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Data api comments get

Yuji Takayama edited this page Jul 10, 2013 · 1 revision

Comments: get

Retrieve a single comment by its ID.

Authorization is required if the comment status is "unpublished". If the comment status is "published", then this method can be called without authorization.


HTTP Request

This method accepts GET only.

GET https://your-host/your-mt-api.cgi/v1/sites/{blog_id}/comments/{comment_id}


Method Parameters

Parameter Type Description
blog_id unsigned integer The blog ID.
comment_id unsigned integer The comment ID.

Query Parameters

Not available.

Request Body

Do not supply a request body.


If successful, this method will return an Comments resource as the response body.

Status Code

Code Description
200 no error
403 Do not have permission to retrieve the requested comment.
404 Comment (or site) not found
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