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View Project

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

The purpose is to make improvements to the View system, comprising all low-level graphics engine parts.

Table of Contents


As there might be many requests, we should create the priority list


Improvements to View engine itself here ...

Top window transparency

Suggested by: -pekr-

There is a long time request to add support for adjustable top-window transparency, which would enable us to have free-shaped kind of windows, which is good for various widgets. Some time ago (2003) Cyphre did two cool demos, to show it is rather easy addition, at least under Windows.

Of course we have to keep in mind, that maybe not all target OSes allow such features, and hence provide this feature so that it does not harm cross platform usage ...

(feel free to edit any of my wrong comments :-)

Better default timers

Suggested by: -pekr-

If we use "standard" Win 32 timers, we might be unnecessarily degrading overal performance we could otherwise get by using different kind of timers. Codeproject's article nicely explains difference between Windows type timers, and suggests using Queue Timers instead.

There are also some other hints on Larry Osterman's weblog, as well as on nVidia's site.

Note: This info was put together based upon some older chat in R3-alpha world. It seems R3 internals changed since then, as Carl now claims R3 has maybe even better timer code than in the above mentioned CodeProject article. We should do some tests, once Host code is released. Until then, the request can be regarded being dismissed/closed.


Improvements to draw commands here.


Improvements to anti-aliasing with fonts.

Unicode display support

Suggested by: everyone

What are most users waiting for in conjunction with R3/View, is the ability to properly display Unicode charsets. This is must have feature for initial release, or we will disappoint many users.

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