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Pending issues

Christopher Ross-Gill edited this page Aug 1, 2016 · 1 revision

This page documents a number of pending issues in the R3 definition, design, or implementation.

Table of Contents

Math Operations for Percent

We must precisely define how math for percent works. It makes sense that:

5% + 10% = 15%

But does:

5% + 10 = 10.5 or 15?

And, the same is true for:

10 + 5%

Set-Words in Function Specs

Set-words in function specs will get a new meaning to allow special function modes. It has been used in ROUTINE! specs before, but how this works for functions is still being defined (and it is non-essential to beta 1 release.)


f1: func [a [integer!] return: [integer!]]
f2: func [a b options: [protect]]
f3: func [a b trace: [enter exit]]
f4: func [a b trace: [step]]
f5: func [a b catch: [all]]

Function Input Stream Access

Should a function have access to its input evaluation stream. For example, if F1 is a function, do we allow:

F1 10 "test"

where F1 can access the block from the point of [10].

It may be possible to redefine the :word function spec meaning (which does almost the same thing as 'word) to allow this.

Smart Mold of Function!

Should we allow functions to MOLD back to FUNC, DOES, HAS, etc.? It is not a major change to do so.

Smart Mold of Bitset!

Should MOLD on a bitset return a string or block similar to normal bitset specs? More user friendly. Not, some cases may remain as binary, to avoid odd characters in strings.

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