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GUI Note Shapes in DRAW Blocks

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

In the R3 GUI, styles depend on DRAW blocks for specifying graphical rendering.

The GUI Draw-Face function optimizes the draw by reducing the DRAW block prior to its usage. This is done to cache the final DRAW block for rendering. Subsequent refreshes of the same face can use the cached block, rather than rebuilding it again from the style and face definitions.

Note, however, that only the draw block itself is reduced in advance. Any sub-blocks of the DRAW block are not reduced (hence are not copied when cached). They are used by reference.

This is important for the SHAPE command which uses a block as an argument. The block holds the shape's definition. It is assumed that the shape is context independent. It is a static shape definition, such as an icon description, arrow graphic, etc. If necessary, it is allowed to contain shape-relative facets, but it should not contain face-relative facets, such as a size or area-size.

Of course, you can transform the shape as necessary, such as rescaling or rotating it, by defining a transformation matrix or one of the transformation commands.

Normally, if you need a face-based graphical shape, you can use DRAW commands directly. You do not need to use the SHAPE command.

If you require the rendering of a fully independent SVG, such as an icon or other image, you can use a SHAPE to reference it.

Should you decide that you absolutely need to use a SHAPE definition that contains face-relative facets, you can do so by building the shape during face initialization. You will need to reduce all face-based facets in the final block. Then, you can provide the SHAPE block itself as a facet variable within the DRAW block.

For example, within the style:

draw: [
    pen red
    shape shape-box

Where shape-box is a reduced block built by your ON-MAKE function.

Note that if you can fully reduce the block (eliminate all variable lookups) your shape will be rendered more quickly because the lookups are not happening during rendering.

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