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Rebol 3 Alpha 2.99.4 Release Notes

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

This is the readme file from the release distribution.

Table of Contents


What is it?

This is an alpha release of Rebol 3.0.

An alpha release is an unfinished prototype. It contains many of the features of the final product, but it is not final, and it is not a product.

This is not a general release.

It is limited and we know that. So, please do not use it to control a space station, power plant, or assembly line. This release is just for you. It is not for re-distribution, not for review, nor for end users or customers.

What is R3?

R3 has a long list of objectives, and here are a few of the main ones...

  • multi-host environment model (with Rebol-in-a-DLL)
  • open implementation of interfaces and subsystems
  • module architecture (namespaces, multi-global contexts)
  • unicode support (source encoding, string internals)
  • plugin extension model (dynamic addition of natives)
  • multitasking (isolated threading, system level sharing)
  • 64 bit integers and functions
  • arbitrary precision decimal (for money datatype)
  • new graphical subsystem based on scalar vector graphics core (SVG)
  • new port (I/O) model (async, streamlined, high performance)
  • new evaluation and memory internals/methods


This release is licensed to you for testing purposes only. Please note:

  • Use at your own risk. There are no warranties of any kind.
  • You can make copies for your own usage, but do not publish or
distribute this software to other users.
  • Be aware that all components and features are subject to change.
  • Always upgrade to the most recent alpha release.
  • This license expires upon newer release.



This distribution includes:

readme.txt (.html) - you're reading it
rebhost.exe - the Rebol host environment (graphics, devices, etc.)
rebol.dll - the Rebol 3.0 run time kernel (must be in same dir as rebhost.exe)
examples/ - scripts contributed by developers and testers that show or test various features of R3.

Running Scripts

You can run scripts in severals ways:

  • drag and drop a script onto the rebhost.exe file (recommended)
  • run the rebhost.exe in a command line and provide the script file
  • DO the script from the R3 console
  1. this release has no security or sandbox. Do not run scripts that you do not trust or understand. If in doubt, examine the script.
  2. this release is missing some logic for changing directories, and it may not find all the necessary files for a script. If there is a problem, put all your files in the same directory.


At this time, R3 uses the default MS Windows console. Yes, it is quite limited, and the MS braintrust sets the default properties to make it even more limited. Fortunately, you can change a few of those options. Here's how:

  1. launch rebhost.exe
  2. close the splash window
  3. right click on the console window caption bar
  4. in the options tab, enable the QuickEdit and Insert modes
  5. expand command history buffer and number of buffers, as needed
  6. in the layout tab, set screen buffer size width and height to something reasonable like 100x1000.
  7. set window size to 100x50 or similar
  8. disable the "Let system position window" if you want it in the same place each time (then set position)
  9. close the panel, and "Save properties for future windows" on exit.
Now the console will be a bit more usable.


R3 is compatible in many ways with R2, but we needed the freedom to make important changes (such as unicode, better graphics, optimized I/O ports), so it's not 100% the same. We mention this fact in case you thought otherwise, or in case you need to make some plans related to it.

Currently, we do not have a list of the compatibility related changes. But, once we have our major development goals accomplished we will compile a complete list.


There is no support for this R3 alpha, but...


We use an open wiki for R3 documentation:

Of course, some areas of the wiki are more complete and polished than others. This wiki is an alpha too.

If you find yourself just itching to add a note or an entire section to the wiki, it's open. Just create an account and get started. We decided to use the popular wikimedia system because it's well known and easy to get started.

Feedback and Reports

An alpha release typically has many rough edges. We know most of them, and we have a long todo list.

At this early stage we would get totally flooded with feedback, bug reports, and enhancement requests. We don't want to spend our time sorting through feedback; we want to finish implementing the development plan.

For now, it's best to make a note to yourself about problems and bugs. Most of them are on our list and will get fixed. And, if not, then you can tell us, or even better, help fix them yourself.

Down the road, we will be providing a fast and easy way to report bugs, contribute source code, help with testing, track new releases, and more.


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