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Make GOBs

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

Describes a new way to easily create multiple, related gobs.

Table of Contents


In R3, graphical objects (gobs) are easy to create and display; however, most programs need to create a complex arrangement of such objects and fully specifying such "layouts" can get pretty complicated at times.

The MAKE-GOBS function was designed to help ease that burden. It provides an quick way to specify any number of gobs, as well as the graphical relationships between those gobs.

MAKE-GOBS can be used independently of the VID dialect (however, VID is based on this function).

Make-gobs function

The make-gobs function creates a number of gobs from a specification block.

result: make-gobs spec-block

The spec-block is a dialect that describes what gobs you want created along with a range of constraints for them.

The function returns a result object, which we'll explain more below.

The MAKE-GOB dialect

The MAKE-GOB dialect allows you to specify the different types of gobs (text, image, etc.) along with constraints that control how they are positioned relative to each other (e.g. centered).

A dialect consists of commands and data that get parsed to perform specific actions. If you are new to the concept, see dialects for more information.

Gob types

The gob types allowed in the dialect are:

  • color - area set to specific color (with alpha)
  • draw - draw a vector graphic image
  • effect - image processing effect (e.g. blur)
  • image - an image
  • text - text and rich text
They are described in detail elsewhere.

Examples of types:

draw [fill-pen ... circle ...]
image my-image
text "Something"

Gob constraints

Before specifying a gob type, you can provide optional constraints to determine the offset and size of the gob.

The constraints allowed in the dialect are:

  • Horizontally:
    • left
    • center
    • right
  • Vertically:
    • top
    • middle
    • bottom
  • Size as dimensions:
    • width
    • height
  • Direct specification:
    • offset
    • size
These constraints require you to specify a value or expression. For example with left, you must specify the X offset of the gob. This can be done as a fixed value, such as:
left 10

or when a block is given, as a computed expression:

left [a + 10]

It is important to know that that offset will automatically be recomputed when a resize action occurs. More on that below.

Here is a full example that defines a static sized red colored gob:

left 10
top 10
width 30
height 30
color red

Dependent constraints

Normally, gobs are dependent only on the size of their parent. The right, bottom, center, and other constaints let you control that.

However, the dialect also gives you a way to add dependencies between gobs. For example, you can specify that the left position of one gob relative to that of the previous gob.

For example:

left + 2

will position the left offset of the next gob two pixels (to the right). A negative value can also be specified:

left - 4

In addition, you can specify that a gob "follows" the previous one. For example, it is to the right of the prior gob:

left follow 2

This which means the gob is at the right side of the prior gob plus two pixels. (A two pixel space between them.)

FOLLOW can be used with LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM and OFFSET; however, it cannot be used with WIDTH, HEIGHT, SIZE, CENTER or MIDDLE. Those will cause an error.

Implied constraints

You only need to specify as much information as needed to determine position and size of a gob.

Take this example:

right 2
width 10
top 5
bottom 6

Here the LEFT is not specified, but LEFT can be computed from RIGHT and WIDTH, so that will be done. The same is true about HEIGHT. It can be computed from TOP and BOTTOM.

Size determined by content

For TEXT and IMAGE types, the size of the gob can be obtained automatically from the content.

  • IMAGE gobs have a fixed size. It is the size of the image.
  • TEXT gobs will compute their width or height from the SIZE-TEXT function. For example, if you specify the width only, the height is determined using SIZE-TEXT.
If you change the contents of an IMAGE or TEXT gob, the size is not currently recomputed (however, if the size is dynamic for other reasons in the case of text, then it may be recomputed with size-text).

Changing the layering order

The graphics system defines gobs as being rendered in the order that they are written. The first gob is on the bottom; the last is on the top.

For example, if you provide a spec such as:

[image ... color ... text ...]

The image is on the bottom and the text is on the top.

Now, let's suppose you must specify that block in that order to get everything to align properly. But, what if you want the color to render first and then the image and text?

This can be accomplished with the BEFORE command. The BEFORE command takes an integer that is used as the number of gobs to backup in the specification.

You can write:

[image ... before 1 color ... text ...]

Here, the color would then be positioned to render first, before the image.

Keep in mind that the constraint dependency order is not changed by BEFORE. Only it's render order.

In this spec:

    left 10
    image photo1
    left + 2
    text "Description"
    before 1
    left + 2
    image photo2

The photo2 image will be 4 pixels to the right of the first image, but will be rendered before the text.

The result object

The result object has these fields:

  • gob: a gob! that contains all the created gobs.
  • on-resize: a function that adjusts all gobs based on the specification dialect and the new size provided.


To resize all of the gobs generated by MAKE-GOBS, you can call the ON-RESIZE function noted above.

For example:

gob-out: make-gobs specs
gob-out/on-resize new-size


Example 1

To create an icon consisting of an image with a text name under it:

icon: make image! 32x32
icon-text: "Icon name"

icon: make-gobs [
    ; first gob:
    center 0
    top 4
    image icon
    ; second gob:
    left 2
    right 2
    top 36
    text [anti-alias on center icon-text]

Let's look at each gob separately.

The first gob is:

center 0
top 4
image icon

The size of the gob is determined by the image, so it is not specified.

The CENTER command will center the image with respect to its parent gob. It is an a 0 offset from the center line.

Since the size of the image is known, and we can give only center and top, and the offset of the gob can be computed automatically.

Also, the image gob will be updated when the size of the parent gob changes (top stays 4, but the center changes when you change the size).

The second gob is:

left 2
right 2
top 36
text [anti-alias on center icon-text]

We give a specific left and top so the offset of the gob is constant.

The width of the gob is determined from both the left and right, so here it is the size of the parent gob minus 4 pixels.

The height is computed automatically with the SIZE-TEXT (because this is a TEXT gob).

Both width and height are recomputed during resize, so if the width changes, the result of SIZE-TEXT will change.

Example 2

The next example creates an icon with some effects to highlight the selection:

selected-icon: make-gobs [
    center 0
    top 4
    width (icon/size/x + 8)
    height (icon/size/y + 8)
    effect [shadow only icon 4x4 3.9 blue]

    left + 4
    top 8
    width icon/size/x
    height icon/size/y
    effect [contrast icon 10]

    top 36
    left 2
    right 2
    text [anti-alias on center icon-text]

    size + 2x2
    top - 2
    center 0
    before 1
    draw [pen blue fill-pen box 0x0 bottom-right/0x0 5]

Note in the first gob, note the parens. These values are computed only once (when the spec is first processed by DELECT). Those results will remain static for subsequent resize calls. Above, we use parens to set the WIDTH and HEIGHT.

In the second gob, the left margin is 4 pixels from the left margin of the previous gob.

In the last gob, both the size and top are dependent on the previous gob. It is 2 pixels bigger, and the top 2 pixels less.

The last gob is also centered, and it is drawn behind the previous gob instead of over it (BEFORE command).

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