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Setting up in Linux

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

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Rebol 2.7.8 packages may be downloaded from
These packages may make the installation and subsequent use of Rebol easier for script writers.

The official download source for Rebol for Linux is Rebol
Linux x86 Libc6 and Linux x86 Fedora downloads are available. If necessary a system's libc version
may be found by typing "ldd --version" into the console.

Getting To The Console

Puppy Linux is used in this example.

Viewing files with the Rox Filer, go to the directory of the Rebol executable.

Right click the empty space of the directory and from the selections that appear, choose "Window" and then choose "Terminal Here".

When the rxvt terminal appears, type "./rebol" or "rebol" (mind the case) . The Rebol viewtop appears.

From the Rebol viewtop, select "Console" at the bottom left of the viewtop.

The Rebol console appears in rxvt.

Type, for example, "do %script.r" in the console to run a Rebol script. Or, type your script directly into the console. Errors will output to the console.

Problems with rxvt operating Rebol? Try Rebol packages below.

Establishing The User.r File

Type "Desktop" into the rxvt console.

When the Rebol viewtop appears, click "User" at the top. Make your choices and save, thus creating the user.r file. The user.r file can, of course, be edited from the Rebol viewtop.

The user.r file in Puppy Linux can be found by first going to the "Home" directory. Once there, click the eye icon, thus showing the hidden files.

Selecting the ".rebol" folder, and then the "view" folder will reveal the user.r file.

Adjusting Fonts

Reprinted here is an article from the library, written by brianwisti

Adjusting Fonts in /View

This is just a little tip from a while ago when I was having font display issues under Linux. The issues have gone away, but this tip still applies on any system where you don't care for the default fonts being used by Rebol/View.

It's very easy, actually. Important customization rules are contained in your personal user.r file, located at ~/.rebol/view/user.r on Linux machines. Once you have some decent fonts installed, add the following code to your user.r file.

if (not none? system/view) [
    system/view/screen-face/options: none
    font-serif: "Georgia"
    font-sans-serif: "Arial"
    foreach [style obj] svv/vid-styles [
        if obj/font [
            switch obj/font/name [
                "helvetica" [obj/font/name: font-sans-serif]
                "times" [obj/font/name: font-serif]

What's going on here? Not much, really. First we check to make sure we're running in a Rebol session with View available. That way nothing blows up if we are running a command line script. Then we name some fonts. I placed them in variables toward the top of the block because every little bit of organization helps a scattered brain like mine. The important part is last - we step through all of the available styles and, if that style cares about fonts, tell them to use our sans-serif and serif fonts wherever they use helvetica and times , respectively.

That's it! Like I said, there's not much going on here. Still, little adjustments like this can make your Rebol/View sessions on Linux a little bit more pleasant.

Setting Up Fonts For The Draw Dialect

Under linux you need to setup the font object to be able use text rendered by DRAW dialect. So something like this should work:

my-font: make face/font [
    name: "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/freefont/FreeSans.ttf"
    ;replace with your path to font you want to use
    size: 12

view layout [
    box snow 100x100 effect [
        draw [
            font my-font
            pen black
            text 10x10 "Red Box:"
            pen red
            fill-pen red
            box 10x30 80x50

by Cyphre, [Linux] group for linux Rebol users, Alme Groups 03-mar-2011

Modify The In-built Editor

The "File:" label of the top menu often appears truncated, as if not have enough length were provided.
This line will provide a bit more room for the label:

replace ctx-edit/22 30x22 40x22

The script may be written into the user.r file, or entered into the console. Type "editor" and "test" before and after to compare.

The quotation marks (") are required for the word "test", but not for editor.

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