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Brian's Take on Context

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Oct 7, 2016 · 2 revisions

This page documents a number of pending issues in the Rebol 3 definition, design, or implementation.

Math Operations for Percent

We must precisely define how math for percent works. It makes sense that:

5% + 10% = 15%

But does:

5% + 10 = 10.5 or 15?

And, the same is true for:

10 + 5%

Set-Words in Function Specs

Set-words in function specs will get a new meaning to allow special function modes. It has been used in ROUTINE! specs before, but how this works for functions is still being defined (and it is non-essential to beta 1 release.)


f1: func [a [integer!] return: [integer!]]
f2: func [a b options: [protect]]
f3: func [a b trace: [enter exit]]

Function Input Stream Access

Should a function have access to its input evaluation stream. For example, if F1 is a function, do we allow:

F1 10 "test"

where F1 can access the block from the point of [10].

It may be possible to redefine the :word function spec meaning (which does almost the same thing as 'word) to allow this.

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