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Series COPY

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

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Returns a copy of a value. COPY is an action value.


value -- Usually a series (Type: series port bitset)


/part -- Limits to a given length or position.
range -- (Type: number series port pair)
/deep -- Also copies series values within the block.


Be sure to use COPY on any string or block literal values in your code if you expect to modify them.

For series, the /PART refinement will copy a given number of values (specified as either a count or as an ending series position).

str: copy "with all things considered" print str

strings: copy ["how"] print strings

insert next strings "time" print strings


series � Operations on series, including blocks and strings.
string � Operations for string series.

See also

change � Changes a value in a series and returns the series after the change.
clear � Removes all values from the current index to the tail. Returns at tail.
insert � Inserts a value into a series and returns the series after the insert.
make � Constructs and returns a new value.
remove � Removes value(s) from a series and returns after the remove.


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