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rgchris edited this page Aug 12, 2016 · 1 revision

Series Functions

alter If a value is not found in a series, append it; otherwise, remove it.
append Appends a value to the tail of a series and returns the series head.
array Makes and initializes a series of a given size.
at Returns the series at the specified index.
back Returns the series at its previous position.
change Changes a value in a series and returns the series after the change.
clear Removes all values from the current index to the tail. Returns at tail.
compose Evaluates a block of expressions, only evaluating parens, and returns a block.
construct Creates an object, but without evaluating its specification.
copy Returns a copy of a value.
difference Return the difference of two data sets.
eighth Returns the eighth value of a series.
empty? Returns TRUE if a series is at its tail.
exclude Return the first set less the second set.
extract Extracts a value from a series at regular intervals.
fifth Returns the fifth value of a series.
find Finds a value in a series and returns the series at the start of it.
first Returns the first value of a series.
forall Evaluates a block for every value in a series.
foreach Evaluates a block for each value(s) in a series.
form Converts a value to a string.
forskip Evaluates a block for periodic values in a series.
found? Returns TRUE if value is not NONE.
fourth Returns the fourth value of a series.
free Frees a REBOL resource. (Command version only)
head Returns the series at its head.
head? Returns TRUE if a series is at its head.
index? Returns the index number of the current position in the series.
insert Inserts a value into a series and returns the series after the insert.
intersect Create a new value that is the intersection of the two arguments.
join Concatenates values.
last Returns the last value of a series.
length? Returns the length of the series from the current position.
load Loads a file, URL, or string. Binds words to global context.
max Returns the greater of the two values.
maximum-of Finds the largest value in a series
min Returns the lesser of the two values.
minimum-of Finds the smallest value in a series
mold Converts a value to a REBOL-readable string.
new-line Sets or clears the new-line marker within a block.
new-line? Returns the state of the new-line marker within a block.
next Returns the series at its next position.
ninth Returns the ninth value of a series.
offset? Returns the offset between two series positions.
parse Parses a series according to rules.
pick Returns the value at the specified position in a series.
poke Returns value after changing its data at the given index. (See manual)
prin Outputs a value with no line break.
print Outputs a value followed by a line break.
random Returns a random value of the same datatype.
reduce Evaluates an expression or block expressions and returns the result.
rejoin Reduces and joins a block of values.
remove Removes value(s) from a series and returns after the remove.
remove-each Removes a value from a series for each block that returns TRUE.
repend Appends a reduced value to a series and returns the series head.
replace Replaces the search value with the replace value within the target series.
reverse Reverses a series.
second Returns the second value of a series.
select Finds a value in the series and returns the value or series after it.
seventh Returns the seventh value of a series.
sixth Returns the sixth value of a series.
sixth Returns the sixth value of a series.
skip Returns the series forward or backward from the current position.
sort Sorts a series.
tail Returns the series at the position after the last value.
tail? Returns TRUE if a series is at its tail.
tenth Returns the tenth value of a series.
third Returns the third value of a series.
union Creates a new set that is the union of the two arguments.
unique Returns a set with duplicate values removed.
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