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FogBugz:Theme, Templates, Styles

Nick edited this page May 16, 2011 · 1 revision


  • Case 102715 Save CustomField’s association with Categories and Folders in a theme
  • Case 102973 Static file exporter should be able to set filetype white list in exporting screen
  • Case 103185 Add callback runner around exporting themes
  • Case 103476 Add priority scheme for theme framework to avoid folder conflict
  • Case 103715 default_pages importer with basename option
  • Case 103797 Cannot apply theme when theme.yaml contains brackets([]) in the description
  • Case 104077 Overwrite templates when re-applying the other theme
  • Case 104676 tar.gz theme package support

Templates, modules

  • Move global templates to website Case 102198
  • Move mail templates to website Case 72184
  • Solve globale template name issue to manage multi lingual website.
  • Case 79288 [patch] “Clone template” from edit screen: no feedback, possibly odd behavior
  • Case 79896 Order Available Widgets alphabetically
  • Case 63031 Normalize ‘type’ column for templates
  • Case 54267 Widget preferences should be stored in their own table
  • Case 100884 “This template is included by” list at the template editor
  • Case 81573 Changing/Setting “Publishing Profile” Warns Templates Will Be Modified
  • Case 100451 Cloning index template reverts template code to an old state
  • Case 102743 Make globalizing templates easily
  • Case 82265 Support a default blog for context in system pages where no blog context exists
  • Case 101216 App will only display system templates defined in the default template set

Template Editor

  • Case 104128 Back button on the template publish error
  • Case 104245 Full Screen mode for the template editor
  • Case 104314 Color label and “unused” icon for templates ( modules )
  • Case 105046 Add View Template screen where users can view template but cannot edit template

Template tags

  • Support officially ( reference )
  • Case 79278 , Case 80005 Use relative URL for the MT internal link
  • Case 79632 Update “unique” attribute to remove current entry/page on entry/page archive
  • Case 79873 [patches] Add ‘glue’ attribute support to MTBlogs
  • Case 86277 Unable to select Page based upon basename
  • Case 101649 Date Format Without Leading Space and Zero
  • Case 81853 mt:If should throw an error when passed an unrecognized tag
  • Case 104134 Set a template tag attributes from the CMS
  • Case 104241 FR: Set multiple variables in the tag attribute
  • Case 104279 Add single-selection capability to mtCategories
  • Case 104313 New template tags to display “Authentication Methods” and “Theme Information”
  • Case 104107 name=“blog_id” doesn’t work with mt:Var
  • Case 103547 mt:Entries’ categories attribute with “AND” directive contains sub categories
  • Case 100883 sort_order=“ascend | descend” for MTParentFolders
  • Case 100555 mt:Blogs tag practically useless
  • Case 100328 mt:Authors ‘need_entries’ attribute for limiting to mininum number of entries
  • Case 104103 The glue tag should be supported on ALL block tags.
  • Case 103010 word count for entry and extended entry fields
  • Case 102015 No qucick filters to display tags only in the website on tag listing screen
  • Case 104083 Add sort_by, sort_order, id modifiers to MTCategories



Archives / Mappings

  • Case 101156 Refreshing templates does not install maps
  • Case 104068 a custom archive type and mapping
    • Create Asset Archives ( plugin )
  • Case 100914 Archive and module settings should be consolidated into one place
  • Case 82215 Unclear checkbox in Template Options

Theme Framework

  • Case 103715 “default_pages” importer with basename
  • Case 104076 Update the applied theme without changing to the other theme
  • Case 104077 Overwrite templates when re-applying the other theme
  • Case 104131 Upload custom thumnails for the exported theme
  • Case 104236 Theme importer option to over-write existing blog_static files
  • Case 104235 Display the number of Theme element properly if they are conflicted

Default Theme

  • Case 102395 Comment Atom feed
  • Case 81675 Tag cloud for pages
  • Case 81602 add “even” and “odd” classes by default in the Comment template.
  • Case 61812 Tighten up metadata content for entries
  • Case 58081 Standardize template syntax in default templates
  • Case 93448 Re-implement JavaScript templates in MT’s standard template set in jQuery
  • Case 104317 Show “Edit this page” link for the sign-in user


  • Case 102401 Bookmark style repositry
  • Case 102398 Better navigation to add new style repositry
  • Case 82125 Themes in Default Styles are not displayed on StyleCatcher screen

some cases were moved to Iliad

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