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GitHub Action

Bolt by Koalalab

v1.5.0 Latest version

Bolt by Koalalab


Bolt by Koalalab

Bolt - Transparnt egress gateway for build environments


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Bolt by Koalalab

uses: koalalab-inc/bolt@v1.5.0

Learn more about this action in koalalab-inc/bolt

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Secure GitHub actions with 1 line of code

Add this step to jobs in your GitHub workflow file(s) to secure your runner:

  - name: Setup Bolt
    uses: koalalab-inc/bolt@v1

Transparent Egress Gateway for GitHub hosted runners

Bolt is a transparent egress gateway that can be used to control the egress traffic from GitHub hosted runners. It is packaged as a GitHub Action, which means you can easily add it to your workflows and start controlling the egress traffic from your pipelines.


Supports both public and private repositories


Complex CI/CD environments are under increasing threat due to increase in software supply chain attacks. Modern CI/CDs (GitHub CI) allow third-party code in highly privledged CI environment.

GitHub hosted runners are a great way to run your CI/CD pipelines. However, they are not without their limitations. One of the most notable limitations is the lack of egress control. This means that any code running on a GitHub hosted runner can make requests to any external service. This can be a security risk, especially when running untrusted code.

How to use Bolt - Video Introduction


You can start using Bolt by adding the koalalab-inc/bolt action as the first step in the jobs you want to monitor. The action will install and start the Bolt service on the runner. Checkout the configuration options and defaults here.

  - name: Setup Bolt
    uses: koalalab-inc/bolt@v1



You can configuree the Bolt action using inputs. Here is an example of how to configure the action.

  - name: Setup Bolt
    uses: koalalab-inc/bolt@v1
      mode: 'audit'
      egress_rules: |
        - name: 'Allow GitHub subs'
          destination: '*'
          action: 'allow'
      disable_passwordless_sudo: 'false'
      default_policy: 'block-all'
      allow_http: 'false'
      graceful: 'true'
Option Description
mode Configure the mode of operation for the Bolt gateway. It can be audit or active. Default: audit
egress_rules A list of custom egress rules to be applied. Default: [].
disable_passwordless_sudo Whether to disable passwordless sudo or not. Default: false
allow_http Whether to allow non-secure HTTP requests or not. Default: false
default_policy It can be either block-all or allow-all. Default: block-all
graceful Whether to gracefully fail in case of unsupported platforms or not. Default: true

Custom Egress Policy

You can define custom egress rules to control the egress traffic from your pipelines. Here is an example of how to define custom egress rules.

In audit mode, the Bolt gateway will log the egress traffic as per the defined rules. In active mode, the Bolt gateway will enforce the defined rules.

Egress rule options:

Option Description
name A name for the rule
destination The destination domain or IP address. * wilcard is supported in destination.
action The action to be taken. It can be allow or block

It is an ordered list of rules. The first rule that matches the destination will be applied.

  - name: Setup Bolt
    uses: koalalab-inc/bolt@v1
      mode: 'audit'
      default_policy: 'block-all'
      allow_http: 'false'
      egress_rules: |
        - name: 'Allow GitHub subdomains'
          destination: '*'
          action: 'allow'
        - name: 'Block api subdomain'
          destination: ''
          action: 'block'
        - name: 'Allow other subdomains'
          destination: '*'
          action: 'allow'


Once the job is over, bolt will add a egress traffic report to the job summary. The report will show the egress traffic and the rules that were applied. A sample report is shown below.

⚡ Egress Report - powered by Bolt

🛠️ Bolt Configuration

Allow HTTPfalse
Default Policyblock-all

📝 Egress rules

- destination:
  action: block
  name: Block Google
- destination:
  action: allow
  name: Allow

Egress Traffic

NOTE: Running in Audit mode. Unknown/unverified destinations will be blocked in Active mode.

🚨 Unknown Destinations

DestinationSchemeRuleAction Policy - block-allUnknown Destination

✅ Known Destinations

github.comhttpsReqd by Github Action
pipelinesghubeus6.actions.githubusercontent.comhttpsReqd by Github Action
results-receiver.actions.githubusercontent.comhttpsReqd by Github Action
api.github.comhttpsReqd by Github Action
View detailed analysis of this run on Koalalab!

This report was generated using this workflow file: bolt-sample.yml


We have removed SSL inspection features from Bolt. It had some compatibility issues with certain package managers. We will soon release a new version with improved SSL inspection capabilities.