
The new filename (`my notebook.ipynb`), if changed
The new path for the file, if changed
One of 'notebook', 'file', or 'directory'
One of 'json', 'text', or 'base64'
The actual body of the document (excluding 'type=directory')


    "name": "notebook1.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "content": {
        "nbformat": 3,
        "nbformat_minor": 0,
        "worksheets": []
status: 200 OK
    "name": "notebook1.ipynb",
    "path": "foo/bar",
    "type": "notebook",
    "created": "2013-10-01T12:21:20.123456+00:00",
    "modified": "2013-10-04T14:32:19.123456+00:00"

Delete file

Deletes a file from the specified location.

DELETE /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]
status: 204 No Content

Will raise 400 if you attempt to delete a non-empty directory

List Checkpoints

List checkpoints for a given file. There will typically be zero or one results.

GET /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]/checkpoints
status: 200 OK
        "id" : "checkpoint-id",
        "last_modified" : "2013-10-18T23:54:40+00:00"

Create a Checkpoint

Create a new checkpoint with the current state of a file. With the default FileContentsManager, only one checkpoint is supported, so creating new checkpoints clobbers existing ones.

POST /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]/checkpoints
status: 201 Created
    "id" : "checkpoint-id",
    "last_modified" : "2013-10-18T23:54:40+00:00"

Restore to a Checkpoint

Restore a file to a particular checkpointed state.

POST /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]/checkpoints/[checkpoint_id]
status: 204 No Content

Delete a Checkpoint

Delete a checkpoint.

DELETE /api/contents/[:path]/[:name.ipynb]/checkpoints/[checkpoint_id]
status: 204 No Content

Changes from IPEP 16

This section describes just the changes from the implementation in IPEP 16 / IPython 2.0.

REST API changes

The client-visible changes to the REST API

  • replace /api/notebooks/ with /api/contents
  • add type key to content model (one of dir, file, notebook)
  • GET on a directory gives a listing of its contents
  • add format key to content model. one of:
    • json (notebooks)
    • text (utf-8 files)
    • base64 (binary files)
  • POST

Python API changes

The changes in the Python API, relevant to authors of alternative ContentsManagers (formerly NotebookManagers).

  • moved to
  • FileNotebookManager.notebook_dir is now FileContentsManager.root_dir
  • Most foo_notebook methods renamed to just foo, except:
    • get_model
    • file_exists
    • trust_notebook left alone
  • increment_filename takes and returns a full filename (with ext), not just the base (no ext)
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