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Reference Card Ideas

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

A place to make suggestions regarding the Rebol Reference Card.

A few notes from Carl

  • The purpose of this card is to help beginners (not experts.)
  • The card is designed to list the commonly used Rebol functions, not all Rebol functions. For some parts, like comparison, we list the useful set of functions.
  • All links appear to be fixed now. (Carl 14:21, 6 August 2010 (EDT))

Developer Comments

The better the idea, the more suggestions it will provoke.

My initial two cents:

  • add url! type - done Carl
  • add yes/no in logic! values - done Carl
  • add ** and exp to Maths - done Carl
  • change binary! value example to show hex digits A-F and add spaces - done Carl
--Meijeru 07:12, 8 August 2010 (EDT)

Add these:

  • body-of to Reflection - done Carl
  • poke to Series Modify (you already have pick) - not common (I've used it rarely) Carl
  • remove-each and map-each to the See also: of for - done Carl
  • map-each to the See also: of remove-each - done Carl
-- BrianH 05:34, 10 August 2010 (EDT)

And these:

  • forall/forskip (with loops)
  • until (with while)
--Meijeru 08:11, 13 August 2010 (EDT)

Meijeru: I did not include those because they're not commonly used (by beginners) and they are linked in the "see also" sections of the related functions. -Carl 14:54, 13 August 2010 (EDT)


The basic documentation could have a separate category system object which explains in some detail what is in system. That way, one could link both the various system components in this reference card, and the various schemes, to those explanations.

Incidentally, the choice of system components resp. schemes is somewhat arbitrary right now.

--Meijeru 14:50, 13 August 2010 (EDT)

Meijeru: The plan is to add a system object section to the docs, but it does not yet exist, so the refcard can only provide a brief hint of various fields. For R3, the same is true about schemes. The choices for what appears in the refcard for system and schemes is determined by what is most common, not to include all possibilities. We may want an "advanced user reference card" and some later time. -Carl 15:00, 13 August 2010 (EDT)

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