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4555 lines (3502 loc) · 427 KB

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4555 lines (3502 loc) · 427 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.

5.0.0 (2022-01-18)

Bug Fixes

  • charts: update chart series colors (8866736)


  • scheduler: remove legacy styles for kendo-angular-scheduler toolbar (94e093b)


  • autocomplete: add size, rounded and fill customization to autocomplete (de93be6)
  • avatar: add rounded customization to avatar (9d663e4)
  • button: add size, shape and color customization to button (db31d3f)
  • checkbox: add sizing property to checkbox (b60493d)
  • chip: add size rounded customization to chip (1c2c8c0)
  • color-picker: add size, shape and color customization to color picker (ea83616)
  • combobox: add size, shape and color customization to combobox (3454223)
  • date-input: add size, rounded and full customization to date input (c19da4f)
  • date-picker: add size, rounded and full customization to date picker (b137bca)
  • daterange-picker: add size, rounded and full customization to date range picker (5f48054)
  • datetime-picker: add size, rounded and full customization to date-time picker (9d98b62)
  • dropdown-grid: add size, shape and color customization to dropdown grid (b8f7f05)
  • dropdown-list: add size, shape and color customization to dropdown list (1a529a8)
  • dropdown-tree: add size, shape and color customization to dropdown tree (7907d94)
  • fab: standartize appearance options (6a9dfdb)
  • input: add new high-level input component (6f45cf0)
  • list: add size customization to list (1509542)
  • masked-textbox: add size, rounded and fill customization to masked textbox (995dc3f)
  • menu-button: add size customization to menu button (45a0864)
  • menu: add size customization to menu list and menu items (7e0b9d1)
  • multiselect: add size, rounded and fill customization to multiselect (11a2cab)
  • numeric: add size, rounded and fill customization to numeric (8e16cd2)
  • radio: add sizing property to radio (afb6cc3)
  • searchbox: add size, rounded and fill customization to searchbox (0e75886)
  • switch: add size and rounded customization to switch (10a7a02)
  • table: add sizing to table component (ae7b643)
  • textarea: add size, rounded and fill customization to textarea (cc6c6fb)
  • textbox: add size, rounded and fill customization to textbox (797937e)
  • time-picker: add size, rounded and full customization to time picker (c8db5cb)
  • treeview: add sizing property to treeview (0b92f78)


  • publishing: do not include flattened dependencies in distributions (6dd9537)


  • fab: Convert monolithic FAB styles to multiple class names.

Styles are split in multiple class names with each being scoped to a single FAB appearance property:

  • shape - controls if the FAB is square or not;
  • size - controls the overall physical size of a FAB;
  • themeColor - controls which color is used to style a FAB;
  • fillMode - controls how the color is applied;
  • rounded - controls what border radius is applied to a FAB.
  • fab: the shape option now supports rectangle and square.
  • fab: themeColor class is now composite - k-fab-{fillMode}-{themeColor}.
  • fab: Add kendo prefix to all FAB variables
  • treeview: Add sizing property to TreeView
  • multiselect: Use high-level input for multiselect base

Multiselect reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • multiselect: Use chip list for item selection
  • chip: Add kendo prefix to all avatar variables

Change variable names from $chip-* to $kendo-chip-*.

  • table: Add kendo prefix to all table variables

Change variable names from $table-* to $kendo-table-*.

  • list: List size is now applied by a dedicated class.
  • list: Rename list state variables.
  • list: Add kendo prefix to all list variables

Change variable name from $list-* to $kendo-list-*.

  • menu: Convert monolithic menu styles to multiple class names
  • menu-button: Convert monolithic menu button styles to multiple class names
  • avatar: Removed shape option from avatar.

The avatar has fixed width and height, thus no dedicated shape option is needed. Instead, the avatar has rounded appearance property set to circle by default.

The styles of the avatar are split into multiple class names with each being scoped to a single appearance property:

  • size controls the overall physical size of an avatar;
  • themeColor controls which color is used to style an avatar;
  • fillMode controls how the color is applied;
  • rounded controls what border radius is applied to an avatar.

Each property generates component specific class name k-avatar-{size}, k-avatar-{fillMode}, k-avatar-{fillMode}-{themeColor}.

Note: without fillMode, there is no way to apply themeColor, that's why the themeColor class is composite.

The only notable exception is rounded, which sets the same class name for all components -- k-rounded-{rounded}.

You can find more information about the values of each property in the documentation of the button component -- /docs/components/avatar.

  • avatar: Add kendo prefix to all avatar variables

Change variable names from $avatar-* to $kendo-avatar-*.

  • daterange-picker: Use high-level input for date range picker base

Date range picker reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • datetime-picker: Use high-level input for date-item picker base

Date-time picker reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • time-picker: Use high-level input for time picker base

Time picker reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • date-picker: Use high-level input for date picker base

Date picker reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • date-input: Use high-level input for date input base

Date input reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • color-picker: Use high-level picker for color picker base

Color picker reuses the picker base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • dropdown-grid: Use high-level picker for dropdown grid base

Dropdown grid reuses the picker base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • dropdown-tree: Use high-level picker for dropdown tree base

Dropdown tree reuses the picker base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • dropdown-list: Use high-level picker for dropdown list base

Dropdown list reuses the picker base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • combobox: Use high-level input for combobox base

Combobox reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • autocomplete: Use high-level input for autocomplete base

Autocomplete reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • searchbox: Use high-level input for searchbox base

Searchbox reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • masked-textbox: Use high-level input for masked textbox base

Masked textbox reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • numeric: Use high-level input for numeric textbox base

Numeric textbox reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • textarea: Use high-level input for textarea base

Textarea reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • textbox: Use high-level input for textbox base base

Textbox reuses the input base component size, rounded and fill component options.

  • input: Add new high-level input and picker component

Previously, the various form components did not share or reuse code. Now, we have have to base components: input and picker, that hold the bulk of styling needed. In addition, styles are split in multiple class names with each being scoped to a single component appearance property:

  • size controls the overall physical size of a component;
  • themeColor controls which color is used to style a component;
  • fillMode controls how the color is applied;
  • rounded controls what border radius is applied to a component.

Each property generates component specific class name k-input-{size}, k-input-{fillMode}, k-input-{fillMode}-{themeColor}.

Note: without fillMode, there is no way to apply themeColor, that's why the themeColor class is composite.

The only notable exception is rounded, which sets the same class name for all components -- k-rounded-{rounded}.

You can find more information about the values of each property in the documentation of each respective component -- /docs/components/....

  • input: Remove residual styles

No further customization is applied to input and picker components when hosted inside other components, except in very few specific cases.

  • input: Add kendo prefix to all variables

Change variable names from $input-* to $kendo-input-*.

  • radio: Add sizing property to radio

There is a new aptly named property, size, for radio button which controls the overall physical size of a radio button.

  • radio: Add kendo prefix to all radio variables

Change variable names from $radio-* to $kendo-radio-*.

  • checkbox: Convert monolithic checkbox styles to multiple class names

Previously, k-checkbox held all the styling information related to the checkbox component. Now, styles are split in multiple class names with each being scoped to a single checkbox appearance property:

  • size controls the overall physical size of a checkbox;
  • rounded controls what border radius is applied to a checkbox.
  • checkbox: Add kendo prefix to all checkbox variables

Change variable names from $checkbox-* to $kendo-checkbox-*.

  • switch: Convert monolithic switch styles to multiple class names

Previously, switch class names held too much styling information that made customizing the switch hard. Now, styles are split in multiple class names with each being scoped to a single switch appearance property:

  • size controls the overall physical size of a switch;
  • trackRounded controls what border radius is applied to the switch track;
  • thumbRounded controls what border radius is applied to the switch thumb.

You can find more information about the values of each property in the documentation of the button component -- /docs/components/switch.

  • switch: Remove residual switch styles

No further customization is applied to buttons when hosted inside other components, except in very few specific cases.

  • switch: Add kendo prefix to all switch variables

Change variable name from $switch-* to $kendo-switch-*.

  • button: Convert monolithic button styles to multiple class names

Previously, k-button held all the styling information related to the button component. Now, styles are split in multiple class names with each being scoped to a single button appearance property:

  • shape controls if the button is square or not;
  • size controls the overall physical size of a button;
  • themeColor controls which color is used to style a button;
  • fillMode controls how the color is applied;
  • rounded controls what border radius is applied to a button.

Each property generates component specific class name k-button-square, k-button-{size}, k-button-{fillMode}, k-button-{fillMode}-{themeColor}.

Note: without fillMode, there is no way to apply themeColor, that's why the themeColor class is composite.

The only notable exception is rounded, which sets the same class name for all components -- k-rounded-{rounded}.

You can find more information about the values of each property in the documentation of the button component -- /docs/components/button.

  • button: Remove residual button styles

No further customization is applied to buttons when hosted inside other components, except in very few specific cases.

For instance, in Material theme we would slightly dim the normal buttons and remove the shadow, which may or may not be desired.

  • button: Add kendo prefix to all button variables

Change variable names from $button-* to $kendo-button-*.

  • scheduler: Remove legacy styles for kendo-angular-scheduler

  • charts: Updates the chart series colors to match the update designs

  • add compatibility swatches called ending with v4

  • publishing: Do not include flattened dependencies in distributions

4.44.0 (2022-01-18)

Bug Fixes

  • adaptive: improve spacing between items in adaptive edit form (2ff4adf)
  • add box sizing to compnents and parts of components that can be sized (3ec985a)
  • add important utils for flex (26cfa9e)
  • add styles for virtual scroller component (0e1c521)
  • appbar: make horizontal and vertical padding symetrical (6504cad)
  • autocomplete: convert styles to universal v4 rendering (dbf7bcf)
  • button-group: button group shouldn't have disabled appearance (b44a2a2)
  • button-group: use direction independent border radius for children (ca0f78d)
  • button: add extra styles for flat button (885cc6f)
  • button: add extra styles for link button (f90e61d)
  • button: add extra styles for outline button (8100b97)
  • button: add extra styles for solid button (3aabce4)
  • button: do not override button focus shadow in button group (b806e0e)
  • button: remove IE 9 related code (96c23ef)
  • button: size inner icon of button instead the button itself (f728632)
  • button: use border-radius inherit for focus ring (5e9ad82)
  • button: use the same appearance for active and selected button (d9ca91e)
  • chat: remove border from message box buttons (38ba0dc)
  • chat: remove redundant textbox styles (339c301)
  • chat: scroll buttons should be as small as possible (4d32dce)
  • checkbox-radio: add styles for checkbox radio wrap for better alignment (3f2e22f)
  • checkbox-radio: checkboxes and radios should not shrink (d6196f5)
  • checkbox-radio: use !important when hiding empty radio / checkbox lables (9c9e647)
  • checkbox: improve ripple styles (122a208)
  • checkbox: remove styles for obsolete marker indicator (4edd8bd)
  • color-editor: make gap between current and preview color consistent (6e2a06f)
  • color-picker: convert styles to match universal rendering (9d46df1)
  • color-picker: legacy colorpicker shouldbe able to use color preview (a9f445e)
  • color-preview: scope transparent background to color preview mask (87a1f19)
  • column-menu: ensure all child content is 100% wide (fd954fe)
  • column-menu: use corretly derived padding variables (6da6b59)
  • combobox: update styles to match universal v4 rendering (8408f7c)
  • daterange-picker: extract daterange picker styles as a separate module (02b3560)
  • dropdown-list: update styles to match universal v4 rendering (eb21b75)
  • editor: ensure kendo-jquery styles for overflow anchor do not affect the other suites (efad10e)
  • editor: floating toolbar should take available width (e13246d)
  • editor: set default width for inputs in dialogs (ac2798a)
  • ensure consistent width for inputs and pickers when inside toolbar and other containers (503e68b)
  • ensure correct font sizes for xs sm md lg and xl (1615afa)
  • filter: adjust styles for angular rendering (971f6cb)
  • form: make form-buttons alias of action buttons (0510a42)
  • forms: remove unexpected margin before a form field preceded by hidden field (4ffcd48)
  • grid: column menu and filter menu should not extend beyond their popup (9281a90)
  • grid: do not flex colorpicker and dropdown opearotr in grid filter row (ab713e7)
  • grid: filter button is not visible in ie (b11f198)
  • grid: fix background color on selected cell when hovered (75597d4)
  • grid: fix buttons misalignment in grid toolbar and group indicator (aeee0ab)
  • grid: improve how items are spaced in grid filter row (2138291)
  • grid: remove separate hover styling on detail row container (1be1790)
  • image-editor: introduce variable to set action pane width (fff9c07)
  • input: input prefix and suffix must not have height (8414a23)
  • input: use 200px default width instead of guessing (85fce4a)
  • list: better alignment for checkboxes in multiline scenario (d87921a)
  • listbox: fix scrolling issue (e7a81db)
  • listbox: ser default width to 10 em (20 characters) (6be4719)
  • list: improve list item spacing, group heading font weight and no-data container height (a1b5786)
  • list: use correct colors for various list parts (efac2c6)
  • list: use correct variable values for list and items (15bfcb3)
  • listview: remove redundant border rule (ef8486a)
  • make scroll buttons consistent in tabstrip, spreadsheet and and chat (72ad38d)
  • map: ensure buttons are properly positioned (b7af07c)
  • maskedtextbox: update styles to match v4 universal rendering (20d3589)
  • media-player: ensure correct width of quality selector (c07eb7c)
  • menu-button: add styles for button arrow (bb87946)
  • menu-button: menu button arrow should be as large as split button arrow (b2f746e)
  • menu: add styles for selected menu item (1236f1a)
  • menu: expand arrow container should center its icon (5895f6f)
  • menu: menu items should be flex column not row (ce981fc)
  • numeric: convert styles to v4 universal rendering (f12f787)
  • pager: set default width for inputs 5 em (10 characters) (f8332af)
  • pdf-viewer: reuse toolbar variables for pdf-viewer search (5c0f71c)
  • pivot: add styling to configurator chips (2a11514)
  • popover: remove absolute positioning of the popover element (b3cac8c)
  • popup: make padding of popups 0 (d567a72)
  • radio: improve ripple styles (9c2cc66)
  • reuse styles in adaptive grid filter menu (d04b71c)
  • scheduler: adjust edit fields container dimensions and layout (f209db1)
  • scheduler: scheduler tooltip no data template should not stretch the tooltip (e7bb71f)
  • scrollview: correct translate direction in rtl (0f896a5)
  • searchbox: convert styles to v4 universal rendering (d38a6d4)
  • set default input width to 10 em (20 characters) (17fbebc)
  • set explicit box-sizing border box to most components (e83bec3)
  • slider: classic slider should be 56 pixels wide (de0fec4)
  • slider: update slider styles to match universal v4 rendering (7884875)
  • spreadsheet: hide overflow when frozen columns exceed spreadsheet width (e3443fb)
  • switch: align classic theme colors with less themes (b647dcf)
  • switch: switch should behave correctly in containers with dir attribute (edee197)
  • table: add horizontal border in table header (857397f)
  • table: add styles for kendo-jquery table-list with grouping (b126983)
  • table: add styles for sticky table group header (da9199f)
  • table: group row should be absolutely positioned in virtualization (aa83b3a)
  • table: table header and footer should inherit border color (bd09c9d)
  • tabstrip: Fix tab overflow when scrollable is set to false (a0d314b)
  • tabstrip: scrollable tabstrip should not wrap items (5be3a4c)
  • tabstrip: unify tabstrip content padding (d35feb9)
  • textarea: text area should be block level element (a0b7426)
  • timeselector: remove outline (d9bd390)
  • toolbar: add menu component as dependency to toolbar component (90eeb13)
  • toolbar: move styles for toolbar overflow container in toolbar files (148a0ab)
  • treeview: add styles for treeview filter container (dd5c257)
  • treeview: checkboxes need margin on both horizontal sides (396d720)
  • treeview: streamline treeview styles to match design better (23a80f3)
  • treeview: use correct variable values for treeview and items (37f271a)
  • use correct font-size for inputs (f59582f)
  • use smaller font size for table list and grid list group labels (0d9a4a3)
  • utils: replace circle and pill with full border-radius option (4bf37c6)
  • window: use correct line-height for titlebar (3b88d41)


  • date-input: extract date input styles into a separate folder (061868a)
  • date-picker: extract date picker styles into a separate folder (c3633bd)
  • datetime-picker: extract datetime picker styles into a separate folder (e269119)
  • list: extract styles for list component (bff7748)
  • panelbar: adds variables to allow customization when expanding panelbar (37215ea)
  • table: add styles for table component (639ea3f)
  • time-picker: extract time picker styles into a separate folder (d5e5888)
  • time-selector: extract time selector styles into a separate folder (d16b90c)


  • revert d9ca91e24c5ab5dee9736bdc8888bcb37147f3c7 (acfc62b)

4.43.0 (2021-11-29)

Bug Fixes

  • actions: horizontal action must have explicit width (ef73924)
  • adaptive: remove overriding styles for disabled state (f7c4482)
  • add global variables wcag-light and wcag-dark to work with contrast-wcag function (c618118)
  • autocomplete: use correct colors for invalid state (f2f0144)
  • avatar: use 2px border radius for avatar to match v5 (7cd5d1d)
  • avatar: vertically align icons inside avatar (932d8bc)
  • card: remove redundant styles for buttons (7bed7ff)
  • chat: do not remove padding from buttons (f553f0a)
  • chat: remove redundant styles for textbox (37587e2)
  • chat: reuse button input and toolbar variables (371e9c4)
  • chat: stretch scroll buttons (60c1034)
  • checkbox: hover state comma is missing (71d4960)
  • chip: add k-state-selected class where missed (d568daf)
  • color-picker: use slightly tinner indicator for selected color (c51173a)
  • color-preview: remove cursor pointer from preview-color element (3aa35fc)
  • combobox: make hover state of combobox select consistent with other inputs (d5c2791)
  • dropdown-list: select border should be rendered even if transparent (8594965)
  • editor: combine editor content and editable area styles (b4a1679)
  • editor: simplify editor toolbar by removing redundant styles (b81faef)
  • editor: use explicit box-sizing for image resizing (98f459e)
  • ensure correct validation icon color in invalid state (627abb2)
  • form: make form fields inline-flex instead of flex (1baa806)
  • gantt: use box-sizing border box for task and milestones (874d0af)
  • grid: decrease column menu icon z-index (84e00f3)
  • input: add styles for validation and loading icons (a2253ec)
  • make edit-buttons container alias of actions container (04cdf04)
  • pivotgrid: off-screen content is not visible during export (d27c177)
  • resolve w3c validator errors (c65cb67)
  • scheduler: remove further customization from mobile scheduler views dropdown (db3733a)
  • searchbox: add box-sizing to searchbox (97acba6)
  • searchbox: use correct colors for invalid state (6c947d0)
  • separator: streamline separator styles (3a4cc7a)
  • tabstrip: ensure k-tabstrip-content and k-tabstrip k-content styles are identical (374ee33)
  • tabstrip: tab alignment not working (d60b4f6)
  • tabstrip: unify tabstrip appearance inside window (e3c3336)
  • use consistent border width for select button in inputs and pickers (d517f2a)
  • use correct border radius for select button in rtl inputs (9236b39)
  • utils: use different border-radius for different themes (c3991c7)
  • window: add styles for window buttons container (a73fba6)


  • add new icons to font (eb4b933)
  • colorgradient: add color contrast svg styles (9a9a336)
  • editor: add styles for resizable images (b621712)
  • remove leftover support for IE 9 (cb82f9b)

4.42.0 (2021-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • actions: add styles for vertical orientation of actions (9747e10)
  • button: update button dependencies to include typography (5bff00a)
  • captcha: import missing dependencies (0c79daa)
  • grid: replace hardcoded vertical border width (e4a3c13)
  • map: override icon button styles in navigator (9e88414)
  • orgchart: import missing dependencies (bc8d649)
  • pivotgrid: use standard flex syntax (62e9656)
  • scheduler: react scheduler timeline view cells doesn't render correctly (aebb314)
  • spreadsheet: use standard flex syntax (23b16e7)


  • chip: update component to match latest design (5b63b95)
  • colorpicker: update component rendering and styles to match latest design (a0bb137)
  • editor: implement resizable class (cf1ac55)
  • fab: update styles to match the latest design (31c1615)
  • utils: add gap utility classes (8a1f8e0)
  • utils: add more border-radius utility classes (701056f)
  • utils: extract theme color utility classes into utils module (e1b51df)

4.42.0-dev.0 (2021-10-18)

Bug Fixes

  • actions: add styles for vertical orientation of actions (9747e10)
  • button: update button dependencies to include typography (5bff00a)
  • captcha: import missing dependencies (0c79daa)
  • grid: replace hardcoded vertical border width (e4a3c13)
  • map: override icon button styles in navigator (9e88414)
  • orgchart: import missing dependencies (bc8d649)
  • pivotgrid: use standard flex syntax (62e9656)
  • scheduler: react scheduler timeline view cells doesn't render correctly (aebb314)
  • spreadsheet: use standard flex syntax (23b16e7)


  • chip: update component to match latest design (5b63b95)
  • colorpicker: update component rendering and styles to match latest design (a0bb137)
  • editor: implement resizable class (cf1ac55)
  • fab: update styles to match the latest design (31c1615)
  • utils: add gap utility classes (8a1f8e0)
  • utils: add more border-radius utility classes (701056f)
  • utils: extract theme color utility classes into utils module (e1b51df)

4.41.2 (2021-09-13)

Bug Fixes

  • button: clear button should inherit color (289985f)
  • chat: add styles for links in bubbles (31e22b3)
  • dark-swatches: use conditional border color based on theme luminosity (14c2d01)
  • dataviz: always use white or white text color for chart tooltip (2ee6aa7)
  • dataviz: dont override selection colors with series colors (0a53881)
  • dataviz: use conditional black or white colors for chart lines (e205eda)
  • inputs: use k-hidden instead of display none to show hide warning icon (7e387d7)
  • notification: notification icons are misaligned with text in material theme (c3b55a4)
  • pager: add missing k-state-focused selector (8d8de00)
  • pivotgrid: remove double border in pivotgrid headers (924b52c)
  • popover: remove padding from popover (9bcd287)
  • skeleton: use correct colors in dark swatches (fbdde90)
  • split-button: apply correct border-radius in rtl (a2f9f0f)
  • textarea: textarea uses incorrect colors in material dark swatches (98558db)
  • use correct colors for component, slider and toolbar in default dark swatch (32c2356)

4.41.2-dev.2 (2021-09-13)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

4.41.2-dev.1 (2021-09-11)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

4.41.2-dev.0 (2021-09-08)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

4.41.1 (2021-09-06)

Bug Fixes

  • sheduler: scheduler resource cells should not flex (8e848d3)

4.41.0 (2021-08-13)

Bug Fixes

  • gantt: add treelist scrollable class (0916bcd)
  • grid: import skeleton dependency (632c4b8)
  • grid: reduce the padding with a pixel due to the wrap element border (296a280)
  • pivotgrid: apply the scrollbar padding to the table element (c1511f9)


  • add captcha styles (f0eef52)
  • add orgchart styles (2e237ef)
  • add popover styles (28f352c)
  • pager: add focusable styles to component (9971077)
  • tabstrip: extend scrollable and sortable tabs styles (29ae422)

4.40.1 (2021-07-28)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

4.40.0 (2021-07-26)

Bug Fixes

  • update try-darken and try-lighten to work based on theme luminocity (a87d80e)
  • button: darken active state of button (3dfa722)
  • button: flat buttons should have their own text color (c2bf6a9)
  • button: focus outline button in button group should have inner shadow (35deb7a)
  • button-group: remove customization from button group (27debfd)
  • calendar: add calendar caption styles, reuse existing styles and remove legacy styles (6d5f33e)
  • calendar: animations in kendo-jquery-calendar are broken (e836151)
  • calendar: do not flex stretch calendar tables (9cea07b)
  • calendar: do not shade other month day in scheduler year view (d2bb4b9)
  • calendar: remove background clip (8e701b2)
  • calendar: remove legacy styles for kendo-react calendar (0d6411e)
  • calendar: update calendar cell focus shadow to match design (fa62d57)
  • calendar: use cells per row (cac90a0)
  • calendar: use explicit flat buttons for calendar header (482bcf9)
  • checkbox: update checkbox borders to match design more closely (2450229)
  • checkbox: use single set of variables for styling indeterminate state indicator (5380db2)
  • colorpicker: add k-hstack where needed (2ad36e7)
  • colorpicker: wrong rtl style in color-gradient (cb3003a)
  • editor: remove explicit shading of editor find replace dialog (432b6a2)
  • editor: viewHTML editor-dialog styling fixed with flex (c16b8be)
  • grid: extract grid edit cell variables (8a33349)
  • grid: update grid-grouping-bg to match design (d8f7d0d)
  • grid: use more predictable spacing between buttons in command cells (b000af4)
  • icon: keep font-face styles at root so nesthet themes will work (2ce449a)
  • inputs: update inputs border to reflect design (33c4953)
  • listgroup: unlink listgroup variables from cell variables (7f72e0b)
  • mediaplayer: do not apply additional styling for media player toolbar (32aee36)
  • mediaplayer: use consistent padding for media player header (3461ecf)
  • pager: use consistent padding for pager (e17a60f)
  • pivot: reuse toolbar styles for pivot toolbar (5166c6f)
  • rating: use correct color for rating icons (5be1c92)
  • scheduler: introduce variables for scheduler cell padding (0760a37)
  • scheduler: use scheduler-cell-padding variable for all cells (12fa675)
  • scrollview: change light/dark bg opacity (d1d2250)
  • scrollview: fix dots in scrollview-nav (0c8458e)
  • spreadsheet: use actual icon in spreadsheet formula bar (c8a4c93)
  • switch: center switch content vertically (dca00f1)
  • taskboard: pane spacing is not consistent with action buttons (9ff8244)
  • toolbar: do not explictly flex stretch toolbar items (f8f7960)
  • toolbar: do not override focsed state of disabled flat buttons (2011aba)
  • treeview: add spacing between icon and checkbox (e8c1a5a)
  • add missing styles for calendar today link in header (180dbeb)
  • extract styles for generic separator (279e5d0)
  • remove duplicate styles for action buttons (a1ad2de)
  • remove most extend clauses (a52abab)
  • remove unused cell-padding-sm variable (0812298)
  • remove usages of background-clip styling (accb3ef)
  • update list item focus shadow to match design (6f7e29c)
  • spreadsheet: formula icon should be content box so it doesn't shrink (6fd82f7)
  • rename cell-padding variables to table-cell-padding (14205be)
  • toolbar: use consistent padding for toolbar (9fbce08)
  • upload: disconnect upload variables from toolbar (31fc9a3)
  • upload: use spacing map to size upload items (42bad6b)
  • window: remove background-clip styles (00ae7fb)
  • remove usages of deprecated accent variable (07ddc38)
  • remove usages of extend text-selection (33948d8)
  • update swatches schema (b2fa497)
  • upload: wrong button cursor on hover in firefox (dadbbe8)
  • utils: k-justify-content-stretch is not IE compatible (6634eec)


  • checkbox: allow glyph, image and marke for checked and indeterminate state (9db64a4)
  • functions: add escape-svg and str-replace functions (3ff2fd1)
  • pivotgrid: update pivotgrid to match latest design (4697557)
  • radio: allow glyph, image and marker for checked state (f49034b)
  • remove bootstrap form overrides (663d374)
  • toolbar: add styles for toolbar group (f68e732)
  • allow setting browser scrollbar width via CSS variable (4b4c560)
  • expose endpoint for swatches consuption via js (0c7cb4f)

4.39.0 (2021-06-14)

Bug Fixes

  • window: add missing titlebar gradient variable (b1a334d)
  • add styles for emulating justify content stretch (d2f5580)
  • modify chip shadow to match design (4bbb886)
  • dateinputs: vertically align week number with other dates (944341f)
  • datetime: apply opposite border-radius in RTL for Default and Bootstrap themes (66c3abb)
  • expansionpanel: import missing dependencies (a4164ad)
  • form: fix the layout of the editor in form (ba3f99a)
  • grid: add pager focus styles (2c1d642)
  • grid: apply correct selected and hover styles on sticky cells in React Grid (1a9268f)
  • grid: do not apply pager focus styles on non-navigable grid (b0f4b8b)
  • grid: import missing spacer dependency (93b8d75)
  • panelbar: apply correct focus styles in Material theme (6e655aa)
  • traling commas break builds (d1c30c7), closes telerik/kendo-themes#2480
  • panelbar: the arrow icons are not aligned correctly in IE (3d9c3e9)
  • scheduler: add selector for adgenda view rows hover via class name (29f6abf)
  • update draghandle focus state (4dc5fd9)
  • scrollview: add missing px units for height calc (0fdc4d5)


  • core: add styles for stack and grid layout (171e9ae)
  • core: extract extra scss file with common styles (7697789)
  • grid: add k-grid-toolbar-bottom styles (65c18f2)
  • extract core module (4d0cfda)

4.38.1 (2021-05-04)

Bug Fixes

  • revert fix for virtual scrolling container (d096e68)

4.38.0 (2021-05-04)

Bug Fixes

  • various fixes for content with virtualization (a71c12b)
  • action-sheet: add z-index to actionsheet container (d6aca3b)
  • wrong border color (5c12855)
  • actionsheet: reset position of action sheet in popup (e331c6b)
  • grid: non sticky header cells should slide below sticky cells (be74a9e)
  • taskboard: scope category border selector in rtl (1f021e3)


  • expose certain swatches to theme builder (9f75bc5)

4.37.0 (2021-04-16)

Bug Fixes

  • add focus state for draghandle (7339d40)
  • missing border between expand/collapse column (528acf7)
  • remove active styles (3b48598)
  • set zIndex (01d0024)
  • adaptive: use component and app colors for adaptive styling (b38436e)
  • appbar: use light and dark colors for light and dark appbar (3346deb)
  • button: update button colors to match latest design spec (26415a5)
  • calendar: update calendar colors to match latest design spec (fdfc48c)
  • chip: update chip colors in default theme to match design spec (20cdd16)
  • color-system: update selected hover colors (d2daeaa)
  • dataviz: use linked chart colors for crosshair (a7a9313)
  • drawer: use component- variables for drawer styles (60d11b6)
  • dropdownlist: filter input size with no content (720f58e)
  • editor: use correct color for editor focused outline (311b21b)
  • filter: use subtle text variable for filter styling (2eba3f6)
  • gantt: use body-bg for striped gradients (211e7a4)
  • grid: dirty cell overflow (f0d78bf)
  • grid: use correct colors for grid colum menu styles (fc1f85c)
  • loader: use component- variables for loader styles (d2a9808)
  • spreadsheet: use component- variables for spreadsheet styles (fb20ad7)
  • tilelayout: hide the header of an overlapped item (606bcfd)
  • sticky column border color when filter row is used (aadd838)
  • validate swatches json files against schema (82853d1)
  • grid: filter menu items spacings (02e2f54)
  • panelbar: change panelbar-bg to white (f27f218)
  • pivotgrid: use correct colors for pivotgrid (4dd2df2)
  • popup: use component border for popup styling (e8818f3)
  • rating: prevent pointer events to readonly mode (fb7fe93)
  • scheduler: use scheduler- variables for styling (075ed1e)
  • splitter: tweak splitbar colors (9b978ef)
  • timepicker: align timepicker colors to design spec (ec115cc)
  • treeview: focus should be on root and not on wrapper (d1c3312), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#6321
  • upload: use component- variables for upload styles (b814610)


  • add new icons to font (c6578f2)
  • action-sheet: add styles for action sheet (a6fc80c)
  • button: align button colors to design specification (1d40910)
  • button: update button spacing (b539940)
  • color-system: add gray palette in default theme (c2c8918)
  • drawer: hierarchical items (e86f93b)
  • panelbar: styles update (613d2a3)
  • popup: update popup-bg to white (86c1297)
  • scheduler: add year view styles (96647f1), closes #2229
  • skeleton: component styles (3a31ce0)
  • add styles for drag cell (35c043b)
  • add styles for k-bottom-nav-link (1d97726)
  • add TaskBoard styles (fe98511)
  • increase contrast of textual colors (da847d9)
  • ligthen base-bg in default theme (256a23d)

4.36.0 (2021-03-29)

Bug Fixes

  • update grid sticky columns/rows styling (4e86821)
  • grid: apply correct styles for filer menu that is part of the popup content (01e10c0)
  • update focus state (89d9020)


  • add interaction states for calendar (3ec6113)
  • add interaction states for combobox, autocomplete and multiselect (9a07a6a)
  • add interaction states for date pickers (d1479f5)
  • dataviz: add Gauge styles (f6ae7ce)
  • add interaction states for checkboxes (bef52c6)
  • add interaction states for dateinput (5d4a3a3)
  • add interaction states for radio buttons (97aad9b)

4.35.0 (2021-03-15)

Bug Fixes

  • hide Script HTML tags (7903b2e)
  • calendar: navigation animation adjustments for angular (c98dae7)
  • dragdrop: add indicator container spacings for the KendoReact Grid (bd36e5f)
  • drawer: increase overlay selector specificity (361973e)


  • grid: update filter menu styles based on latest design (ae4785e)
  • add styles for action buttons with stretched layout in window and dialog (810c300)
  • circulargauge: layout styles (79c0b82)

4.34.0 (2021-03-04)

Bug Fixes

  • breadcrumb: update breadcrumb styling to match in material and bootstrap design (5965c1d)
  • calendar: use subtle-text variable for calendar styles (61099cd)
  • chart: simplify chart variables (10847f2)
  • colorpicker: use correct styling for colorpicker interactive states (0131f19)
  • colorpicker: use subtle text variable in colorpicker styling (e8df2cf)
  • combobox: use correct styling for combobox interactive states (9702a14)
  • datetime: remove k-select focus outline (b695631)
  • datetime: use correct styling for datetime buttons interactive states (f9be1ba)
  • default-theme: replace usages of darken with shade (f6cf35c)
  • dragdrop: remove duplicated drag drop styles (560c8eb)
  • dropdown: use correct styling for dropdown interactive states (1ed026a)
  • expansion-panel: apply correct RTL selectors (efa9325)
  • forms: apply max-width to form-field-wrap (bee6f6d)
  • forms: use subtle-text variable for form styling (68dae9f)
  • image-editor: reduce colors used by image editor (0860168)
  • multiselect: use corect colors for multiselect in material theme (9999811)
  • numeric: use correct styling for numeric buttons interactive states (1aa2a5d)
  • numerictextbox: apply correct min-width to spinner buttons (0bf02b8)
  • rating: use subtle-text variable for rating styling (47f7a42)
  • scheduler: remove k-nav-current focus outline (66ac6b9)
  • stepper: use subtle-text and disabled-text variables for stepper styling (0d140ad)
  • switch: move focus state styles after hover state styles (4482a06)
  • switch: update switch styles to match material and boostrap designs (61129a3)
  • switch: use current width for thumb left position (4456d85)
  • add styles for content focus TabStrip and Wizard telerik/kendo#12197 (5f9d382)
  • ExpansionPanel with sibling has wrong top margin (28e3a03)
  • reduce color complexity in slider and progressbar (d586ce0)
  • spacer with fixed size wrong width (f2d7cc3)
  • use correct color determination for app-bg (102db3d)
  • use correct color determination for popup-bg (85edd9f)
  • tabstrip: use subtle-text variable for tabstrip styling (eb2347b)
  • use subtle-text variable for forms and input styling (0c49b7e)
  • scheduler: use subtle-text variable in scheduler styling (48be667)
  • upload: remove redundant color variables (74cd4a5)
  • upload: use subtle-text variable for upload styling (8fa18b6)
  • use subtle-text variable for styling cards and chat components (1d2728b)
  • utils: add important flag to position utils (ad9f24c)


  • add subtle text variable to be used as secondary text (8b9322f)

4.33.0 (2021-02-15)

Bug Fixes

  • changing step breaks the layout in iOS (882a397)
  • incorrect behavior of autofitting in IE and Chrome (1ac6348)
  • long content in item body overflows (cbcbd98)
  • missing spacing between k-label and radio button (d3b29f1)
  • progressbar doesn't end to the selected step in Safari (34a7125)
  • traling comma breaks build with WebCompiler VS addon (e047fda)
  • update drag hint font-size and line-height to match grouping indicator's (3e7b253)
  • wrong border color around invalid files (d2ac02e)
  • dialog: some fonts overflowing window title vertically (4db09b8)
  • grid: grid filter button cut off in IE11 (a54cd27)
  • stepper: Stepper uses progressbar element but does not include the progressbar styling (b1ece1c)
  • tabstrip: remove at-root rule (cc29841)
  • window: resize handles overflow container (093277f)


  • colorpicker: add contrast color section (337a644)
  • notification: generate notification-themes map dynamically (485f9a3)
  • overlay: extract overlay as a separate component (0e596ab)
  • utils: add border color utility classnames (2568bd2)
  • utils: add border radius utility classnames (961ba52)
  • utils: add border style utility classnames (7bbef55)
  • utils: add border width utility classnames (69ac5c7)
  • update styles to match the new design (45b4abc)
  • utils: add font-size utils (e608182)

4.32.0 (2021-01-13)

Bug Fixes

  • chart: inherit pane title font (7db96ca)
  • columnmenu: apply correct padding to actions (0280155)
  • inputs: angular checkbox and radio labels on the same line (ee2aa6f)
  • loader-container: adjust secondary color (d0d7e7b)
  • utils: use marging for MX and MY classes (459bbe3)


  • add $chart-pane-title-font-weight variable (2daf251)

4.31.0 (2021-01-07)

Bug Fixes

  • clear-value icon wrong width (acb7266)
  • chart: set area opacity to 0.6 (e1fc2c4)
  • dialog: make textbox / textarea inside prompt 100% wide (b0a8cd8)
  • fab: add RTL styles for Angular FAB (cd9cd76)
  • filemanager: ensure correct scrolling direction of preview pane (90d0970)
  • filemanager: make treeview pane scrollable (8ea6c71)
  • grid: add styles for focused column menu button (0ab43e9)
  • grid: import textbox as a dependency (0adbaa1)
  • multicolumncombobox: default cursor used instead of pointer on item hover (6e5b0b2)
  • multicolumncombobox: item k-state-hover styles not applied on hover (063028e)
  • scheduler: missing border (ad58619)
  • slider: ticks in vertical slider are misaligned in Safari (fc5161b)
  • extract :focus-within styles to ensure IE 11 compatibility (136b048)
  • missing clear button focus state (26eab30)
  • prevent suffix container from shrinking (5c42975)
  • slider: eliminate dependency on utils/float (071963a)
  • spreadsheet: move last cell editor button infront of the cell so its clickable (d386f83)
  • toolbar: splitbutton in overflow should display its items vertically (9157d1f)
  • tooltip: tooltip content should take all available vertical space (b46d9f8)


  • chart: add default inactive opacity for area series (6f3a175)
  • chart: add default inactive opacity for line series (156d38c)
  • chart: new series colors (706f02b)
  • filtermenu: use Searchbox in multi-checkbox search (02e89bd)
  • utils: add utility classes for clear (7781232)
  • utils: add utility classes for horizontal and vertical padding and margin (c162777)
  • utils: add utility classes for order (6221ba1)
  • utils: add utility classes for overflow (953ea45)
  • utils: add utility classes for pointer events (46fa35e)
  • utils: add utility classes for resizing textarea (126ac02)
  • utils: add utility classes for touch action (025d5c0)
  • utils: add utility classes for user select (0dc3da8)

4.30.0 (2020-12-21)

Bug Fixes

  • update expander padding (aadceb0)
  • bottom-navigation: remove focus outline and hover decoration (9be9088)
  • checkbox: improve spacing between checkbox list items (7e244a0)
  • fab: add disabled focus shadow (f659ec5)
  • fab: add lower elevation of the FAB in Default and Bootstrap themes (e05d9e1)
  • multiviewcalendar: view header misalignment (94714b5)
  • radio: improve spacing between radio list items (8a168ec)
  • slider: align first and last item labels to respective midpoint (d1d1783)
  • splitter: force low z-index on splitter draghandle (5624218)
  • tooltip: apply flex grow to tooltip content so the close icon is at the correct position (dba4efd)
  • reduce expander content padding (2c53d13)
  • revert styles for old rendering in Angular (76b36f7)
  • separator wrong color (04f5a39)
  • update textarea flex options (c38c698)


  • columnmenu: new jQuery rendering (4ed62fa)
  • slider: introduce slider custom properties (css vars) (6121f38)

4.29.0 (2020-12-15)

Bug Fixes

  • fab: constrain circle and square shapes in size (a06627e)
  • add k-text-base color (a20ac9c)
  • dropdowngrid: remove unicode space character (4afd60d)
  • add k-spacer-sized style (e37dfd4)
  • angular scrollview (10d7916)
  • grid: remove shadow from grid-toolbar (461455f)
  • scrollview: update styles based on latest design (ba5a4e9)
  • add styles for text-theme colors (55e5980)


  • card: focus styles (dbca46b)
  • multicolumncombobox: design update and adjustments (6670fda)
  • timeline: focus styles (ee8453f)

4.28.0 (2020-12-10)

Bug Fixes

  • add k-input-separator styles (bfc591e)
  • calendar: double border in angular classic calendar (0ae3bab)
  • datetime: hover style for single k-link hover (82db441)
  • expansion-panel: remove focus outline (bff1c4b)
  • sort indicator not visible if text overflows (06c9caa)
  • calendar: generated css has duplicate code (fdf5bd6)
  • expansion-panel: content animation flicker (4f6d9c1)
  • fab: apply pointer cursor on item (4cc3405)
  • fab: remove focus outline and add box-sizing to item icons (f07f5da)
  • grid: use toolbar styles for grid toolbar (f429b96)


  • bottom-navigation: add styles for bottom navigation component (5c97343)
  • column-menu: update spacings based on latest design (b82f31c)
  • datetimepicker: add milliseconds column in popup picker (8f20baf)
  • tilelayout: navigation shadow (2aedeff)
  • utils: add styles spacer utility classnames (b0e3902)

4.27.0 (2020-12-03)

Bug Fixes

  • multicolumncombobox: remove the horizontal scroll from popup (e01bee2)
  • utils: reverse middle pos in rtl (ebdae05)
  • ripple effect for checkboxes and radios (7dfce23)
  • autocomplete: remove redundant autocomplete variables (5eebb0c)
  • rework input clear icon styles: (8457bf7)


  • grid: add focus shadow to the cells on native browser focus (28290d9)
  • grid: col menu group header styles (28ce0d4)
  • utils: add grid-auto-flow unset class (72fd876)

4.26.0 (2020-11-16)

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: adjust spacing (575dbcd)
  • fab: add disabled styling for the items (917e726)
  • grid: import float utility (8e7aa96)
  • input: styled input with icon on left/right (0794e79)
  • loader: set canvas display to flex (c27dfe9)
  • loader: use precise metrics that correspond to our sizing system (6648a90)
  • panelbar: add space between icon and text (7c90c9c), closes telerik/kendo-themes#1144
  • panelbar: allow native :focus styles on items (781c91c)
  • panelbar: prevent margins in panelbar content from collapsing (40c170a)
  • resizing: use correct cursor for .k-resize-e (0c4cb4d)
  • toolbar: make floating toolbar styles consistent with toolbar styles (4e1c0a7)
  • typography: streamline typography variables (da6a879)
  • window: update window styles to match new font style metrics (9c36541)
  • explicitely set box-sizing for better integration with Bootstrap (4f71b79)
  • revise toggle button styling (a61bdcf)


4.25.2 (2020-11-05)

Bug Fixes

  • adaptive: require toolbar styles explictly (326945d)
  • chat: require toolbar styles explictly (0a96c6e)
  • checkbox: do not base checkbox variables on input variables (d172930)
  • colorpicker: require utils/flex styles explictly (3d00ce4)
  • dropdowngrid: require toolbar variables explicitly (5bb3eff)
  • editor: require toolbar styles before upload styles (676ca40)
  • file-manager: require toolbar styles before upload styles (71b328e)
  • floating-label: add width to floating label container (2969b4c)
  • floating-label: font-size and height based on input-font-size (0c61a43)
  • floating-label: require input variables explicitly (8231f94)
  • forms: move fieldset and label styles to forms (cabe003)
  • forms: require common styles explicitly (e9a5314)
  • grid: remove padding from k-hierarchy-cell within k-grid-edit-row (bddf98e)
  • input: require button variables explictly (069aeed)
  • menu: require popup styles explicitly (c6b110a)
  • pager: require toolbar variables explicitly (61253bb)
  • popoup: require button styles explicitly (dbea54c)
  • popup: remove fixed height from filter container (1b249ec)
  • popup: require input styles explicitly (514d0c7)
  • splitter: do not base splitbar variables on button variables (aac856b)
  • spreadsheet: require toolbar styles before upload styles (15833ff)
  • textbox: base variables on input variables (6522a00)
  • treeview: do not base treeview variables on button variables (3005f6d)
  • upload: require toolbar variables explicitly (99b4319)
  • utils: require typography variables explicitly (9ff3176)
  • add editor readonly focus styles (dfc7295)

4.25.1 (2020-11-02)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

4.25.0 (2020-10-20)

Bug Fixes

  • avatar: add no shrink to avatar so it doesnt shrink inside cards (e00d9c1)
  • avatar: add typography styles to text avatars (7a85b9b)
  • avatar: add vertical align middle to avatar (0b129ac)
  • avatar: fit img tag inside avatar the same way as background image (80ebad5)
  • checkbox: kendo-theme-bootstrap checkboxes should be consistent with bootstrap checkboxes (bca8369), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5719
  • checkbox: use calc to calculate checkbox dash width (0fe5d5b)
  • progressbar: do not use 0 for default css variable value when dividing (58ba965)
  • radio: kendo-theme-bootstrap radios should be consistent with bootstrap radios (71c0c0f), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5719
  • textarea: move width do k-textarea instead of inner element (ebb8f9a), closes telerik/kendo-themes#1969
  • textbox: clear button wrong sizing (2698d1a)


  • avatar: sizes, shapes and colors to avatar (4010ff8)

4.24.0 (2020-10-13)

Bug Fixes

  • actions: extract actions variables into separate files (ad38523)
  • adaptive: extract adaptive components variables into separate files (1ff59ab)
  • button: extract button variables (44a3806)
  • card: extract card variables into separate files (d5bb957)
  • charts: tooltip opacity option not applying (098f6f1)
  • form: extract form variables into separate files (605019e)
  • grid: restyle the grid footer (68f048f)
  • grid: validation popup position in Material theme (c01b44e)
  • input: extract input variables into separate files (c1889b5)
  • menu: extract menu variables into separate files (96f8021)
  • notification: declare poup as explicit dependency (b19a8ff)
  • pager: extract pager variables into separate files (de4707c)
  • panelbar: extract panelbar variables into separate files (9b47ece)
  • panelbar: keyboard navigation in IE (5e22839)
  • pivotgrid: buttons misalignments (ea4a447)
  • pivotgrid: update settings item word-break (1721fb8)
  • popup: extract popup variables (94dc5f9)
  • progressbar: center progress label inside progressbar (6402819), closes telerik/kendo-themes#1945 telerik/kendo-themes#1947
  • add missing icons (a2e70cd)
  • progressbar: extract progressbar variables into separate files (000040f)
  • scheduler: extract scheduler variables into separate files (26c9c9a)
  • scheduler: use uniform values for shceduler nonwork and othermonth cells (3eaa95b)
  • toolbar: extract toolbar variables (5126f1d)
  • typography: extract typography variables into separate files (5315fa4)
  • utils: move legacy shadow styling to popup due to variable flow (202378a)
  • window: extract window variables (2011e06)


  • grid: add sticky rows styling (f02e23c)
  • add styles for searchbox component (a25097e)

4.23.0 (2020-09-15)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: add styles for column menu focus items (#1796) (8faa5d4)
  • grid: remove focus outline from column menu items (#1796) (b4af05e)
  • icons: add missing icon aliases (817ad95)
  • listview: remove focus outline from listview-item (80a574e)


4.22.1 (2020-09-14)

Bug Fixes

  • gantt: adjust planned vs actual styles telerik/kendo#11149 (a055c1a)
  • listview: remove display: flex from listview container (3a6e7bb)
  • listview: remove focus ring from listview-content (947f2fd)
  • remove soldomly used header-hover and header-selected variables (9fb414f)
  • set top margin to the form hint (f8843cf)
  • svg alignment (5ad3888)
  • svg icon flip (afe57d1)
  • appbar: add styles for appbar section (e47f46d)
  • calendar: center content of infinite calendar when width is wider (21dfa27)
  • checkbox: invalid checkbox styles are missing in kendo-jquery (#1122) (e0cd98b)
  • gantt: columnMenu position telerik/kendo#11149 (9b9ea02)
  • gantt: enable setting max-height to the gantt (d8d63e1)
  • gantt: make delete over offset always visible telerik/kendo#11149 (f89970c)
  • radio: invalid radio styles are missing in kendo-jquery (#1122) (24d74eb)

4.22.0 (2020-09-08)

Bug Fixes

  • breadcrumb: update styling for collapse mode wrap (a26d603)
  • card: generate styles for theme colors (c7f6e3f)
  • card: improve card callout styles (cc1f20b)
  • card: prevent shrinking of card elements (a95ef5a)
  • card: refactor card actions to behave as expected (6421f0d)
  • card: use oveflow hidden instead of individually rounded card parts (721c760)
  • grid: do not remove next col border if sticky col is hidden (bc0e344)
  • input: extract input styles as a separate module (c67e163)
  • scheduler: use smaller line-height in mobile scheduler header to fit properly (90e53a2)
  • toolbar: make toolbar container for buttons (cee0b45)
  • add basic styles for svg icons (72308d0)
  • remove clear button active background (8606e58)
  • grid: dirty + sticky cell position (902f9ac)
  • grid: show validation popups in sticky edit cell (60092b2)
  • loader: add line-height (7f09e92)
  • spreadsheet: scroller should have a higher z-index on touch devices (3bfe713), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5303 telerik/kendo-ui-core#5300


  • editor: add find and replace dialog styles (4676a4d)
  • gantt: add styles for gantt with treelist rendering (e9e9c9d)
  • gantt: add styles for Planned vs Actual telerik/kendo#11149 (23a1ffa)
  • imageeditor: add component styles (00762f8), closes #1801
  • utils: overflow classes (025cdb5)

4.21.0 (2020-08-06)

Bug Fixes

  • cards: update styles to match latest design (da77702)
  • common: expose utils into separate module (1946a85)
  • editor: add 100% height of the content (1eb1a49)
  • grid: remove double border in multi headers and sticky columns (712b488)
  • grid: update locked columns styling (b62d304)
  • grid: update sticky borders (ad14ba6)
  • textarea: add resizing in both directions (a9fa95f)
  • add missing px units to 0 variables (c6684bf)
  • always pass value to border-*-radius mixins (efffbe8)
  • remove unused mixins (cc024cf)


  • button: add clear button styling (a87a61e)
  • add TextArea styles (cffdde6)
  • provide additional theme color classes (6a91e68)
  • badge: rework badge styles to use stacked styles (04c279f)
  • provide styling for action buttons (d852003)

4.20.0 (2020-07-22)

Bug Fixes

  • treelist: update treelist footer row styling (eca6d82)
  • update alignment in rtl mode (13a615a)
  • action-buttons: unify action buttons appearance (9020c4e)
  • input: remove box shadow on elements with k-input class in Firefox (9f9139a)


  • editor: add placeholder styles (949806d)
  • update font icons (386867a)

4.19.0 (2020-06-09)

Bug Fixes

  • avatar: remove margin (d84f6cd)
  • calendar: add style on hover state (1372dc0)
  • calendar: remove outline from today button (18f8106)
  • checkbox: checkbox variables are messing default flag (cf1e4e0)
  • checkbox: layout with long labels (e989a37)
  • combobox: broken layout when virtual scrolling is enabled (60662f4)
  • contextmenu: menu items cut off (f63b240)
  • dataviz: uze correct variables for treemap bg, text and border (f194430)
  • datetimepicker: rtl layout (908e308)
  • dialog: remove focus outline (4c029df)
  • gantt: use correct variables for base gantt styling (fe0938b)
  • grid: last nested Grid inherits row styles (f83fb58)
  • pager: use correct variables for pager border (d31c80b)
  • scheduler: missing border (84b5f31)
  • wizard: content appearance in IE11 (dcb31c2)
  • add !optional flag to k-text-selection (72f3c4d)
  • pdf-viewer: add missing variables for bg, text and border (19ec383)
  • tooltip: add max-width to container (fe8d6c1)
  • treelist: locked columns overlap toolbar (b9a03cb)
  • upload: add max-height and scroll (815f766)
  • wizard: update step focus state (27094c9)
  • input-group-prepend styling (df94d17)


  • wizard: add styling and tests for Wizard component (c66958d)

4.18.2 (2020-05-20)

Bug Fixes

  • dropzone: add background-clip: padding-box (4f4ee26)
  • editor: expose scoped styles for editor content (cbb8259)
  • editor: remove outline from editor content (ebca1ee)
  • forms: update upload error state (fa2d269)
  • grid: empty group header height in ie (a428cd8)
  • label: angular label adjustments (8afa893)
  • add utility is-dark / is-light color functions (3106c46)
  • slider: wrong icons directions in RTL mode (3d62955)
  • switch: broken appearance in grid filter menu (fa76f26)
  • upload: external dropzone styling (061ba3c)

4.18.1 (2020-05-11)

Bug Fixes

  • forms: place optional label below label in horizontal forms (5fbc252)
  • stepper: update steps hover styling (9119340)
  • window: inherit border color for window content (d69f1f0)
  • add missing font icons (d5f3ab1)

4.18.0 (2020-05-08)

Bug Fixes

  • drawer: remove item outline (3542597)
  • filemanager: view container should overflow (5b8ee7e)
  • forms: various fixes and adjustments (24b96bc)
  • listview: add styles for various listview settings (6b218a5)
  • messagebox: add link style (2b00a57)
  • pdf-viewer: remove border from pager (e81bdf1)
  • scheduler: scheduler toolbar should cast shadow over scheduler content (211c01e)
  • scheduler: use toolbar styles for scheduler toolbar (6b7a40f)
  • stepper: add color contrast for progressbar/border future steps (223effd)
  • toolbar: add styles for toolbar template containers (fccc7fd)
  • upload: update colors to match the new design (3375e05)


  • dropzone: add external dropzone styling and tests (0879f80)
  • textbox: jQuery styles (b445dba)
  • tilelayout: add styles (82ccd6a)
  • treeview: add styles for tree view load more functionality (d4576c4)
  • upload: update styling to match the design (553a69e)
  • utils: add layout utility classes (2526b80)

4.17.0 (2020-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • editor: set size to view source textbox in editor dialog (74f73c7)
  • forms: various fixes and improvements (b847a02)
  • inputs: invalid+focus states for inputs, maskedtextbox and numerictextbox (6e7e507)
  • inconsistent invalid states in date inputs (65912ae)
  • progressbar: progress is broken when a custom width/height is set (ae46b9e)
  • switch: fix layout misalignment in IE11 (18bca8b)
  • unify error statesfor input components (8e9b2de)


  • add Cursor styles (24bcdce)
  • forms: implement forms styling (0fc957c)
  • stepper: add stepper styles (359c37c)

4.16.0 (2020-04-02)

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: infinite calendar in RTL appearance (cfa8c2a)
  • editor: remove editor specific styles for toolbar and rely on global toolbar styles (a954999)
  • filemanager: use sizing system to set spacing in filemanager (57a7244)
  • grid: remove frozen columns hover row background opacity (4026df5)
  • listview: listview items should be border-box (f63af93)
  • listview: replace footer bottom border with top (fd392ad)
  • pager: add z-index to page in focused state (1b7449c)
  • pager: update pager numbers focus/selected states (f38081e)
  • introduce map with predefined spacing values (235530c)
  • splitbutton: unify appearance of splitbutton (3d8c4bf)


  • add styles for flex and grid layout (1c63d50)
  • add styles for message box (c10d31c)

4.15.0 (2020-03-30)

Bug Fixes

  • chip: label overflows its content on small resolutions (a10bdfb)
  • menu: menu shrinks in IE11 (5d78d7c)


  • listview: allow listview content to have grid or flex layout (09a9d52)
  • pager: add styling for standalone pager component (f7cecc8)

4.14.0 (2020-03-17)

Bug Fixes

  • base: use fill mixin (cae01c3)
  • calendar: displaced layout when week number column is rendered (e634c02)
  • colorpicker: boot and mat inherit default (b86a098)
  • colorpicker: use fill mixin (0ee0837)
  • dataviz: use fill mixin (06e4d09)
  • datetime: use fill mixin (d521d7a)
  • dragdrop: use fill mixin (5cae008)
  • editor: use fill mixin (02f8af0)
  • map: use fill mixin (898f1eb)
  • notification: use fill mixin (80e6d9b)
  • popup: disabled items in popup appearance (3818a7b)
  • progressbar: the progress is visible while in indeterminate state (a2c2708)
  • toolbar: use fill mixin (fa17fac)
  • upload: add grey color for successfully uploaded item (2aafa01)


  • badge: add styles for badge position and placement (af31d85)
  • badge: add styles for border cutout (bd4ebe6)
  • badge: add support for icons in badges (77f2617)

4.13.0 (2020-03-06)

Bug Fixes

  • badge: conditionally set badge size to fixed or calculated (39a7128)
  • badge: rtl styling for badge overlay was not propery applied (94ccc4e)
  • badge: update badge styles to match design (09bc84b)
  • badge: use only translate styles for badge position (ea051dc)
  • chat: prevent chat send message button from shrinking (8434b89)
  • contextmenu: remove extra border (25e339d)
  • gantt: use fill mixin (1072826)
  • grid: use fill mixin (937e52c)
  • listbox: use fill mixin (61e53c3)
  • menu: change menu items display (c5218c7)
  • pivotgrid: use fill mixin (ae9276a)
  • popup: use fill mixin (02a73a0)
  • scheduler: use fill mixin (4d9926c)
  • spreadsheet: use fill mixin (8c396b2)
  • adaptive Grid Pager current-page line-height (d7fbcfd)


  • badge: add badge sizes (c0a983b)
  • badge: add circle and dot shape for badge (6c3ef98)
  • badge: add styles for tertiary, dark, light and iverse badges (82ad426)
  • color-system: add tertiary, dark, light and inverse colors (513b5ed)
  • inputs: add focused box-shadow in bootstrap (feb7055)
  • pager: use native select for responsive pager page selection (59cf508)
  • styles: allow adaptive rendering without height (aa2afa3)
  • upload: update styles to fit updated design (0f47d17)

4.12.2 (2020-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • badge: extract badge-border-radius variable (d646feb)
  • breadcrumb: extract breadcrumb-link-border-radius variable (ab90929)
  • button: use button-border-radius variable (6547f3c)
  • drawer: fix flickering upon mini mode collapsing (3ba8d87)
  • editor: broken layout with iframe (1ded612)
  • editor: make jQuery editor toolbar look like regular toolbar (bfd016c)
  • gantt: dependency lines are not displayed in rtl (c0b3355)
  • gantt: export with actual width (25ae8ad), closes #1158
  • grid: inconsistent grouping header height (b7ea9be)
  • grid: prevent command buttons from overlapping (7db6f39)
  • grid: reversed pager icons in RTL (16ba87c)
  • grid: set correct border for top pager (5daada3), closes #767
  • notification: extract notification variables (4ec43f2)
  • scheduler: ensure widgets inside sheduler header or footer inherit font size (cb3a00a)
  • slider: vertical labels alignment (7bf3aa1)
  • textarea: extract scss variable (fdd4186)
  • window: titlebar border when minimized (90f4b50)
  • fix an issue with dart compilation (9902650)
  • toolbar: remove right border from popup menu button in RTL mode (c106c9a)
  • switch usages of button--size functions with button-calc- vars (6437547)

4.12.1 (2020-02-04)

Bug Fixes

  • menu: expose menu variables for customization (d18a1a6)
  • remove circular dependecies between components (a7334cf)
  • breadcrumb: rtl icon misalign (5102c9f)
  • chat: remove visible browser outline style. Closes #1134 (2587650)
  • color-system: move color level and yiq variables in color functions (f32259a)
  • dropdowngrid: remove Grid style dependencies (4fbb721)
  • editor: use k-button styles instead of k-tool for table wizard popup (4ffebef)
  • map: extract and use map variables (a5fffde)
  • slider: background-image empty url in material theme (96fd3fa)
  • tabstrip: add variables for item gradient (8e3c46b)
  • Angular Autocomplete styles (986dc00)
  • Chat message-box theme (ac4cccc)
  • Default variables leakage to other themes (df48dae)
  • remove list-container active button shadow (a1d69ce)
  • progressbar: remove visual complexity of progressbar (27de0b5)

4.12.0 (2020-01-23)

Bug Fixes

  • color-system: use instead of (7e973f3)
  • color-system: use contrast-wcag function instead of explicit contrst colors (ced09de)
  • color-system: use correct grading of color level function (950d639)
  • menu: make menu popup scrollable (f936a1c)
  • introduce and use component variables (8f1951f)
  • datetimepicker: picker header min width should include paddings (8352ed1)
  • spreadsheet: cells have bigger line-height than expected (4917905)
  • timepicker: add visible focus to primary flat action buttons (9cc3db0)
  • move api generation to theme-tasks (c754811)


  • color-system: introduce lighter and darker shades of theme colors (7a1c2a3)

4.11.1 (2020-01-13)

Bug Fixes

  • chip: select icon position (8b74585)
  • grid: keep empty checkbox visible in kendo-jquery-grid (e48ec37)
  • flex scheduler row hover (4d62c7a)
  • flex scheduler slot selection (fee1171)

4.11.0 (2020-01-09)

Bug Fixes

  • scheduler: do not enforce scrolling for month view area when in flex layout (c529512)
  • add checkbox / radio styles for IE 11 / Edge (d4680c4)
  • use listgroup in adaptive rendering of grid and scheduler (814a362)
  • calendar: prevent table cells from being cut telerik/blazor#640 (fcce7a1)
  • checkbox: vertical alignment (97e67ca)
  • dropdowntree: clear button position in rtl (279bdf6)
  • editor: add readonly class (aca90d9)
  • pager: set default cursor for selected item (b91ed77)
  • ripple: temporarily hide ripple inside checkbox / radio label (e846222)
  • scheduler: use kendo icons for more button icon (57ca605)
  • window: add focus styles on focus pseudo-class (f8a3f49)


4.10.0 (2019-12-17)

Bug Fixes

  • card: avatar and card elements display improvements (3e69ae1)
  • colorpicker: flatcolorpicker misaligned in rtl (8ce3ee4), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5420
  • contextmenu: inconsistent styles (3a657ff)
  • multiselect: wrong width value (0c822f1)
  • pager: allow bigger items width for pages with wider content (17deded)


  • placeholder: add placeholder line styles (7cd1bd2)

4.9.0 (2019-12-04)

Bug Fixes

  • buttongroup: missing style on focused active (dccd0d9)
  • checkbox: label text misalignment (d15de44)
  • tabstrip: tab selected styles based on orientation in nested tabstrips (e0d5ef4)
  • toolbar: remove outline button overrides (0b6674b)


  • avatar: add shape styles (c140647)
  • badge: add Margin in Inline scenario (5b58248)

4.8.0 (2019-11-29)

Bug Fixes

  • chat: conflict with the avatar component (4d78015)
  • drawer: remove border in overlay mode (148a259)
  • dropdowntree: remove extra spacing around check all label (68e3af4)
  • grid: add styles for selected column menu item (30421de)
  • scheduler: add scrollbar to edit dialog (03e7f15)
  • scheduler: checkbox style in edit dialog (7abd073)
  • hide empty radio and checkbox labels (4dfe798)
  • remove explicit margin from edit-form checkboxes (d7e5c01)
  • remove explicit width for checkbox label (7efdbd4)
  • scheduler: resource group header not rendered in day view (107394c), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5418
  • scheduler: the right arrow in events shall always be visible not only on hover (8a615ee)
  • scheduler: times slot is hidden with vertical grouping (07ae48d), closes telerik/kendo-ui-core#5418
  • treemap: use html calc method to calculate treemap-title-sizes (d04e08a)
  • treeview: adjust spacing between checkbox and node (aa4fbc1)


4.7.0 (2019-11-21)

Bug Fixes

  • colorpicker: add numerictextbox as a dependency to colorpicker (899fbd5)
  • datetime: hover styles applied on disabled (c88d5b2)
  • grid: add cursor pointer to filter hover in blazor (9d7ad3f)
  • grid: add locked column selected, hovered and selected hovered states variables (fa99539)
  • grid: add styles for standalone column menu (50a034c)
  • grid: locked column hovered and selected hovered state background (89ee7a0)
  • grid: selected locked columns contenthave background with opacity (c82419f)
  • grid: sorted locked column header does not have background color (1d16df6)
  • multiselect: extract scss variables (8ddbc6b)
  • numerictextbox: extract scss variables (1a6b0bc)
  • spreadsheet: add braces around array formulas (c7fd2d7)
  • tabstrip: remove default browser outline (97a25b4)
  • treelist: extract treelist specific styles in treelist folder (7d0be42)
  • add virtual columns styles (61d3362)
  • add whitespace around operators in calc expressions (02ee4b6)


  • breadcrumb: add home icon (0ae4380)
  • breadcrumb: add styles for breadcrumb component (400fd43)
  • checkbox: add invalid, indeterminate and long labels styles (43ee6c8)
  • checkbox: add styles for indeterminate state (9d822e3)
  • checkbox: style native checkbox trough k-checkbox class (066d5ca)
  • grid: allow placing column menu inside header (5666dfb), closes telerik/kendo-angular-grid#870
  • radio: style native radio through k-radio class (f7d9906)

4.6.0 (2019-10-25)

Bug Fixes

  • autocomplete: extract scss variables (3800a14)
  • grid: edit selector for locked columns to be applied in both grid and treelist (e3fc434)
  • switch: off background not visible with dark swatches (a5f1d39)


  • grid: column resizer rtl styles (a4381d5)
  • allow default theme reuse without background-clip (58abbf5), closes #512

4.5.2 (2019-10-22)

Bug Fixes

4.5.1 (2019-10-22)

Bug Fixes

  • autocomplete: missing clear button on hover (e0ad34d)

4.5.0 (2019-10-21)

Bug Fixes

  • colorpicker: extract scss variables (493b5a1)
  • datetime: invalid state style in grid-editing (8d8d45c)
  • dragclue: position and z-index styles (818c65b)
  • dropdownlist: fix popup content overflowing when filtering is enabled #920 (2258964)
  • grid: add styles for non-editable fields in popup editor (4562a47)
  • grid: MVVM Visible binding does not hide the Grid with Sass themes (638a3b5)
  • input: extract variable for input floating label background (e05ddac)
  • input: extract variables for floating labels focused state (146937f)
  • multiselect: height with bootstrap integration (ff39f31)
  • multiselect: tags margins in an edit form (a60c119)
  • scheduler: views buttons wrap to prevent overflow #217 (a8b1668)
  • switch: widget not rendered correctly in IE 9 and 10 (5e9cd95)
  • adjust textarea width in k-form (fa510a6)
  • contextmenu popup shown behind window (e59da04)
  • split functions and variables into separate import files (cda7960)
  • W3C CSS Validation Service error (98ffd84)
  • toolbar: expanded combobox style (da1acd5)
  • tooltip: closable tooltip in material theme needs different font-size (3f23190)
  • upload: extract variables for upload component (1f1c517)


  • grid: column resizer styles (c7e532a)

4.4.0 (2019-10-11)

Bug Fixes

  • card: enable adjustable border radius in themebuilder (edc604c)
  • add font-family to k-widget (4f4e372)
  • handle api-check, ci and prepubilsh tasks from gulp (71175b2)
  • colorpicker: input cut off in bootstrap theme (91bd81a)
  • grid: increase CSS tooltip selector specificity to allow auto width (cb1f397)
  • scheduler: remove double border (acd7b94)
  • slider: multiple display-block sliders (4356691)
  • slider: rtl styles (5260318)
  • textarea: add disabled styles (8c28ccc)


  • inputs: autofill support for floating labels (bf78433)

4.3.3 (2019-09-27)

Bug Fixes

  • drawer: improve styles for angular ovrelay drawer in rtl (7c56452)
  • dropdowns: ng autocomplete rtl icon misalign (630fab3)
  • add new fix for editor toolbar style (0475eae)
  • grid: page scroll on column chooser item click (cc13d2d)
  • toolbar: buttongroup style (4487366)
  • toolbar: overflow button style (f1ed0ea)
  • calendar height in datepicker for blazor defeault theme layout (3feb5ab)
  • editor toolbar spacing when wrapped (89a4228)

4.3.2 (2019-09-17)

Bug Fixes

  • drawer: add styles for angular drawer links (d032d5c)
  • window: ensure correct min height for window / dialog with empty title (6dbac0a)
  • window: use precise line-height for window title in default theme (8ef4426)
  • window: wrong height of window titlebar in bootstrap theme (bce63f5)

4.3.1 (2019-09-17)

Bug Fixes

  • colorpicker: colorpicker is missing vertical-align middle (1d3fc87)
  • drawer: angular drawer is not properly end aligned (39c44cf)
  • textbox-container: textbox container is missing vertical-align middle (fa5a649)

4.3.0 (2019-09-16)

Bug Fixes

  • buttongroup: remove double border from .k-widget.k-button-group (47bcd7e)
  • calendar: adjust calendar width for blazor suite (9e28dfb)
  • editor: scope k-editor k-content styles so they dont interfere with editor dialog content (97187c7)
  • filter: update width of filter operator and grouping elements (76f2e2f)
  • grid: add styles for locked columns feature (64cc404)
  • pdf-viewer: match case button incorrectly positioned in ie (638115b)
  • add border color styling for the modified header table of the Gantt Timeline (73ce888)
  • Gantt to use td elements in its Timeline header layout table telerik/kendo#9756 (a61b20c)
  • progressbar: set initial size to progress so it animates smoothly (127aaa4)
  • rating: incorrect position of parts with svg template (a0cffbd)
  • rating: remove rating background color (a81f413)
  • spreadsheet: custom editor popup flickering on open (618deb6)
  • timeline: improve spacing in timeline and timeline cards (55efe92)
  • timeline: scope styles so they dont affect gantt (7e1067a)
  • toolbar: spacing between separator and adjacent element (3144194)


  • calendar: add styles for blazor calendar (a3db613)
  • drawer: add styles for angular drawer (f091bad)
  • pdf-viewer: add pan and selection icons (9f86a1b)
  • progressbar: add styles for progress label position (ae1a780)

4.2.0 (2019-09-02)

Bug Fixes

  • card: update subtitle color to match design (dbea6f6)
  • grid: use correct color for search input (f454860)
  • scheduler: add event top/bottom action styles (dc8ea72)
  • window: button container in window should inherit border color (74ec78e)


  • card: add callout and update styles based on the design (bf3bc1c)
  • colorpicker: add clear button styles for angular colorpicker (a108aa4)
  • filter: widget styles (2334e35)
  • pdf-viewer: add search dialog styles (4e4742e)
  • pdf-viewer: add text layer sass styles (bcf3a3a)
  • scheduler: implement scheduler flex rendering (ea42eea)
  • timeline: widget styles (dbee03c)

4.1.0 (2019-07-26)

Bug Fixes

  • notification: broken layout in IE (e9e2d09)
  • add toolbar to treelist sticky headers (1ca69f2)
  • improve sticky headers of treelist (9db4dd4)


4.0.0 (2019-07-08)

Bug Fixes

  • add !default flag to more variables (5372039)
  • background opacity of dialog in window (ff03b04)
  • colorpicker: styles in RTL view (0741bc8)
  • grid: no records template (74c9a7d)
  • remove usages of add-two and add-three (604a730)


  • fit frozen group header text in one row (17382fe)
  • modify themes for dart-sass (d3e1c27)
  • grid: add styles for search bar within grid toolbar (0460702)
  • slider: remove unnecessary css properties from k-draghandle class (9f04809)


  • remove add-two and add-three functions due to dart-sass compatibility issues

  • Refactor themes so they can be compiled with dart-sass:

  • create .k-button-flat selector for @extend use

  • create .k-button-overlay selector for @extend use

  • replace @extend usages of composite selectors .k-button.k-flat and .k-button::before with said selectors

3.7.0 (2019-06-12)

Bug Fixes

  • allow notification to be customized through custom class (ac6ddc8)
  • remove margin between buttons in button group (ea1bf88)
  • grid: add no records template styles (0c64ab0)
  • use gulp tasks in themes instead of lerna (f5d5c0c)
  • use shade() instead of blend-multiply() for themes (41899bd)
  • editor: remove double toolbar border (7fadbad)
  • grid: adaptive renedering checkbox focused state (12c2dbe)
  • grid: Cannot select text if the Grid is inside Splitter pane (9924a53)
  • grid: column menu icons in rtl (db87fd3)
  • notification: improve alignment of text and icons in notification (e629688)
  • responsivepanel: passive event error thrown in chrome (b4f904b)
  • switch: width in cell in grid edit mode (4a7cffe)


  • drawer: add scrolling styles supported in Mozilla (07460ab)
  • grid: Accessibility improvements for adaptive rendering (8e5ff21)

3.6.1 (2019-05-15)

Note: Version bump only for package @progress/kendo-theme-default

3.6.0 (2019-05-13)

Bug Fixes

  • angular editor content spacings and layout (502d679)
  • colorpicker: alpha slider bgr using embed assets script (a300c78)
  • cursor of expand and collapse icons telerik/kendo-ui-core#5021 (bee7a70)
  • drawer overlay closed layout (9b09fa1)
  • spacings of colorpicker when opening a popup (5d617db)
  • style encapsulation does not work (c7f828b)
  • colorpicker: flex layout glitches when hiding dynamically content (9711ef9)
  • colorpicker: icon colorpicker hovered states styles (59057aa)
  • grid: override adaptive edit form min-width (f781dd8)
  • pdf-viewer: pager buttons shadow is not visible (ad5ac42)
  • spreadsheet: insufficient textarea height in insert comment dialog (cff788a)


  • drawer styles (76c7ea3)
  • colorpicker: add new colorpicker layout styles (873d4c6)
  • editor: add styles to for editor encapsulation (95b3137)
  • spreadsheet: add images sass styles (b369217)

3.5.1 (2019-04-09)

Bug Fixes

  • splitter: flex splitter does not collapse under IE 11 (67cd949)
  • toolbar: add styles for flexible spacer (369fc6b)
  • toolbar: wrong primary button appearance in Material (21af366)

3.5.0 (2019-04-08)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: disabled focused buttons styles in mozilla (961f592)
  • calendar: improve empty cells size (22c98fa)
  • grid: column menu icon layout in IE (ea182ea)
  • toolbar: buttons in overflow menu in IE (d193b84)
  • treeview: dragging icon position (4e63478)


  • calendar: add styles for Blazor calendar (8987d65)
  • pager: rendering changes and styles (0a5642b)
  • validator: layout changes (add9c9c)

3.4.0 (2019-03-14)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: use correct color for .k-button.k-flat:hover.k-state-active (eebad66)
  • calendar: virtual list in ie (0cdfd08)
  • chat: toolbar buttons styles (cbfdf20)
  • colorpalette: apply cursor-pointer style on tiles (7d4a7ca)
  • colorpicker: wrapper hover styles not applied (0f5ea5e)
  • dropdowns: remove list items transform transitions (71f3982)
  • grid: added active styles for grid column menu (dfd1bc6)
  • grid: grouping header text overflows with frozen columns (779a216)
  • icons: add missing icon aliases (19f8906)
  • scheduler: agenda date header in RTL (7079f86)
  • scheduler: fixed position of day toggle button in rtl (0ca6dbf)
  • scheduler: header wrap border (86c7cf3)
  • scheduler: icon padding in RTL (d0c8b09)
  • scheduler: month view style improvements (e3dc082)
  • scheduler: reverse event arrow direction in RTL (e6aeefc)
  • upgrade theme dependency to bootstrap 4.3.1 (eedd116)
  • scheduler: rtl layout improvements (ab9030e)
  • switch: layout in a k-form element (7827870)
  • tabstrip: bottom scrolling buttons alignment (ecd39b6)
  • tabstrip: bottom scrolling buttons on IE (7a51980)
  • tabstrip: scroll buttons rtl (f5f2c9d)
  • toolbar: added min-height (452f4c0)


3.3.1 (2019-02-19)

Bug Fixes

  • gantt: improve focused toolbar item styles (1c2d77f)
  • grid: pdf export layout when pageSize is not set (3c4a554)
  • menu: context menu horizontal layout (444c949)
  • loading indicator was broken after refactoring (09eb135)
  • scheduler: current time arrow (75062ee)
  • scheduler: improve scheduler event styles (a37e948)
  • scheduler: improved css selectors (9f878d0)

3.3.0 (2019-02-14)

Bug Fixes

  • dropdowns: apply box-shadow only on first group header in angular (e665b60)
  • editor: selected table cells styles (3e9bc58)
  • gantt: toggle button is no longer visible on desktop in IE (1bbd45e)
  • grid: column menu icon position in IE and Edge (936c12d)
  • grid: footer misalignment when scroll is enabled (2264ba1)
  • grid: improve styles for column settings menu (6f5ba27)
  • input: edge specific style for inputs in flex container (2e80be3)
  • pivotgrid: bottom border on collapsed items (23e00f5)
  • scheduler: cell box-sizing in IE (21ce098)
  • scheduler: columns layout in material theme (20b31c9)
  • scheduler: drag hint time is not visible in angular (395cf7d)
  • scheduler: header items focus state styles (7516d9c)
  • scheduler: header text alignment when bootstrap is included (102a152)
  • scheduler: incorrect inverse color for event title #168 (b2b2a81)
  • scheduler: navigation focus state (9e5b372)
  • spreadsheet: filter menu sort icons (f9d09ab)
  • treemap: display treemap title (96b1896)
  • validator: styles for invalid widget wrappers (6788d79)
  • disabled cell with link in Spreadsheet should navigate telerik/kendo-ui-core#4824 (448a6a1)
  • Refactor CSS to solve "Compound selectors may longer be extended." error when compiling (47d1675)


  • add support for RTL of Kendo Angular Treeview (#581) (71eb0ad)
  • dropdowns: add grouping for angular (45b7601)
  • treeview: add RTL for Angular TreeView (904bfb6)

3.2.0 (2019-01-15)

Bug Fixes

  • popup: group header styles (7032efe)
  • scheduler: angular edit form recurrence editor layout (2a75cea)
  • scheduler: angular multi day view missing pane border (a86fa82)


  • datetimepicker: add styles for kendo-react (1aea521)

3.1.0 (2019-01-14)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: Filter icon overlap header's text #207 (44b825c)
  • grid: grouping header positioning (43ea7e0)
  • multiviewcalendar: background of range cells in IE and Edge (8bf20fa)
  • pager: hover bg color (bda7b56)


  • add prebuilt swatches to npm package (5962540), closes #36

3.0.0 (2019-01-08)


  • switch: improvements based on the latest design (2a1dcec)


  • switch: Improve switch rendering and remove javascript animations

2.63.0 (2019-01-07)

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: disabled dates on weekend should look disabled (ef7396f)
  • calendar: remove material header buttons shadow (1396eec)
  • dialog: improve button layouts (37c988d)
  • dialog: there should be no spacing between streched buttons in rtl (820b9e3)
  • dropdowngrid: column width is not respected when virtualization is enabled (cf1e90e)
  • grid: drag clue styles improvements #252 (780ff12)
  • improve clear icon position in dropdowns and pickers (f83db0f)
  • upload button has incorrect hover style in IE #197 (25fd603)
  • grid: filter menu buttons margin and borders (471c5b2)
  • grid: remove ellipsis from checkbox column in IE and Edge (b3a5853)
  • material: dates in century view calendar are not aligned (44c2883)
  • multiviewcalendar: add styles for month headers (a6b473a)
  • pager: IE layout issues (8684584)
  • scrollview: trigger build (a209ce2)


  • add predefined widths for Window and Dialog (18cab9c)
  • responsive pager jQuery (9baeefc)
  • daterangepicker: add jQuery styles (73eb665)

2.62.0 (2018-12-07)

Bug Fixes

  • material: improve grid, treelist and pivot appearance in dark themes (95326fe)
  • material: improve window appearance in dark themes (ad56d1e)
  • pager: expose and use pager variables (a09f6f4)
  • scheduler: add styles for slot selection (e69ac94), closes #247
  • scrollview: revert regression rendering changes (398412c)


  • framework: add functions to extract directional properties values (ddfb798)

2.61.0 (2018-11-22)

Bug Fixes

  • button: button not displayed correctly on IE on small window sizes (e501671), closes #409
  • calendar: add styles for disabled today link #373 (da4db80)
  • framework: allow box-shadow to work with nullable arguments (434f14e)
  • grid: grid with visual scrolling not rendered properly in RTL (d68a1f6)
  • grid: non-scrollable grid command buttons margins (43e18ba), closes #426
  • grid: prevent mobile user text selection on grid's header (6373203)


  • grid: add hover + selected rows styles (7dde502)

2.60.0 (2018-11-09)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: grouping indicators overflowing (a75dc9d)
  • scheduler: adaptive view switcher background (41bdb94)
  • scheduler: use :hover for buttons (e296270)


  • add kendo-theme-tasks (61bda89)
  • framework: add try-tint and try-shade functions (f6bf4b8)
  • framework: improve appearance mixins to allow null values (e3fe770)
  • scheduler: add angular scheduler agenda view styles (822115b)

2.59.0 (2018-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • add asp-fallback-test class for use with mvc (558d47a), closes #393
  • scheduler: buttongroup in edit dialog has wrong border color (5b2c599)
  • scheduler: double border on scroll in timeline views (aec6dd6)


  • multiviewcalendar: add multiviewcalendar for kendo-jquery (9761e30)

2.58.0 (2018-10-29)

Bug Fixes

  • listbox: add RTL styles (05cf69f)
  • notification: base-level rules for RTL throwing SASS compiler error (becc197)
  • promise is never resolved from npm run api (054e6e1)
  • notification: notification content does not wrap on small screens (c34c958)


  • scheduler: add angular scheduler layout styles (0cafb0e)

2.57.1 (2018-10-16)

Bug Fixes

  • dropdowns: remove misleading cursor pointer on combobox border (2877a87), closes telerik/kendo-angular#1715
  • gantt: displaced tasks in RTL (5371a65)
  • grid: drag and drop clues improvements (06c6dbe)
  • grid: remove extra spacing inside grid grouping row (213af46)
  • inputs: apply invalid state only trough class name instead of pseudo class (4e0c8a2)
  • multiselect: increase close button hit area (520d731)
  • pager: font-size and alignment corrections (d44c8dd)
  • pager: improve spacing between link and page size (ab00b4f)
  • pager: wrong RTL icons direction telerik/kendo-theme-default#774 (30ee750)
  • popup: group label in dropdowns is squashed (f1a6ec6)
  • progressbar: add rtl styles #310 (e944176)
  • progressbar: Vertical ProgressBar status position (b6339d8)
  • switch from flex '1 1 0' to '1 1 auto' for ie 11 and edge (ec6ada6)
  • tabstrip: extract tabstrip variables and use correct values (699be9c)
  • tabstrip: ie11 squashes tabs (bf05fa5)
  • toolbar: align splitbutton parts (979e7b3)
  • toolbar: templates items alignment (804cbdf)

2.57.0 (2018-10-01)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: Multi-column headers missing rtl border (5efe3e8)


  • notification: add angular notification rtl styles (126ccbe)

2.56.0 (2018-09-11)

Bug Fixes

  • animations: react animation position and display properties (9541ba7)
  • colorpicker: ensure input in colorpicker has correct background color (60b10cd)
  • improve form variables in accordance to material design (dcb5a44)
  • colorpicker: update colorpicker layout to better match material theme (6181275)
  • combobox: incorrect styling when importing styles separately (16da3d5)
  • editor: remove pointer-events none from create table popup (4457c6f)
  • focus: grid, treelist, and calendar focus styles (01eb3f6)
  • multiselect: incorrect styling when importing styles separately (e5ea1ed)
  • notification: angular closable notification spacing (994a74c)
  • tooltip: incorrect styling when importing styles separately (#304) (f78ff85)


  • spreadsheet: add Material theme (#275) (043d7ed)
  • add Material theme for editor (c4d6daa)
  • add Material theme for gantt (f38a7ad)
  • add Material theme for scheduler (2e0c352)
  • add themes for dropdowngrid (d4171f0)

2.55.0 (2018-08-22)

Bug Fixes

  • buttons: remove box-shadow of active outline buttons (#238) (ff5708f), closes telerik/kendo-themes#237
  • dateinput: remove double shadow in datepicker (9f37318)
  • popup: layout styles for bootstrap theme (308d099)
  • progressbar: use repeating gradient for indeterminate state (d16368c)
  • radiobuttons: checked radio button is misaligned in RTL (e53ec98)
  • tooltip: Angular tooltip not having box shadow (e56e2b4)
  • tooltip: content overflowing and not filling its space (fe3cd28)


  • icons: allow icon font to be loaded from URL (#250) (464cdcf)
  • progressbar: add Progressbar for Material theme (1de6d19)

2.54.1 (2018-07-24)

Bug Fixes

2.54.0 (2018-06-18)

Bug Fixes

  • calendar: error when compiling standalone calendar (67aa44a)
  • menu: overflowing items do not wrap (#206) (9944676)
  • pivotgrid: pivotgrid stretches beyond container in ie 11 (d7d052b)
  • tooltip: align closable tooltip icon button (69f2d09)
  • tooltip: move styles for transparent tooltip to layout (1b150be)


  • tooltip: add tooltip title styles (23be01a)

2.53.2 (2018-05-23)

Bug Fixes

  • autocomplete: wrong indent in Angular RTL (a2d05e3)
  • card: add card states (0dbf579)
  • chat: allow content size detection with ResizeObserver (a9937ba)
  • chat: card decks expand beyond the chat container size (a885344)
  • chat: smooth scroll for card deck (ba708bd)
  • notification: add Material styles, improve close icon positioning (5340230)
  • toolbar: button group in overflow popup is unstyled (#179) (29e15f2)
  • toolbar: hover background on disabled button in button group (88854c3), closes telerik/kendo-themes#142

2.53.1 (2018-05-16)

Bug Fixes

  • chat: scrollable deck is hidden by other messages (#185) (e5cf671)
  • tooltip: component is larger than specified size (#187) (8f52bf0)

2.53.0 (2018-05-15)

Bug Fixes

  • chat: bad alignment when avatar is not set (ea1c5b9)
  • chat: improve card deck spacing (dcaa2c8)
  • chat: improve RTL send icon alignment (3899d92)
  • chat: prevent overflowing messages with long text (77503ea)
  • checkbox: align text on the left in RTL (b7b6fcf)
  • grid: localized filter menu buttons do not expand (28b8fe6)
  • build error with enable-rounded:false (fd62e47)


2.52.2 (2018-05-10)

Bug Fixes

2.52.1 (2018-05-09)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: add min-width to prevent column menu reflow (41195eb)
  • grid: remove double-borders on multi-column headers (83cb60b)
  • multiselect: clear icon is not visible on focus (d33a8a8)
  • treelist: align columnmenu icon (b225d2d)

2.52.0 (2018-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • add card-list layout (d2ce25b)
  • calendar: layout is broken inside k-form (017accd)
  • dropdowntree: improve spacing of 'Check All' (784e742)
  • grid: details row in RTL grid has extra borders (0a199bb)
  • grid: filter menu icon is misaligned with multicolumn headers (6e998a4)
  • grid: filter row has no top border (abedf81)
  • splitter: collapsed panes are not hidden in IE10 (d463f5f)
  • timepicker: separators take no space (43c5296)


  • add TabStrip styling (a93d7cc)
  • grid: add Angular column menu styling (38d9486)

2.51.0 (2018-04-27)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: filter row borders are missing in RTL (f939f8e)
  • grid: improve grouping header layout in Angular (1df42eb)
  • do not apply color to all -wrap elements inside containers (61843f9)
  • grid: improve spacing of boolean filter row (709d4c2)
  • numerictextbox: stretch buttons with input height (8c0e8c6)


  • calendar: add range selection styles (6c8abf7)
  • add styles for chat widget (#146) (5729aec)
  • add styles for Material Upload (0a183f4)
  • switch styles for material theme (277ca4f)

2.50.0 (2018-04-11)

Bug Fixes

  • dateinput: improve spinner layout to match numeric (d8d0842)
  • grid: add styles for loading overlay (4c0b5dd)
  • grid: empty space after virtual content (Angular) (c8b32b6)
  • listview: Improve focused and selected state appearance of listview in accordance with design (4225503)
  • menu: add angular menu styles (5b44672)
  • menu: improve icon positioning (4518725)
  • tooltip: improve close button position (aab93ae)


  • listbox: Implement Material skin for ListBox (1341e86)

2.49.1 (2018-03-26)

Bug Fixes

2.49.0 (2018-03-12)

Bug Fixes


  • add floating label for material textarea (#9) (b059e30)
  • dropdowns: add Material theme for dropdowns and inputs (618c73d), closes #40 #43 #44 #45

2.48.1 (2018-02-20)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: fix misaligned locked columns header in IE (a14a49a)

2.48.0 (2018-02-16)

Bug Fixes

  • dialog: fix close button position in titleless dialog telerik/kendo-ui-core#3603 (6686860)
  • dialog: improve close button alignment telerik/kendo#8156 (35ebde2)
  • dialog: improve dialog buttons overflow telerik/kendo#7497 (a481460)
  • editor: add styles for editor table telerik/kendo#8213 (5cec16a)
  • editor: hide toolbar buttons groups with all items disabled telerik/kendo#8212 (5d37cc4)
  • editor: prevent hiding and flickering icon in inline editor #8211 (c5fa45a)
  • splitter: prevent pane overlay from overlaying splitbars (231e329)
  • spreadsheet: improve edit buttons position for rtl telerik/kendo#7476 (3739523)


2.47.8 (2018-02-13)

Bug Fixes

2.47.7 (2018-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • charts: chart tooltip is hidden behind dialog (7dd0b16)

2.47.6 (2018-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • grid: rule breaks grunt builds of theme (a47312f), closes #1

2.47.5 (2018-02-06)

Bug Fixes

  • splitter: allow overriding of component colors (65facaa)
  • treeview: allow horizontal scroll of node text (f67f414)

2.48.0 (2018-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • .k-select should be square for default theme (dc41e43)
  • add animation between different positions of chart tooltip. (17c845b), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#163
  • add button borders (7421746)
  • add buttons package and d.ts file (#16) (d0eef84)
  • add calendar border, align icons (abdb96e)
  • add contrast function based on WCAG requirements (8755a4e)
  • add d.ts file for layout package (d448f9a)
  • add d.ts for TypeScript to stop complaining (1918bc7)
  • add dialog package scripts (2747802)
  • add dialog styles to 'all' package (77e9f4f)
  • add dropdowns package and d.ts file (#17) (7f08e08)
  • add expand/collapse icons to panelbar (90dce13)
  • add focused styling for the Grid. (a7389a3), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#178
  • add functional map and scroller styles (1abee64)
  • add grid to complete package (2d781f9)
  • add hover styling to the upload dropzone (#51) (b9c8c78)
  • add k-display-block for chromeless components (a05ef96)
  • add k-i-add class for backwards compat (89a26f6)
  • add k-rtl style (850c713)
  • add loading animation styles (426ceac)
  • add mixin for striped gradient (a5f695a)
  • add panelbar rtl styles (#153) (3e11904), closes #102
  • add popup box shadow (#168) (a25fb6e), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#165
  • add popup styles to datetime package (db1e963)
  • add popup theme to chart theme (aa7c1fc)
  • add separate bundle of tabstrip styles (0580feb)
  • add styles for centering list items (110ff7a)
  • add styling for chart tooltips (#32) (2ec2545)
  • add styling for Grid ARIA root element (75dba15)
  • add styling for grid new item row (#85) (b93009e), closes telerik/kendo-angular-grid#60
  • add styling for inputs clear all button (#82) (55dde84)
  • add tabstrip animations (85d10fd)
  • add text alignment to droplowns (4efa519), closes telerik/kendo-angular-dropdowns#75 #55
  • add var for chart default font size (#36) (1ed2dea)
  • adjust loading icon position in MultiSelect and AutoComplete (#432) (d60193f)
  • adjust primary button gradient to match design more closely (0a47c38), closes #283
  • Adjust table wizard padding, sizing telerik/kendo#6508 (#99) (b51cb7b)
  • allow flip-h and flip-v to be used together (4178df2)
  • autocomplete in filter row appearance. (f7cfec5), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#148
  • bare button states are not showing correctly (8117298)
  • build process does not prefix classes (1f31b20), closes #5
  • button icons colors; button padding (#27) (f430ccc)
  • buttons focused / active states; buttons height (c20c806)
  • buttons must be square in editor (5089ff6)
  • change .k-popup.k-list-container box-sizing to border-box (4b23415)
  • change author (8b5c9cf)
  • change scrollview prev/next button styles due to double rendering in iOS (1a5b29f)
  • change theme color; re-calculate widgets colors due to color change (ded3abe)
  • chart incorrect colors (dc1b6eb)
  • chart selection handles metrics (63d7189)
  • chart tooltip metrics; navigator-hint styling. (9821d47), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#244
  • chart tooltip styling (829fc5f)
  • context menu and menu styling (df180b0)
  • correct main file name in NPM package (d7680c7)
  • cursors are incorrect for multiselect tags and list items (0e934ca)
  • declare box-sizing for dropdowns (cd41edb), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#142
  • declare main file (b25614d)
  • dialog icon styles (72454a4)
  • disable transitions while dragging handle (1772726)
  • dropdownlist and combobox styling (bacc4dd)
  • dropdownlist focus state. (5e00bbe), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#235
  • dropdownlist search box appearance (237f518)
  • dropdowns focused hover state (15a11b5)
  • dropdowns styling the match the design (80a9622)
  • dropdowns, pickers, inputs rtl styling (2a10fe3)
  • editor toolbar (#182) (04cc6de), closes #177
  • editor toolbar styling #52 (#84) (7878c21)
  • error bars styling (#38) (593bc91)
  • expand / collapse icons are switched (#59) (5bc865b)
  • export sass variables for script usage (2558ab5)
  • filter menu, column menu and dropdown operator must be square (331df4b)
  • focused button box-shadow; multiselect buttons metrics and focused stalying (424bb7d)
  • footer template height (#208) (d7a078b)
  • gantt toggle button and create task button must be square (92dca6f)
  • grid footer appearance (d1da7af)
  • grid hierarchy-cell appearance (de53481)
  • grid hierarchy-cell width; grid cells padding (c9f244e)
  • grid selection background. (6493129), closes telerik/kend-theme-default#234
  • grouping row p height (#205) (50669c4)
  • hide input-bar unless used (e611799)
  • hide validator through hidden attribute (295f09b)
  • hierarchical grid icons appearance (926d403)
  • hierarchy-cell icon color in selected grid row (94835cd)
  • icon button size must be square for all skins (c803226)
  • icons hover / focus state (ff5a536)
  • import base layout before butto layout (bbe6c71)
  • import color functions in variables files (4eef3f9)
  • improve button sizing (#195) (fde18c8)
  • improve performance in IE (0048877)
  • improve upload styling (ebe6f5e)
  • improve yiq function (98202c5)
  • inputs text-color selection. (5ba213f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#241
  • upload: different spacing in RTL mode (9840073), closes telerik/kendo-angular-upload#67
  • in IE11, Edge12, and Edge13 border-radius with background-clip causes visual glitches (96dad8d)
  • incorrect dialog animation in ie11 (40679be)
  • incorrect padding of k-tabstrip-items (#48) (d68f036)
  • inputs height in IE (47b0036)
  • inputs placeholder color (52857a0)
  • interpolate value in calc (83439dd)
  • introduce -family-monospace variable (5031f81)
  • invisible action buttons in Bootstrap (8176d6d)
  • invisible separators and wrong selected items color (ffed067)
  • item list is not aligned properly in RTL (#67) (53c155d)
  • kendo colorpicker is not properly styles when clearButton is set #103 (328f650)
  • list items styling (#79) (49a3f92), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#75
  • loading indicator size; loading indicator in combobox position (#202) (5e58cd9), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#200
  • make drag handle visible in all cases #telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (9709288)
  • menu and grid header styles (c875cf0)
  • menu styling (#110) (7ea682d)
  • misaligned icons in popup items. (beaaac8), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#222
  • missing filter button in grid filter row (9a9b724)
  • move chart height to host element (0a91a77)
  • move imports to work with newer sass (f68d746)
  • multiselect border; remove input width (fb94f8c)
  • multiselect buttons clear icon appearance (3f892f9)
  • MultiSelect delete buttons visibility (ffed009), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#87
  • multiselect in ie behavior. (#206) (06fb96d), closes telerik/kendo-angular#191
  • multiselect input height (6561c85), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#90
  • multiselect input position (968bfbd)
  • multiselect items - wrong rounded corners. (db3c2cc), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#239
  • multiselect items margin and icon hover styling (7672cb8)
  • multiselect loading; close button metrics (2ae5b9f)
  • notes styling, crosshair background (#37) (49d0f06)
  • numerictextbox focus state. telerik/kendo-theme-default#223 (71539f4)
  • numerictextbox spinner appearance for IE10; selected spinner icon color (#201) (dbd8feb)
  • numerictextbox spinner icons alignment. (#191) (0c3d964), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#161
  • opacity for no data template (3fd2648)
  • output path of build process in derived themes (7199ee0)
  • pager appearance to match thе design (381cd57), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#187 #190
  • pager appearance; grid header height (a889fe8)
  • panelbar colors to match the new design; delete unused variables (45f58d6)
  • panelbar disabled items hover color (1ef8712)
  • popup and animation-container styling (e6fe577)
  • position dialog-wrapper to viewport 0,0 (da9bbb1)
  • prev / next buttons in scheduler must be square (2b5b418)
  • primary button appearance (b943ed4)
  • provide icon-font-dir variable to override font location (12e7a5d)
  • re-calculate widgets colors which depend on the color; add transparency to all borders (215b48b)
  • regression in slider handle animation (8cf5be7), closes #26
  • remove additional focus state shadow and fix button height (858695b)
  • remove animation for dropdowns list items (9904a0d)
  • remove border on dialog buttons (97ba4ab)
  • Remove checkbox, radiobutton hover state telerik/kendo#6508 (#120) (35a5f5a)
  • Remove checkbox:checked border to center the check glyph (a005683)
  • remove grid focus outline. (#203) (0bd10aa), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#199
  • remove hover styles on disabled slider (3061193)
  • remove IE7 styles, show link between window and actions padding (3392625)
  • action-buttons: action-buttons should clear floats (#113) (8045ecb)
  • action-buttons: improve action buttons spacing (c3941c3)
  • action-buttons: update action-buttons metrics (f4c1d30)
  • animation: add expand animation styles (857ac89)
  • Animation: Correct zoom-in/out CSS class names (439e177)
  • Animation: Hide every old entering element (9ef83ec)
  • Animation: Hide old animated elements only if they are still active (ae7fe98)
  • Animation: Position enter element relatively. Hide old entering elements (06f9704)
  • Animation: use default positioning for the animation container (#5) (b6afea5)
  • animations: add missing appear transitions (db7b765)
  • animations: change animation-leave selector to animation-exit (fb69c97)
  • animations: nested panelbar expand (5bc45b6)
  • autocomplete: add box-sizing (aa4b17e)
  • autocomplete: add invalid state for Angular (6b41e5b)
  • autocomplete: use correct background-clip for autocomplete (8f32709)
  • autocomplete: use correct padding for autocomplete (ecacbce)
  • button: Add background-clip; adjust primary button focused shadow transparency (#172) (f1d3417)
  • button: add height to icon button for proper vertical alignment (df4d3f4)
  • button: add styles for icon buttons in RTL (a5de136)
  • button: add styles for radiobutton group that look like button group (be14283)
  • button: extract variable for bare button hover opacity (#655) (8671249)
  • button: icon button height should be equal to the other buttons (3eba04f)
  • button: improve border radius for rtl (cc51a24)
  • button: make buttons relative by default (89d1280)
  • button: outline primary buttons appearance (14e636e)
  • button: update variables to match design (ac85fe9)
  • button: use correct pressed-like button appearance (7613188)
  • button: use correct states for selected button in button group (ae8fdbc)
  • button: use variable for buttongroup buttons left margin (b24a1e4)
  • buttongroup: use correct background-clip for buttongroup (583ed8c)
  • buttonGroup: add focus state to disabled button in button group telerik/kendo#7846 (c255c82)
  • buttonGroup: fix border radius after reverting rendering changes telerik/kendo#7846 (0f68691)
  • buttonGroup: fix border radius after reverting rendering changes telerik/kendo#7846 (e088f72)
  • buttonGroupd: add focus state to button in disabled button group telerik/kendo#7846 (13b0de5)
  • buttons: add RTL support for button icons (#170) (82d5401)
  • buttons: add variable for border width (3fae15f)
  • buttons: fix missing border radius (5fcf831)
  • buttons: use variable for bare buttons positions (0b162be)
  • calendar: add hints for endless scrolling in infinite calendar (9289990)
  • calendar: add RTL styles for infinite mode (b061418)
  • calendar: Add specificity to selected weekend day selector (#561) (1ca705b)
  • calendar: add styles for infinite mode (313856d)
  • calendar: adjust navigation padding (9e07572)
  • calendar: bring Calendar styles up to date with design (c08e38a)
  • calendar: Center dates per latest design, fix selected weekend background (14698e1)
  • calendar: center navigation text (57e9c1c)
  • calendar: correct padding for navigation on OSX (#379) (0e64cc7), closes #353
  • calendar: improve layout for months with few days (078f2e4)
  • calendar: improve layout in IE10 (0238c1b)
  • calendar: Improve styling (6d55d7a)
  • calendar: increase height to show second month (2e62660)
  • calendar: remove the float style from k-content (6f1f930)
  • calendar: Switch to display: block (3f3932b)
  • calendar: Updates Calendar styles to match design (04ad7d7)
  • calendar: use correct background-clip for calendar (17b51e4)
  • calendar: wrong view width in pages with bootstrap 3 (1f4be2f)
  • chart: add k-chart-dragging class (059c9cd)
  • chart: add missing popup dependency (#549) (6ce5dea)
  • chart: add transitions if the wrapper and the popup are the same element (0d225c4)
  • chart: remove spacing from tooltip (bcbb789)
  • chart: tooltip animation transtions (56c42d8)
  • checkbox: imrpove checkbox states (c69e527)
  • checkbox: remove double opacity on checkboxes (f7c3951)
  • colorpicker: Add style for Colorpicker with tool icon (#137) (838d4af)
  • colorpicker: use correct background-clip for colorpicker (70923c3)
  • colorpicker: use correct size and box-sizing for color preview (551d79e)
  • combobox: allow mixed units for right padding (#399) (b543b43)
  • combobox: clear button overlaps the selected item (#395) (b17e409), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#261
  • combobox: left padding in rtl mode (f3927c0)
  • combobox: use correct background-clip for combobox (8fb34d2)
  • combobox: wrong styling on focused item. (8c70c62), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#309
  • common: add styles for reorder cue (9a7971e)
  • common: add styles for text selection (0bc9d90)
  • common: extract edit form styles to common/base (4900d15)
  • common: improve common states (#117) (843dcd3)
  • contextmenu: improve separator and horizontal contextmenu (7fe82fc)
  • dateinput: focused / selected state appearance (6d3d9ba)
  • DateInput: Add RTL styles (28763cb)
  • dateinputs: calendar and timepicker colors (2a0634c)
  • datepicker: add hover style; wrong width and height (a5fb667)
  • datepicker: fix Angular validation styles (7104d88)
  • datepicker: override margin when applied to .k-widget (e581514)
  • datepicker: Switch rounded corners for select button in RTL; style imrovements (c19178a)
  • datepicker: wrong width of the internal DateInput component in IE11 (2505558)
  • datetime: add dependency to calendar (d23888c)
  • datetime: use corerct background-clip for datetime (6937500)
  • datetimepicker: allow buttons to work in any box-sizing context (#722) (417a181)
  • diagram: use accent-contrast color (#378) (0f5f063)
  • dialog: add border between buttons in RTL (8086b63)
  • dialog: alignment in IE11 and Firefox RTL (7bd2d19)
  • dialog: animation styles (2cc7ad4)
  • dialog: Bring button layout in line with design telerik/kendo#6508 (#108) (703c465)
  • dialog: center action button text in Safari (6240433), closes #158
  • dialog: close button styles (01e8a90)
  • dialog: content is not visible in IE11 (7b86eef), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#192
  • dialog: do not collapse buttons in scrollable content (da300ff)
  • dialog: do not hide action buttons if window is higher than viewport in IE11 (#814) (a060d04)
  • dialog: do not modify custom content (400ccd1), closes #180
  • dialog: Improve dialog content, titlebar centering (9aea365)
  • dialog: limit height to viewport height (157c323)
  • dialog: pager buttons appear above modal dialog (898c31f)
  • dialog: use accent colors by default (0ddcbee)
  • dropdownlist: improve styles for dropdown operator in grid filtering (5260e7f)
  • dropdownlist: long text in filter input interferes with the icon. (f28d9fe), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#564
  • dropdownlist: use correct background-clip for dropdownlist (b282964)
  • DropDownList: remove the default clear button in IE (7319d02)
  • dropdowns: appearance in rtl mode (691ef52)
  • dropdowns: calculate size of list filter (32404e9)
  • dropdowns: filtering input / label rtl alignment (4ad8121)
  • dropdowns: misaligned loading indicator; wrong select width (#545) (8edc50a)
  • dropdowns: noDataTemplate styling (753347f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#327
  • dropdowns: update dropdowns styling because of changed rendering (#388) (9b6ac0e)
  • dropdowns: visual glitches (e41d8eb)
  • edit-form: colorpickers must not be 100% wide in edit form (52fb2fe)
  • editform: use min width in addition to width (d0b5b44)
  • editor: add header border color for Firefox (d68f6a6)
  • editor: add layout for filebrowser / image browser dialog (1576167)
  • editor: add spacing between widgets in toolbar group (42e7e45)
  • editor: add styles for browser dialogs (64ab51a)
  • editor: Adjust Colorpicker size, unhide color preview strip (#143) (74cc2c3)
  • editor: align template content vertially (eb63cbe)
  • editor: broken layout of file and image browsers (fe0243d)
  • editor: content of editor toolbar exceeds the size of the container (a1310be)
  • editor: fix displaced combobox button in editor in Edge #625 (e930ce5)
  • editor: fix editor's file and image browser dialogs telerik/kendo-ui-core#2819 (8faf610)
  • editor: fix scrolled content height in the table wizard dialog #665 (138b952)
  • editor: fix searchbox in filebrowser dialog (e1ae582)
  • editor: fix type in editor selector (8a1a669)
  • editor: improve numeric and colorpickers in table wizard (4f0b323)
  • editor: improve styling of tabstrip in window (39a91b4)
  • editor: improve table wizard alignment dropdowns (d517b2f)
  • editor: improve table wizzard dropdown (59a424c)
  • editor: improve tiles gird styles (f0145ec)
  • editor: Inconsistent Editor indent/outdent icons in RTL (d6bcc52)
  • editor: make editor dialog content as wide as dialog (83eda33)
  • editor: make scrollbars of Editor's dialogs to be consistent (12e24e2)
  • editor: make scrollbars of Editor's dialogs to be consistent (c7330e0)
  • editor: prevent overflowing file and image browsers content telerik/kendo-theme-bootstrap#206 (877575f)
  • editor: prevent resize handler to oerlap scrolling arrow telerik/kendo-ui.core#3445 (1fa2a8b)
  • editor: reduce size of inlie editor toolbar (06d1caf)
  • editor: uniform scrollnig in editor dialogs (e43cb41)
  • editor: use border-color: inhreit for editor toolbar and editable area (2932e19)
  • editor: use correct colors for toggled button (57c51b4)
  • editor: use corret background-clip for editor (237124a)
  • editors: common layout glitches (9e66aad)
  • forms: align labels in forms in dialog (e488260)
  • forms: align text, field-info, radiobuttons and checkboxes in forms (607a48d)
  • forms: allow use of k-state-invalid class for invalid state (#823) (8367d13)
  • gantt: broken tasks and dependencies position in RTL (afef5d0)
  • gantt: broken tasks and dependencies positions in RTL (96e9e1f)
  • gantt: broken tasks in IE (8325c2a)
  • gantt: imporve task percentagle complete handle position (a4b3f84)
  • gantt: improve gantt size by setting align to k-icon (29ca321)
  • gantt: improve milestone RTL position (cf04b8f)
  • gantt: move tasks to prevent overlapping dependency arrows (2d5e8bd)
  • gantt: move tasks to prevent overlapping dependency in RTL (d1ea3fa)
  • gantt: remove font size from task content (ca2d996)
  • gantt: remove overriding styles from splitter in accordance with design (37201f2)
  • gantt: show delete-task-link only on task hover (35171d3)
  • gantt: show task progress drag handle only on hover (e8a9873)
  • gantt: text is not vertically aligned wihtin headers (cd3c947)
  • gantt: treelist header is not correctly aligned with timeline headers (b660ced)
  • gantt: update gant task in accordance with design (f461593)
  • gantt: update gantt header height in accordance with design (12fd992)
  • gantt: update gantt in accordance with design (9389b48)
  • gantt: update task tooltip in accordance with design (b2ff91a)
  • gantt: update task-milestone in accordance with design (b67f98e)
  • gantt: update task-summary in accordance with design (5fc1fc9)
  • gantt: use correct background-clip for gantt (16a10a0)
  • gantt: use correct variables for toolbar padding (d95f93b)
  • gantt: use vertical-align middle for gantt treelist content cells (c57f84e)
  • gantt: view switcher is missing selected state (015b7ec)
  • gantt: wrong action button position (4a76cd6)
  • gantt: wrong task complete position (873cbf7)
  • grid: (Angular) resize contents to fit wrapper (#859) (e57a000)
  • grid: add autofitting styles for jQuery grid (116dcfd)
  • grid: Add calculation and apply it to form elements margin (1db82a0)
  • grid: Add missing dirty cell styling (4ec31bf)
  • grid: Add missing loading spinner (#539) (8055d53)
  • grid: Add negative widget offset margins to column menu icon in header (29a744d)
  • grid: Add no-text class styling to checkbox label (713bbc1)
  • grid: add reorder styles for ng grid (5fc5a30)
  • grid: Add RTL styles for dirty cells (f683eb1)
  • grid: add spacing between buttons (89de27c)
  • grid: add styles for virtual content (05aad12)
  • grid: Add styles positioning the PDF export progress bar (ce1c967)
  • grid: Adjust checkbox margin in RTL (22096dd)
  • grid: Adjust column sorting icon and index positions (5d3230d)
  • grid: Adjust filter row Numerictextbox width (b61ee19)
  • grid: Adjust filterable+sortable header margin for the sake of Edge (488fe21)
  • grid: Adjust header styles (afe0bb8)
  • grid: Adjust input width in edit modes (2faed78)
  • grid: adjust row height and grouping token size (ffb4b65)
  • grid: Adjust sorting index position (487d077)
  • grid: Adjust sorting indicators positions (988ff92)
  • grid: adjust the space between the input and row / cell border (#296) (1e6e487), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#294
  • grid: align bottom multi-column headers (c3f3bdc)
  • grid: Align popup checkbox with text (fd447e7)
  • grid: allow filter row components to shrink below min-width (03ddb42)
  • grid: allow filter row to render TD cells (996a8b6)
  • grid: allow for filterable cell input resizing (6c67e7f)
  • grid: allow integration of resize sensor (d6dcaaa)
  • grid: allow use without flexbox in jQuery grid (#439) (4fe6fb4)
  • grid: Angular grouping header is collapsed in IE (621cebf)
  • grid: broken layout when virtualization is used (11b4775), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#324
  • grid: buttons in Grid editor templates misalignments (b9bf599)
  • grid: Change positioning of dirty cell TD in edit mode (16635bd)
  • grid: column header text breaks out of narrow columns (#754) (994c116)
  • grid: columns misalignment when Bootstrap is used. (f6c2828), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#285
  • grid: do not resize columns when all their widths are set (ca1050c), closes telerik/kendo-angular#689
  • grid: dragclue and grouping clue appearance (a7d9c44)
  • grid: edit row buttons overlap (4cb2711)
  • grid: enable group ordering (#795) (8156a3a)
  • grid: expand/collapse icon is not centered (599b8ff)
  • grid: expand/collapse icon is not centered (b6df0e2)
  • grid: filter button height (b5639cd)
  • grid: filter menu styles (ca0d191)
  • grid: filter row boolean filter appearance (76924b9)
  • grid: filter row boolean operator styling (da252ed)
  • grid: filter row components do not shrink (f75a9a4)
  • grid: filter row height is incorrect in IE when height is set (c68d26c)
  • grid: filter row operators appearance (ee32c9f)
  • grid: filter row span outside cells (357d0b7), closes telerik/kendo-angular#830
  • grid: filter row styles (9e41a82)
  • grid: filter row styling (#262) (0edba58)
  • grid: fix calc usage (4f7cdd2)
  • grid: Fix column resizing with virtual scrolling enabled (16113fb)
  • grid: fix header layout for locked columns (022070f)
  • grid: fix header misalignment in Kendo UI for jQuery (#816) (a66bf9c)
  • grid: grouping clue is small in pages that use Bootstrap (fd0feb9)
  • grid: headers border color (df33e0f)
  • grid: headers misalignment. (e13234f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#284
  • grid: Improve column selection checkbox position in RTL styling (a7bb3c8)
  • grid: Improve dirty cell styling (78bf826)
  • grid: improve drag clue layout (2520770)
  • grid: improve filter menu layout (900d53e)
  • grid: Improve filter row styling for jQuery (b1541a3)
  • grid: improve grid group indicator appearance (e2da9f7)
  • grid: Improve Grid popup editor checkbox alignment (f8a5bd6)
  • grid: improve layout calculation performance (a098fcd)
  • grid: Increase specificity of the menu styles (2f9b010)
  • grid: layout is broken in RTL when all column widths are set (#577) (173220f), closes telerik/kendo-angular#689
  • grid: layout regression when no height is set (#358) (096b5f2), closes telerik/kendo-angular#429
  • grid: multiheaders missing borders (2c6ef3b), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#298
  • grid: multiselect in filter row appearance (19672ba)
  • grid: pager items placement. (29a197a), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#321
  • grid: Prevent batch edit mode inputs from overflowing in RTL (7b9462e)
  • grid: prevent grid header from collapsing (1c8267e)
  • grid: prevent wraping and vertically align header column menu in IE (55c1df1)
  • grid: Recalculate edit mode textbox width (f2354b5)
  • grid: remove double border for browsers without scrollbar (10c9980)
  • grid: Remove extra margin in header title in Firefox (6a31326)
  • grid: remove extra padding in edit mode (065c713)
  • grid: Remove unnecessary checkbox styles (telerik/kendo#7680) (1f7abac)
  • grid: selected alt rows must have the same shade as non-alt selected rows (ce6ade1)
  • grid: Switch dirty cell overflow to visible (f48d44c)
  • grid: Tweak in-Grid edit mode widget width (2474ea5)
  • grid: update layout to be reused by other themes (#230) (9a4838a)
  • grid: use correct background-clip for grid (decd830)
  • grid: use flexbox chrome only when scrolling (f2f5d92)
  • grid: virtual scrolling layout (dca95a0), closes telerik/kendo-angular#449
  • Grid: Add validation tooltip styling (1bfa082)
  • Grid: Remove Batch edit mode TD padding (7b77dab)
  • Grid: Remove negative margins from input elements in inline edit mode (e4fe447)
  • icons: add aliases for portrait and landscape orientation icons (cee4852)
  • icons: Add RTL styles for expand icon (telerik/kendo-ui-core#3360) (126ebf4)
  • icons: update font to include KPI status and trend icons (b3c0622)
  • icons: update incorrect woff file path (8aab17a)
  • icons: use horizontal flipping for specifc rtl icons (9c48e19)
  • icons: use stronger selector for loading-icon (#118) (38a6289)
  • input: handle special case of .k-input.k-textbox (#114) (1c2285c)
  • input: hide -ms-clear element #105 (58df7c5)
  • input: use correct background-clip for input (e2d3b5f)
  • inputs: add missing focused styling to slider and switch (4f72963)
  • inputs: apply font-size variable to simple textbox (#853) (5f4dcc4)
  • inputs: prioritize angular validation over HTML5 validation (0adecba), closes telerik/kendo-angular#511
  • listbox: use correct background-clip for listbox (3fe2240)
  • ListBox: Add vertical alignment addressing telerik/kendo#7013 (7b0194e)
  • ListBox: Set correct cursor for ListBox item (fc9ce15)
  • listview: Add missing focused state, listview component to theme (df4d3c9)
  • loading: small icon is invisible in Chrome 61 (642a796)
  • loading-icon: hide text inside loading icon (d0f47f1)
  • map: Add 100% height to the Map's scroll container (bc94117)
  • map: Add marker color (383206d)
  • map: use svg / font icon instead of image sprite (491a1f4)
  • masked/numeric: Correct position of invalid state icon in RTL (c999ab2)
  • maskedtextbox: allow width to be set on host element (215890b)
  • maskedtextbox: appearance (f4a5de3)
  • maskedtextbox: missing border (ffdfad1), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#331
  • maskedtextbox: styling refactoring (8b7c4e5)
  • math: handle zero values in add-* mixins (dff792b)
  • mediaplayer: add opacity to toolbar (8919a30)
  • mediaplayer: drag handle in volume slider is not correctly positioned (80c09fa)
  • mediaplayer: make track slider 100% wide (2f65105)
  • mediaplayer: use correct padding for mediaplayer toolbar (c39318b)
  • mediaplyer: use correct background-clip for mediaplayer (ffd580a)
  • menu: add missing styles for context menu wrapper (a690733)
  • menu: Add nowrap rule for Menu links (f832b6b)
  • menu: add styles for menu rtl (e2fd491)
  • menu: menu items must nost srink when scrolling is enabled (3f7dd04)
  • menu: scroll arrows are missaligned (a8019a7)
  • menu: use correct background-clip for menu (6ede243)
  • multiselect: add invalid state for Angular (9af0ad4)
  • multiselect: align search bar after tokens (582baa8)
  • multiselect: clear button position (#576) (1ebac36)
  • multiselect: do not inherit global .k-button width (8ffb16c)
  • multiselect: extract border-radius to multiselect layout (7d19828)
  • multiselect: hide loading icon (1cbd639)
  • multiselect: improve height of token with empty string telerik/kendo-ui-core#3723 (f8713c4)
  • multiselect: layout fixes (467d8c1)
  • multiselect: use correct background-clip for multiselect (0f9ceaf)
  • multiselect: use text cursor across focusable area (8207562)
  • multiselect: virtualized items are not styled (2c9dfb8)
  • multiselect: wrap text on long items (f512790), closes #263
  • multiselect: wrong padding in RTL (3ef4f71)
  • multiselect: wrong width in IE (accf6ee)
  • notification: add styles for rtl (9ae4f92)
  • notification: Adjust close icon position (#78) (#162) (83bcc85)
  • notification: fix padding and close button position (b5483f6)
  • notification: improve close button position (c5ae062)
  • notification: Position close button (#131) (4b2cb7f)
  • notification: use small font size, introduce variables (ba6a6b4)
  • numercitextbox: use correct background-clip for numercitextbox (1a29f67)
  • NumericTB: Fix invalid state spinners color (1605c01)
  • numerictextbox: Adjust flex of input fixing Edge weirdness (d6a758a)
  • numerictextbox: icons are not vertically aligned (7a55a83)
  • numerictextbox: k-select links alignment (9b34417)
  • numerictextbox: remove invalid input border in Firefox (08a2770)
  • numerictextbox: spinner icons alignment; fix select width (ac4ad5f)
  • numerictextbox: spinners active appearance (50d5c8a)
  • NumericTextbox: Improve invalid state feedback icon positioning (0dce499)
  • pager: disabled pager links should inherit color (be5ed18)
  • pager: use -padding- for pager (aa00773)
  • pager: use flexbox to improve numeric pager align (540f548)
  • panelbar: style fixes (#115) (67cb403)
  • panelbar: toggle arrow is in the wrong place for k1 (2d325c3)
  • panelbar: use correct background-clip for panelbar (3f30da3)
  • panelbar: use header variables for item padding (#265) (2ab5c58)
  • PanelBar: update border color of subgroups (ec933d0)
  • panels: styling panels (0e5c9b8)
  • pickers: remove focus outline (16064f3)
  • pivot: use correct background-clip for pivot (e745463)
  • pivotgrid: Add missing styles for pseudo elements in PDF export (28714b1)
  • pivotgrid: Make grid cells non-wrapable (defff41)
  • pivotgrid: Remove flex from Grid container, add border-width (2711bbc)
  • pivotgrid: use correct KPI icons (70b5a56)
  • popup: apply popup styles to animation-container (c6e24ca)
  • popup: no data template alignment in IE (7263fb7)
  • popup: style option label like regular items (10c9d55)
  • popup: use correct background-clip for popup (1c0046c)
  • popup: use specific variable for selected text (fea14bd)
  • progressbar: Add progress status background color (#129) (3923c46)
  • progressbar: improve fluid progress (62c6447)
  • progressbar: improve styling of chunked upload (d38567a)
  • progressbar: imrpove selected state position #764 (702111f)
  • progressbar: progressbar is missing gradient (200bfef)
  • progressbar: use correct background-clip for progressbar (7a69c77)
  • progressbar: use correct border-radius (ffeaf81)
  • ripple: contain ripple in its container (5a65049)
  • ripple: improve effect in flat primary button (b44fd95)
  • scheduler: add spacing between text and icon in show full day (9af6039)
  • scheduler: border-color is not properly inherited in FireFox and IE (35bf322)
  • scheduler: expand scheduler to its content in IE (cc190d9)
  • scheduler: improve inner dimensions of scheduler (2d6008f)
  • scheduler: RTL appointment resizing issues (48c33a6)
  • scheduler: rtl buttons positioning and border radiuses (6a5d273)
  • scheduler: scope styles for recurrence editors (bf61394)
  • scheduler: use correct background-clip for scheduler (35eb805)
  • scheduler: wrong close button position in agenda view in rtl (57aa9bc)
  • scheduler: wrong event actions position (b75695e)
  • scrollview: add min flex width for pager (ecf608d)
  • scrollview: add static position for kendo-jquery-scrollview (7c19eac)
  • scrollview: add styles for kendo-jquery-scrollview (7b464fe)
  • scrollview: Add styles for Mobile widget (telerik/kendo#6508) (#125) (a014812)
  • scrollview: add styles for scrollview pager for kendo-jquery (fce1ebe)
  • scrollview: handle variable button size (3168f58)
  • scrollview: tweak flex-grow for pager items (59f55e5)
  • scrollview: use flexbox for scrollview pager (6bfa1c7)
  • scrollview: wrong styling on prev/next arrows (d5a0875), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#342
  • slider: add d.ts file for slider (#12) (83ce469)
  • slider: draghandle styling improvements (c451203)
  • slider: extract metrics variables (#619) (fbf5628)
  • slider: include component name in path to icons (038bc1f)
  • slider: interaction states. (238dde0), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#225
  • slider: large ticks appearance (095b645)
  • slider: remove focus outline (be18669)
  • slider: revert regression in slider animation (3e96000)
  • slider: rtl buttons styling (862d561)
  • slider: vertical ticks are misaligned (c602975)
  • sortable: apply default display to sortable container (d1bfa95)
  • sparkline: remove border and padding from tooltip (1f77425)
  • splitter: fix flipped collapse arrow in rtl (9095247)
  • splitter: Fix resize handle, pointer cursor telerik/kendo#6508 (#122) (07dfc3a)
  • splitter: nested resize handles have the wrong background (cfa1aab)
  • splitter: reverse panes in RTL mode (bd373d3)
  • splitter: splitter needs to be inline-flex in gantt (1016d2a)
  • splitter: use col/row-resize cursors (d1bf7cd)
  • splitter: use correct background-clip for splitter (de4a4bb)
  • splitter: use correct colors for splitter normal and hover state (e5a1f91)
  • spreadhsheet: Add styles for active cell within selection (574c4ca)
  • spreadsheet: add assumed box-sizing for buttons (00d5fd6)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for formula bar icon (282156f)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for formula list (73a2144)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for spreadsheet autofill range resizing (f5dc736)
  • spreadsheet: borders do not render in 2017.2.x (7d6b34a)
  • spreadsheet: custom editor button not visible (f6e3c91)
  • spreadsheet: fix more format layout (d34f221)
  • spreadsheet: improve active cell borders by frozen cells telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (44bcf30)
  • spreadsheet: improve custom formatting dialog (31f3092)
  • spreadsheet: improve formula syntax highlight (dde4575)
  • spreadsheet: improve formula syntax highlight (1bdb226)
  • spreadsheet: improve spreadsheet dialog layout (b9fa2ad)
  • spreadsheet: improve spreadsheet toolbar and tabstrip layout (615cd91)
  • spreadsheet: Missing indicator for Spreadsheet range resizing (6922fd4)
  • spreadsheet: page orientation icon in export dialog is not properly positioned (67c4f2b)
  • spreadsheet: remove border radius of spreadsheet toolbar area (f3dbdf9)
  • spreadsheet: remove window customization from spreadsheet (67fe651)
  • spreadsheet: replace hardcoded color for merged-cell by variable (951e2bf)
  • spreadsheet: use correct background-clip for spreadsheet (92e9e27)
  • spreadsheet: wrong custom editor button width (1cb3bdd)
  • stockchart: navigator handles layout (64c46b2)
  • switch: displaced switch handle (7296a65), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#226
  • switch: improve labels positioning (#758) (dd770bb)
  • switch: metrics (b604715)
  • switch: missing border on macOS / retina displays (#374) (a4728bf), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#367
  • switch: off lable color and contrast (67c8f35)
  • switch: remove focus outline (57a790a)
  • switch: use calc for mixed units (39c52a9)
  • switch: use correct background-clip for switch (a28958a)
  • switch: use variable units for RTL labels (#346) (4aed3e7)
  • tabstrip: add styles for closable tabstrip (dbea750)
  • tabstrip: enable :normal and :hover state customization of individual tabstrip items (0e0579a)
  • tabstrip: improve alignment of close icon (347e8ad)
  • tabstrip: improve layout when wrapper height is set (bb49170), closes #495
  • tabstrip: set host display (3a3f40d)
  • tabstrip: tabstrip scrolling (#112) (f2e6b10)
  • tabstrip: tweak tabstrip styles (#111) (bb5187b)
  • tabstrip: use correct background-clip for tabstrip (2f5292e)
  • tabstrip: use scoped tabstrip variables for styling (4e61adf)
  • textbox: add RTL styles for floating label (#842) (5639c7a)
  • textbox: apply default width to textbox container (0b8cd37)
  • textbox: disallow selection of floating label (54df3e1)
  • textbox: inherit kendo-textbox-container size (e448eac)
  • textbox: use classes for styling (4601174)
  • textbox: workaround IE11 limitation (1cfc1a9)
  • timepicker: add time list focus state (#656) (e852cda)
  • timepicker: align time list on MacOS (f8b9de7)
  • timepicker: update highlight border-color (7dd890d)
  • timepicker: update time list focus state (#662) (aeccee5)
  • toolbar: fix overflow button position in RTL telerik/kendo#8009 (2389a89)
  • toolbar: improve disabled appearance of button telerik/kendo-ui-core#3684 (1d2b3f3)
  • toolbar: prevent overflowing templates content #784 (1e556c5)
  • toolbar: use correct background-clip for toolbar (bb3fa99)
  • toolbar: use correct colors for toggled button (d53c49f)
  • toolbar: wrong split button focus and expand state (37e45ea)
  • tooltip: add callout styles (9882ec1)
  • tooltip: use contrast-wcag for tooltip (cc86875)
  • tooltip: use correct padding for collapsible tooltip (844037f)
  • tooltip: use correct padding for collapsible tooltip (2ad3894)
  • Treelist: Add k-display-block class to handle frozen columns (98b891d)
  • treeview: add treeview rtl styles (40699b5)
  • treeview: hide scrollbars during a node expansion (d6541f4)
  • treeview: reduce spacing between checkbox and item text (0556e46)
  • treeview: remove outline when focus is on items (b062f16)
  • treeview: treeview alignment (#116) (4dce864)
  • treeview: update item layout (#259) (28d3411)
  • treeview: use correct background-clip for treeview (90b7960)
  • treeview: use correct border radius and box shadow for treeview items (22a75bc)
  • treeview: use correct metrics for treeview (80c8215)
  • upload: add RTL styling (#245) (fc49b80)
  • upload: decrease metric of file list (441c163)
  • upload: extract metrics variables (d9db8d3)
  • upload: failed to upload item icon color (575cd8b)
  • upload: improve metrics of toolbar (a8e8fe7)
  • upload: incorrect icon size when used with Bootstrap (47fe0e7), closes telerik/kendo-angular-upload#39 #151
  • upload: increase empty space after file name for chunk upload telerik/kendo-ui-core#3021 (b51d5b7)
  • upload: move some metrics to the theme file (8b3d214)
  • upload: trim long file names (aaa4ff7)
  • upload: un-nest k-upload button selector (547ef6a)
  • upload: use correct background-clip for upload (51ccb48)
  • upload: visual glitches (#97) (4d00a64), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#95
  • validation: allow nesting of validation tooltip in kendo-popup (874d572)
  • validation: check ng-dirty and ng-touched before showing errors (35cef0d), closes #127
  • validator: validation message is not aligned (3f1e21a)
  • window: add styles for content frame (36bbcfa), closes #510
  • window: add styles for predefined dialog prompt (454abd7)
  • window: Adjust header height telerik/kendo#6508 (#100) (5fa3cf0)
  • window: align content with title text (581f650)
  • window: fix title height for Bootstrap skin #752 (9045a54)
  • remove inappropriate rule (a7664f6)
  • remove inherited background from pickers (212bae6)
  • remove native focus outline from popup items (62cb150)
  • remove negative margin of action buttons (abe8f5f)
  • remove outdated rule (956985d)
  • remove redundant font formats (5bdc800)
  • remove slider outline (3075766)
  • remove switch outline (09c3a00)
  • remove text-decoration of links (b402fc5), closes telerik/kendo-angular-scrollview#49
  • remove unnecessary variable (2643b98)
  • remove widgets focus outline (e19501d)
  • rename dialog slide-in effect (92f90f0)
  • rename input-container to textbox-container, use k-state-empty class (4c03d85)
  • resolve ruby sass error (8071100)
  • reuse common module webpack config for building theme (92b267c)
  • revert 2ff88d3 (ee1af32)
  • RTL styles for the Slider and Switch (#344) (8f0b432)
  • set block display for dialog host elements (abc8437)
  • set display type of panelbar to work with ng2 host elements (c460011)
  • sparkline tooltip marker appearance. (27d1b72), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#249
  • split button in normal state misses borders, bg and border-radius (a953400)
  • split button in normal state misses borders, bg and border-radius (b045e71)
  • style new overflow wrapper telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (1ce1415)
  • tab hover styles (c76e205)
  • tabs alignment in right/left positions (54e5577)
  • tabstrip active tab border (5961f0d)
  • textbox focused box-shadow (75f9011)
  • title bar overflows dialog (3347a45)
  • tooltip validation appearance (96fb5de)
  • trim down npm package, provide dist files (cf6c77a)
  • Tweak pressed button shadow (#172) (#210) (476d504)
  • unify design of dialog buttons and action buttons (e54a288)
  • update bootstrap dependency (#765) (b53effc)
  • update Bootstrap dependency to v4 official (e96f66b)
  • update dialog action buttons layout; update dialog titlebar sizing (d87857d)
  • update dropdowns transtions (da3ac97)
  • update license (8e9fbe6)
  • update panelbar states colors (085bb05)
  • update upload styling to match the new design. (642d3f4), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#152
  • upload action buttons styling; disabled upload styling (f58863e)
  • upload header background (e16bf1f)
  • upload status icon margin (c0e4cdf)
  • use .k-fieldset class to style fieldsets (#146) (e94b839), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#193
  • use calc to allow mixing of rem/px (#166) (7b07f4b)
  • use contrast-wcag for variables and grid (bffe632)
  • use correct line-height in autocomplete (a4bdb22)
  • use deeper path to hint widget for proper font path (723bd80)
  • use flexbox for dialog centering (307fad0), closes telerik/kendo-angular#227
  • use icon-size instead of mixed units in checkboxes (8ef1684)
  • use improved border-radius mixin (#516) (c5fa5a5)
  • use setting for border-radius in respective mixins (57686e7)
  • use setting for box-shadow in respective mixins (a729c5c)
  • use setting for linear-gradient in respective mixins (6e4b92a)
  • use transparent border for dialog actions (a7172b3)
  • variables not inlined into calc blocks (dd17363)
  • vertical align chart shared tooltip marker (#43) (a646c54)
  • window: reducing title height #752 (32244f3)
  • visual glitches (4d4d178)
  • window: set layout for resize handles (f9a29ce)
  • wrong appearance of the overflow button in editor toolbar (36c6cc2)
  • wrong borders in grid (dd5bcfa)
  • wrong colorpcker metrics and states #174 (b18b5a5)
  • wrong styles of toolbar buttons (1e3965e)
  • wrong styles of toolbar buttons (389532e)
  • window: streamline window and dialog layout (a60b9ab)
  • wrong titleless window selector (bda4a3b)


  • add animated loading indicator (#77) (1e56d09), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#65
  • add background-color transitions (12337c6)
  • add chart donut center template styles (edec094)
  • add classes for styling forms (#391) (f9850b7)
  • add default font-size to components (6ec271d), closes #33
  • add gantt styles (e041966)
  • add grid toolbar styling (5a57e69)
  • add icon font (7e4cf6a)
  • add layout fixes file for IE9 (349bbce)
  • Add Listbox styles (08072c6)
  • add panelbar styles (3d0e671)
  • add pivotgrid styles (#126) (eb7177f)
  • add progressbar styles (99978d1)
  • add ripple effect styles (e1e15f1)
  • add slider styles (1b27dce)
  • add styles for gauges (d67cfa0)
  • add styles for grid with virtual scrolling enabled (ad33589)
  • add styling for chart selection (#46) (392a480)
  • add switch styles (0b4e40d)
  • add variables for styling checkboxes (d9316e8)
  • add variables for styling dialog and window (#574) (fb84a4f)
  • add variables to disabled mixin (c76535a)
  • allow changing of checkbox/radio size (0f1b4cd)
  • bare button class (#188) (eab2862)
  • basic window styling (1a43eb9)
  • charts package (a5ff54d)
  • charts package (4b6e382)
  • content in panelbar headers should not be selectable (#29) (dd2035b)
  • define active state to allow its use in widgets (de28454)
  • define classes for icons different font-size (#28) (671b192)
  • enable integration with bootstrap forms (91d5969)
  • enable release channels (2b9f436)
  • Example component CSS (da1bf90)
  • export variable for icon sizing (610b08e)
  • import basic styles from kendo (4d9452b)
  • animation: change animation container position to fixed (#45) (2c55158)
  • Animation: Add a toggle effect for a single element animation (66f01a7)
  • Animation: Add Animation effects CSS classes (2459a09)
  • Animation: Add appear animation variation of current animation effects (304549f)
  • Animation: Add slide down/up animation effect (486edbf)
  • Animation: Import animation styles into main entry point (885038e)
  • animation-effects: add horizontal slide effects (#10) (069e272)
  • badge: add styles for badges telerik/kendo#7846 (97cc16d)
  • badge: improve styles using variables telerik/kendo#7846 (e83ccc6)
  • badge: prevent expanding badge more than the button width telerik/kendo#7846 (97bf50c)
  • button: improve common styles for adding bare button in Bootstrap (e1b9a0a)
  • buttongroup: add styles for responsive buttongroup (#290) (f73c892)
  • buttongroup: add styles for responsive buttongroup (#290) (0941ef6)
  • buttonGroup: add styles for button group telerik/kendo#7846 (227e96e)
  • buttonGroup: improve border radius after improving rendering telerik/kendo#7846 (1f2d915)
  • buttons: Add new design styles and improvements (#91) (6ae48ba)
  • checkbox: allow changing of indeterminate state (9c58b9b)
  • checkbox: introduce variables for checkbox sizing (543e8d3)
  • dateinput: add dateinput (#128) (8922425)
  • DateInput: Add invalid state styles (5df409f)
  • DatePicker: Add styles for embedded DateInput - invalid state (3c4f527)
  • datetimepicker: Add invalid state styles (9aea3f9)
  • dropdowns: add styling for invalid state (de91d7a)
  • fade-animation: rename fade-in to fade. Add fade out effect (#8) (c42632d)
  • forms: add styling for integration with Bootstrap form-control-sm and form-control-lg classes (f435f18)
  • grid: add grid pdf export styling (#368) (e5e659f)
  • grid: add rtl styling (4e9e59a)
  • grid: Add styles for column selection checkboxes (c4e0f09)
  • grid: Add styles for opaque loading mask (c8dd437)
  • grid: Add styles for sorted column shading (b72e060)
  • grid: Improve Grid editor checkbox styling (telerik/kendo#6747) (5bcd4da)
  • grid: resize when height is set on container (#400) (8b232a8)
  • grid: simplification of formula for column menu margin (78d96f3)
  • Grid: Add column sorting order styles (e746cdc)
  • import button styles (5c68023)
  • import calendar styles (95e2b86)
  • Improve popup styling for use in DropDownButton (ff79685)
  • introduce dependencies between widgets (dd6447e)
  • loading indicator improvements (#366) (e4c6b59), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#365
  • prefix class names, stop using css modules (307eaaa)
  • remove box-sizing override (0fbeeff)
  • styles for calendar (433ddfd)
  • timepicker: Add invalid state styles (4d1f5fc)
  • styling for grid grouping (#54) (47f3cd4)
  • icons: allow icons to have modifiers (8a586da), closes #806
  • ListBox: Add drag and drop styling (01044fb)
  • MaskedTextbox: Add separate styles for MTB, invalid state (telerik/kendo#6825) (0769b10)
  • mediaplayer: styles for mediaplayer (a1f1f13)
  • menu: add styling for menu scrolling (5ae60f0)
  • NumericTextbox: Add invalid state styles(telerik/kendo#6796) (2ea8f85)
  • popup: introduce a popup styles package (#18) (d89eee4)
  • radiobutton: change dot positioning (fe25c90)
  • slider: enable transitions through class (63db42e)
  • slider: transition drag handle state (d8a519a)
  • splitter: add styles for flexbox splitter (f3eb2b0)
  • style: add lint and commit message validation (1c648e7)
  • textbox: introduce textbox-line-height variable (536bb3c)
  • timepicker: add initial styling (#640) (e8fa4d6)
  • upload: add correct icon to chunk upload functionality (72c2c03)
  • upload: add styles for focused state (8f6dc6c), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#312
  • test via node-sass prior to pushing (5f0011e)
  • update default theme to new design (2284cc2)
  • use sans-serif by default, add header bg (432d499)


2.48.0-dev.c7ddd20b (2018-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • .k-select should be square for default theme (dc41e43)
  • add animation between different positions of chart tooltip. (17c845b), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#163
  • add button borders (7421746)
  • add buttons package and d.ts file (#16) (d0eef84)
  • add calendar border, align icons (abdb96e)
  • add contrast function based on WCAG requirements (8755a4e)
  • add d.ts file for layout package (d448f9a)
  • add d.ts for TypeScript to stop complaining (1918bc7)
  • add dialog package scripts (2747802)
  • add dialog styles to 'all' package (77e9f4f)
  • add dropdowns package and d.ts file (#17) (7f08e08)
  • add expand/collapse icons to panelbar (90dce13)
  • add focused styling for the Grid. (a7389a3), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#178
  • add functional map and scroller styles (1abee64)
  • add grid to complete package (2d781f9)
  • add hover styling to the upload dropzone (#51) (b9c8c78)
  • add k-display-block for chromeless components (a05ef96)
  • add k-i-add class for backwards compat (89a26f6)
  • add k-rtl style (850c713)
  • add loading animation styles (426ceac)
  • add mixin for striped gradient (a5f695a)
  • add panelbar rtl styles (#153) (3e11904), closes #102
  • add popup box shadow (#168) (a25fb6e), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#165
  • add popup styles to datetime package (db1e963)
  • add popup theme to chart theme (aa7c1fc)
  • add separate bundle of tabstrip styles (0580feb)
  • add styles for centering list items (110ff7a)
  • add styling for chart tooltips (#32) (2ec2545)
  • add styling for Grid ARIA root element (75dba15)
  • add styling for grid new item row (#85) (b93009e), closes telerik/kendo-angular-grid#60
  • add styling for inputs clear all button (#82) (55dde84)
  • add tabstrip animations (85d10fd)
  • add text alignment to droplowns (4efa519), closes telerik/kendo-angular-dropdowns#75 #55
  • add var for chart default font size (#36) (1ed2dea)
  • adjust loading icon position in MultiSelect and AutoComplete (#432) (d60193f)
  • adjust primary button gradient to match design more closely (0a47c38), closes #283
  • Adjust table wizard padding, sizing telerik/kendo#6508 (#99) (b51cb7b)
  • allow flip-h and flip-v to be used together (4178df2)
  • autocomplete in filter row appearance. (f7cfec5), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#148
  • bare button states are not showing correctly (8117298)
  • build process does not prefix classes (1f31b20), closes #5
  • button icons colors; button padding (#27) (f430ccc)
  • buttons focused / active states; buttons height (c20c806)
  • buttons must be square in editor (5089ff6)
  • change .k-popup.k-list-container box-sizing to border-box (4b23415)
  • change author (8b5c9cf)
  • change scrollview prev/next button styles due to double rendering in iOS (1a5b29f)
  • change theme color; re-calculate widgets colors due to color change (ded3abe)
  • chart incorrect colors (dc1b6eb)
  • chart selection handles metrics (63d7189)
  • chart tooltip metrics; navigator-hint styling. (9821d47), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#244
  • chart tooltip styling (829fc5f)
  • context menu and menu styling (df180b0)
  • correct main file name in NPM package (d7680c7)
  • cursors are incorrect for multiselect tags and list items (0e934ca)
  • declare box-sizing for dropdowns (cd41edb), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#142
  • declare main file (b25614d)
  • dialog icon styles (72454a4)
  • disable transitions while dragging handle (1772726)
  • dropdownlist and combobox styling (bacc4dd)
  • dropdownlist focus state. (5e00bbe), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#235
  • dropdownlist search box appearance (237f518)
  • dropdowns focused hover state (15a11b5)
  • dropdowns styling the match the design (80a9622)
  • dropdowns, pickers, inputs rtl styling (2a10fe3)
  • editor toolbar (#182) (04cc6de), closes #177
  • editor toolbar styling #52 (#84) (7878c21)
  • error bars styling (#38) (593bc91)
  • expand / collapse icons are switched (#59) (5bc865b)
  • export sass variables for script usage (2558ab5)
  • filter menu, column menu and dropdown operator must be square (331df4b)
  • focused button box-shadow; multiselect buttons metrics and focused stalying (424bb7d)
  • footer template height (#208) (d7a078b)
  • gantt toggle button and create task button must be square (92dca6f)
  • grid footer appearance (d1da7af)
  • grid hierarchy-cell appearance (de53481)
  • grid hierarchy-cell width; grid cells padding (c9f244e)
  • grid selection background. (6493129), closes telerik/kend-theme-default#234
  • grouping row p height (#205) (50669c4)
  • hide input-bar unless used (e611799)
  • hide validator through hidden attribute (295f09b)
  • hierarchical grid icons appearance (926d403)
  • hierarchy-cell icon color in selected grid row (94835cd)
  • icon button size must be square for all skins (c803226)
  • icons hover / focus state (ff5a536)
  • import base layout before butto layout (bbe6c71)
  • import color functions in variables files (4eef3f9)
  • improve button sizing (#195) (fde18c8)
  • improve performance in IE (0048877)
  • improve upload styling (ebe6f5e)
  • improve yiq function (98202c5)
  • inputs text-color selection. (5ba213f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#241
  • upload: different spacing in RTL mode (9840073), closes telerik/kendo-angular-upload#67
  • in IE11, Edge12, and Edge13 border-radius with background-clip causes visual glitches (96dad8d)
  • incorrect dialog animation in ie11 (40679be)
  • incorrect padding of k-tabstrip-items (#48) (d68f036)
  • inputs height in IE (47b0036)
  • inputs placeholder color (52857a0)
  • interpolate value in calc (83439dd)
  • introduce -family-monospace variable (5031f81)
  • invisible action buttons in Bootstrap (8176d6d)
  • invisible separators and wrong selected items color (ffed067)
  • item list is not aligned properly in RTL (#67) (53c155d)
  • kendo colorpicker is not properly styles when clearButton is set #103 (328f650)
  • list items styling (#79) (49a3f92), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#75
  • loading indicator size; loading indicator in combobox position (#202) (5e58cd9), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#200
  • make drag handle visible in all cases #telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (9709288)
  • menu and grid header styles (c875cf0)
  • menu styling (#110) (7ea682d)
  • misaligned icons in popup items. (beaaac8), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#222
  • missing filter button in grid filter row (9a9b724)
  • move chart height to host element (0a91a77)
  • move imports to work with newer sass (f68d746)
  • multiselect border; remove input width (fb94f8c)
  • multiselect buttons clear icon appearance (3f892f9)
  • MultiSelect delete buttons visibility (ffed009), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#87
  • multiselect in ie behavior. (#206) (06fb96d), closes telerik/kendo-angular#191
  • multiselect input height (6561c85), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#90
  • multiselect input position (968bfbd)
  • multiselect items - wrong rounded corners. (db3c2cc), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#239
  • multiselect items margin and icon hover styling (7672cb8)
  • multiselect loading; close button metrics (2ae5b9f)
  • notes styling, crosshair background (#37) (49d0f06)
  • numerictextbox focus state. telerik/kendo-theme-default#223 (71539f4)
  • numerictextbox spinner appearance for IE10; selected spinner icon color (#201) (dbd8feb)
  • numerictextbox spinner icons alignment. (#191) (0c3d964), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#161
  • opacity for no data template (3fd2648)
  • output path of build process in derived themes (7199ee0)
  • pager appearance to match thе design (381cd57), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#187 #190
  • pager appearance; grid header height (a889fe8)
  • panelbar colors to match the new design; delete unused variables (45f58d6)
  • panelbar disabled items hover color (1ef8712)
  • popup and animation-container styling (e6fe577)
  • position dialog-wrapper to viewport 0,0 (da9bbb1)
  • prev / next buttons in scheduler must be square (2b5b418)
  • primary button appearance (b943ed4)
  • provide icon-font-dir variable to override font location (12e7a5d)
  • re-calculate widgets colors which depend on the color; add transparency to all borders (215b48b)
  • regression in slider handle animation (8cf5be7), closes #26
  • remove additional focus state shadow and fix button height (858695b)
  • remove animation for dropdowns list items (9904a0d)
  • remove border on dialog buttons (97ba4ab)
  • Remove checkbox, radiobutton hover state telerik/kendo#6508 (#120) (35a5f5a)
  • Remove checkbox:checked border to center the check glyph (a005683)
  • remove grid focus outline. (#203) (0bd10aa), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#199
  • remove hover styles on disabled slider (3061193)
  • remove IE7 styles, show link between window and actions padding (3392625)
  • action-buttons: action-buttons should clear floats (#113) (8045ecb)
  • action-buttons: improve action buttons spacing (c3941c3)
  • action-buttons: update action-buttons metrics (f4c1d30)
  • animation: add expand animation styles (857ac89)
  • Animation: Correct zoom-in/out CSS class names (439e177)
  • Animation: Hide every old entering element (9ef83ec)
  • Animation: Hide old animated elements only if they are still active (ae7fe98)
  • Animation: Position enter element relatively. Hide old entering elements (06f9704)
  • Animation: use default positioning for the animation container (#5) (b6afea5)
  • animations: add missing appear transitions (db7b765)
  • animations: change animation-leave selector to animation-exit (fb69c97)
  • animations: nested panelbar expand (5bc45b6)
  • autocomplete: add box-sizing (aa4b17e)
  • autocomplete: add invalid state for Angular (6b41e5b)
  • autocomplete: use correct background-clip for autocomplete (8f32709)
  • autocomplete: use correct padding for autocomplete (ecacbce)
  • button: Add background-clip; adjust primary button focused shadow transparency (#172) (f1d3417)
  • button: add height to icon button for proper vertical alignment (df4d3f4)
  • button: add styles for icon buttons in RTL (a5de136)
  • button: add styles for radiobutton group that look like button group (be14283)
  • button: extract variable for bare button hover opacity (#655) (8671249)
  • button: icon button height should be equal to the other buttons (3eba04f)
  • button: improve border radius for rtl (cc51a24)
  • button: make buttons relative by default (89d1280)
  • button: outline primary buttons appearance (14e636e)
  • button: update variables to match design (ac85fe9)
  • button: use correct pressed-like button appearance (7613188)
  • button: use correct states for selected button in button group (ae8fdbc)
  • button: use variable for buttongroup buttons left margin (b24a1e4)
  • buttongroup: use correct background-clip for buttongroup (583ed8c)
  • buttonGroup: add focus state to disabled button in button group telerik/kendo#7846 (c255c82)
  • buttonGroup: fix border radius after reverting rendering changes telerik/kendo#7846 (0f68691)
  • buttonGroup: fix border radius after reverting rendering changes telerik/kendo#7846 (e088f72)
  • buttonGroupd: add focus state to button in disabled button group telerik/kendo#7846 (13b0de5)
  • buttons: add RTL support for button icons (#170) (82d5401)
  • buttons: add variable for border width (3fae15f)
  • buttons: fix missing border radius (5fcf831)
  • buttons: use variable for bare buttons positions (0b162be)
  • calendar: add hints for endless scrolling in infinite calendar (9289990)
  • calendar: add RTL styles for infinite mode (b061418)
  • calendar: Add specificity to selected weekend day selector (#561) (1ca705b)
  • calendar: add styles for infinite mode (313856d)
  • calendar: adjust navigation padding (9e07572)
  • calendar: bring Calendar styles up to date with design (c08e38a)
  • calendar: Center dates per latest design, fix selected weekend background (14698e1)
  • calendar: center navigation text (57e9c1c)
  • calendar: correct padding for navigation on OSX (#379) (0e64cc7), closes #353
  • calendar: improve layout for months with few days (078f2e4)
  • calendar: improve layout in IE10 (0238c1b)
  • calendar: Improve styling (6d55d7a)
  • calendar: increase height to show second month (2e62660)
  • calendar: remove the float style from k-content (6f1f930)
  • calendar: Switch to display: block (3f3932b)
  • calendar: Updates Calendar styles to match design (04ad7d7)
  • calendar: use correct background-clip for calendar (17b51e4)
  • calendar: wrong view width in pages with bootstrap 3 (1f4be2f)
  • chart: add k-chart-dragging class (059c9cd)
  • chart: add missing popup dependency (#549) (6ce5dea)
  • chart: add transitions if the wrapper and the popup are the same element (0d225c4)
  • chart: remove spacing from tooltip (bcbb789)
  • chart: tooltip animation transtions (56c42d8)
  • checkbox: imrpove checkbox states (c69e527)
  • checkbox: remove double opacity on checkboxes (f7c3951)
  • colorpicker: Add style for Colorpicker with tool icon (#137) (838d4af)
  • colorpicker: use correct background-clip for colorpicker (70923c3)
  • colorpicker: use correct size and box-sizing for color preview (551d79e)
  • combobox: allow mixed units for right padding (#399) (b543b43)
  • combobox: clear button overlaps the selected item (#395) (b17e409), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#261
  • combobox: left padding in rtl mode (f3927c0)
  • combobox: use correct background-clip for combobox (8fb34d2)
  • combobox: wrong styling on focused item. (8c70c62), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#309
  • common: add styles for reorder cue (9a7971e)
  • common: add styles for text selection (0bc9d90)
  • common: extract edit form styles to common/base (4900d15)
  • common: improve common states (#117) (843dcd3)
  • contextmenu: improve separator and horizontal contextmenu (7fe82fc)
  • dateinput: focused / selected state appearance (6d3d9ba)
  • DateInput: Add RTL styles (28763cb)
  • dateinputs: calendar and timepicker colors (2a0634c)
  • datepicker: add hover style; wrong width and height (a5fb667)
  • datepicker: fix Angular validation styles (7104d88)
  • datepicker: override margin when applied to .k-widget (e581514)
  • datepicker: Switch rounded corners for select button in RTL; style imrovements (c19178a)
  • datepicker: wrong width of the internal DateInput component in IE11 (2505558)
  • datetime: add dependency to calendar (d23888c)
  • datetime: use corerct background-clip for datetime (6937500)
  • datetimepicker: allow buttons to work in any box-sizing context (#722) (417a181)
  • diagram: use accent-contrast color (#378) (0f5f063)
  • dialog: add border between buttons in RTL (8086b63)
  • dialog: alignment in IE11 and Firefox RTL (7bd2d19)
  • dialog: animation styles (2cc7ad4)
  • dialog: Bring button layout in line with design telerik/kendo#6508 (#108) (703c465)
  • dialog: center action button text in Safari (6240433), closes #158
  • dialog: close button styles (01e8a90)
  • dialog: content is not visible in IE11 (7b86eef), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#192
  • dialog: do not collapse buttons in scrollable content (da300ff)
  • dialog: do not hide action buttons if window is higher than viewport in IE11 (#814) (a060d04)
  • dialog: do not modify custom content (400ccd1), closes #180
  • dialog: Improve dialog content, titlebar centering (9aea365)
  • dialog: limit height to viewport height (157c323)
  • dialog: pager buttons appear above modal dialog (898c31f)
  • dialog: use accent colors by default (0ddcbee)
  • dropdownlist: improve styles for dropdown operator in grid filtering (5260e7f)
  • dropdownlist: long text in filter input interferes with the icon. (f28d9fe), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#564
  • dropdownlist: use correct background-clip for dropdownlist (b282964)
  • DropDownList: remove the default clear button in IE (7319d02)
  • dropdowns: appearance in rtl mode (691ef52)
  • dropdowns: calculate size of list filter (32404e9)
  • dropdowns: filtering input / label rtl alignment (4ad8121)
  • dropdowns: misaligned loading indicator; wrong select width (#545) (8edc50a)
  • dropdowns: noDataTemplate styling (753347f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#327
  • dropdowns: update dropdowns styling because of changed rendering (#388) (9b6ac0e)
  • dropdowns: visual glitches (e41d8eb)
  • edit-form: colorpickers must not be 100% wide in edit form (52fb2fe)
  • editform: use min width in addition to width (d0b5b44)
  • editor: add header border color for Firefox (d68f6a6)
  • editor: add layout for filebrowser / image browser dialog (1576167)
  • editor: add spacing between widgets in toolbar group (42e7e45)
  • editor: add styles for browser dialogs (64ab51a)
  • editor: Adjust Colorpicker size, unhide color preview strip (#143) (74cc2c3)
  • editor: align template content vertially (eb63cbe)
  • editor: broken layout of file and image browsers (fe0243d)
  • editor: content of editor toolbar exceeds the size of the container (a1310be)
  • editor: fix displaced combobox button in editor in Edge #625 (e930ce5)
  • editor: fix editor's file and image browser dialogs telerik/kendo-ui-core#2819 (8faf610)
  • editor: fix scrolled content height in the table wizard dialog #665 (138b952)
  • editor: fix searchbox in filebrowser dialog (e1ae582)
  • editor: fix type in editor selector (8a1a669)
  • editor: improve numeric and colorpickers in table wizard (4f0b323)
  • editor: improve styling of tabstrip in window (39a91b4)
  • editor: improve table wizard alignment dropdowns (d517b2f)
  • editor: improve table wizzard dropdown (59a424c)
  • editor: improve tiles gird styles (f0145ec)
  • editor: Inconsistent Editor indent/outdent icons in RTL (d6bcc52)
  • editor: make editor dialog content as wide as dialog (83eda33)
  • editor: make scrollbars of Editor's dialogs to be consistent (12e24e2)
  • editor: make scrollbars of Editor's dialogs to be consistent (c7330e0)
  • editor: prevent overflowing file and image browsers content telerik/kendo-theme-bootstrap#206 (877575f)
  • editor: prevent resize handler to oerlap scrolling arrow telerik/kendo-ui.core#3445 (1fa2a8b)
  • editor: reduce size of inlie editor toolbar (06d1caf)
  • editor: uniform scrollnig in editor dialogs (e43cb41)
  • editor: use border-color: inhreit for editor toolbar and editable area (2932e19)
  • editor: use correct colors for toggled button (57c51b4)
  • editor: use corret background-clip for editor (237124a)
  • editors: common layout glitches (9e66aad)
  • forms: align labels in forms in dialog (e488260)
  • forms: align text, field-info, radiobuttons and checkboxes in forms (607a48d)
  • forms: allow use of k-state-invalid class for invalid state (#823) (8367d13)
  • gantt: broken tasks and dependencies position in RTL (afef5d0)
  • gantt: broken tasks and dependencies positions in RTL (96e9e1f)
  • gantt: broken tasks in IE (8325c2a)
  • gantt: imporve task percentagle complete handle position (a4b3f84)
  • gantt: improve gantt size by setting align to k-icon (29ca321)
  • gantt: improve milestone RTL position (cf04b8f)
  • gantt: move tasks to prevent overlapping dependency arrows (2d5e8bd)
  • gantt: move tasks to prevent overlapping dependency in RTL (d1ea3fa)
  • gantt: remove font size from task content (ca2d996)
  • gantt: remove overriding styles from splitter in accordance with design (37201f2)
  • gantt: show delete-task-link only on task hover (35171d3)
  • gantt: show task progress drag handle only on hover (e8a9873)
  • gantt: text is not vertically aligned wihtin headers (cd3c947)
  • gantt: treelist header is not correctly aligned with timeline headers (b660ced)
  • gantt: update gant task in accordance with design (f461593)
  • gantt: update gantt header height in accordance with design (12fd992)
  • gantt: update gantt in accordance with design (9389b48)
  • gantt: update task tooltip in accordance with design (b2ff91a)
  • gantt: update task-milestone in accordance with design (b67f98e)
  • gantt: update task-summary in accordance with design (5fc1fc9)
  • gantt: use correct background-clip for gantt (16a10a0)
  • gantt: use correct variables for toolbar padding (d95f93b)
  • gantt: use vertical-align middle for gantt treelist content cells (c57f84e)
  • gantt: view switcher is missing selected state (015b7ec)
  • gantt: wrong action button position (4a76cd6)
  • gantt: wrong task complete position (873cbf7)
  • grid: (Angular) resize contents to fit wrapper (#859) (e57a000)
  • grid: add autofitting styles for jQuery grid (116dcfd)
  • grid: Add calculation and apply it to form elements margin (1db82a0)
  • grid: Add missing dirty cell styling (4ec31bf)
  • grid: Add missing loading spinner (#539) (8055d53)
  • grid: Add negative widget offset margins to column menu icon in header (29a744d)
  • grid: Add no-text class styling to checkbox label (713bbc1)
  • grid: add reorder styles for ng grid (5fc5a30)
  • grid: Add RTL styles for dirty cells (f683eb1)
  • grid: add spacing between buttons (89de27c)
  • grid: add styles for virtual content (05aad12)
  • grid: Add styles positioning the PDF export progress bar (ce1c967)
  • grid: Adjust checkbox margin in RTL (22096dd)
  • grid: Adjust column sorting icon and index positions (5d3230d)
  • grid: Adjust filter row Numerictextbox width (b61ee19)
  • grid: Adjust filterable+sortable header margin for the sake of Edge (488fe21)
  • grid: Adjust header styles (afe0bb8)
  • grid: Adjust input width in edit modes (2faed78)
  • grid: adjust row height and grouping token size (ffb4b65)
  • grid: Adjust sorting index position (487d077)
  • grid: Adjust sorting indicators positions (988ff92)
  • grid: adjust the space between the input and row / cell border (#296) (1e6e487), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#294
  • grid: align bottom multi-column headers (c3f3bdc)
  • grid: Align popup checkbox with text (fd447e7)
  • grid: allow filter row components to shrink below min-width (03ddb42)
  • grid: allow filter row to render TD cells (996a8b6)
  • grid: allow for filterable cell input resizing (6c67e7f)
  • grid: allow integration of resize sensor (d6dcaaa)
  • grid: allow use without flexbox in jQuery grid (#439) (4fe6fb4)
  • grid: Angular grouping header is collapsed in IE (621cebf)
  • grid: broken layout when virtualization is used (11b4775), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#324
  • grid: buttons in Grid editor templates misalignments (b9bf599)
  • grid: Change positioning of dirty cell TD in edit mode (16635bd)
  • grid: column header text breaks out of narrow columns (#754) (994c116)
  • grid: columns misalignment when Bootstrap is used. (f6c2828), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#285
  • grid: do not resize columns when all their widths are set (ca1050c), closes telerik/kendo-angular#689
  • grid: dragclue and grouping clue appearance (a7d9c44)
  • grid: edit row buttons overlap (4cb2711)
  • grid: enable group ordering (#795) (8156a3a)
  • grid: expand/collapse icon is not centered (599b8ff)
  • grid: expand/collapse icon is not centered (b6df0e2)
  • grid: filter button height (b5639cd)
  • grid: filter menu styles (ca0d191)
  • grid: filter row boolean filter appearance (76924b9)
  • grid: filter row boolean operator styling (da252ed)
  • grid: filter row components do not shrink (f75a9a4)
  • grid: filter row height is incorrect in IE when height is set (c68d26c)
  • grid: filter row operators appearance (ee32c9f)
  • grid: filter row span outside cells (357d0b7), closes telerik/kendo-angular#830
  • grid: filter row styles (9e41a82)
  • grid: filter row styling (#262) (0edba58)
  • grid: fix calc usage (4f7cdd2)
  • grid: Fix column resizing with virtual scrolling enabled (16113fb)
  • grid: fix header layout for locked columns (022070f)
  • grid: fix header misalignment in Kendo UI for jQuery (#816) (a66bf9c)
  • grid: grouping clue is small in pages that use Bootstrap (fd0feb9)
  • grid: headers border color (df33e0f)
  • grid: headers misalignment. (e13234f), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#284
  • grid: Improve column selection checkbox position in RTL styling (a7bb3c8)
  • grid: Improve dirty cell styling (78bf826)
  • grid: improve drag clue layout (2520770)
  • grid: improve filter menu layout (900d53e)
  • grid: Improve filter row styling for jQuery (b1541a3)
  • grid: improve grid group indicator appearance (e2da9f7)
  • grid: Improve Grid popup editor checkbox alignment (f8a5bd6)
  • grid: improve layout calculation performance (a098fcd)
  • grid: Increase specificity of the menu styles (2f9b010)
  • grid: layout is broken in RTL when all column widths are set (#577) (173220f), closes telerik/kendo-angular#689
  • grid: layout regression when no height is set (#358) (096b5f2), closes telerik/kendo-angular#429
  • grid: multiheaders missing borders (2c6ef3b), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#298
  • grid: multiselect in filter row appearance (19672ba)
  • grid: pager items placement. (29a197a), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#321
  • grid: Prevent batch edit mode inputs from overflowing in RTL (7b9462e)
  • grid: prevent grid header from collapsing (1c8267e)
  • grid: prevent wraping and vertically align header column menu in IE (55c1df1)
  • grid: Recalculate edit mode textbox width (f2354b5)
  • grid: remove double border for browsers without scrollbar (10c9980)
  • grid: Remove extra margin in header title in Firefox (6a31326)
  • grid: remove extra padding in edit mode (065c713)
  • grid: Remove unnecessary checkbox styles (telerik/kendo#7680) (1f7abac)
  • grid: selected alt rows must have the same shade as non-alt selected rows (ce6ade1)
  • grid: Switch dirty cell overflow to visible (f48d44c)
  • grid: Tweak in-Grid edit mode widget width (2474ea5)
  • grid: update layout to be reused by other themes (#230) (9a4838a)
  • grid: use correct background-clip for grid (decd830)
  • grid: use flexbox chrome only when scrolling (f2f5d92)
  • grid: virtual scrolling layout (dca95a0), closes telerik/kendo-angular#449
  • Grid: Add validation tooltip styling (1bfa082)
  • Grid: Remove Batch edit mode TD padding (7b77dab)
  • Grid: Remove negative margins from input elements in inline edit mode (e4fe447)
  • icons: add aliases for portrait and landscape orientation icons (cee4852)
  • icons: Add RTL styles for expand icon (telerik/kendo-ui-core#3360) (126ebf4)
  • icons: update font to include KPI status and trend icons (b3c0622)
  • icons: update incorrect woff file path (8aab17a)
  • icons: use horizontal flipping for specifc rtl icons (9c48e19)
  • icons: use stronger selector for loading-icon (#118) (38a6289)
  • input: handle special case of .k-input.k-textbox (#114) (1c2285c)
  • input: hide -ms-clear element #105 (58df7c5)
  • input: use correct background-clip for input (e2d3b5f)
  • inputs: add missing focused styling to slider and switch (4f72963)
  • inputs: apply font-size variable to simple textbox (#853) (5f4dcc4)
  • inputs: prioritize angular validation over HTML5 validation (0adecba), closes telerik/kendo-angular#511
  • listbox: use correct background-clip for listbox (3fe2240)
  • ListBox: Add vertical alignment addressing telerik/kendo#7013 (7b0194e)
  • ListBox: Set correct cursor for ListBox item (fc9ce15)
  • listview: Add missing focused state, listview component to theme (df4d3c9)
  • loading: small icon is invisible in Chrome 61 (642a796)
  • loading-icon: hide text inside loading icon (d0f47f1)
  • map: Add 100% height to the Map's scroll container (bc94117)
  • map: Add marker color (383206d)
  • map: use svg / font icon instead of image sprite (491a1f4)
  • masked/numeric: Correct position of invalid state icon in RTL (c999ab2)
  • maskedtextbox: allow width to be set on host element (215890b)
  • maskedtextbox: appearance (f4a5de3)
  • maskedtextbox: missing border (ffdfad1), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#331
  • maskedtextbox: styling refactoring (8b7c4e5)
  • math: handle zero values in add-* mixins (dff792b)
  • mediaplayer: add opacity to toolbar (8919a30)
  • mediaplayer: drag handle in volume slider is not correctly positioned (80c09fa)
  • mediaplayer: make track slider 100% wide (2f65105)
  • mediaplayer: use correct padding for mediaplayer toolbar (c39318b)
  • mediaplyer: use correct background-clip for mediaplayer (ffd580a)
  • menu: add missing styles for context menu wrapper (a690733)
  • menu: Add nowrap rule for Menu links (f832b6b)
  • menu: add styles for menu rtl (e2fd491)
  • menu: menu items must nost srink when scrolling is enabled (3f7dd04)
  • menu: scroll arrows are missaligned (a8019a7)
  • menu: use correct background-clip for menu (6ede243)
  • multiselect: add invalid state for Angular (9af0ad4)
  • multiselect: align search bar after tokens (582baa8)
  • multiselect: clear button position (#576) (1ebac36)
  • multiselect: do not inherit global .k-button width (8ffb16c)
  • multiselect: extract border-radius to multiselect layout (7d19828)
  • multiselect: hide loading icon (1cbd639)
  • multiselect: improve height of token with empty string telerik/kendo-ui-core#3723 (f8713c4)
  • multiselect: layout fixes (467d8c1)
  • multiselect: use correct background-clip for multiselect (0f9ceaf)
  • multiselect: use text cursor across focusable area (8207562)
  • multiselect: virtualized items are not styled (2c9dfb8)
  • multiselect: wrap text on long items (f512790), closes #263
  • multiselect: wrong padding in RTL (3ef4f71)
  • multiselect: wrong width in IE (accf6ee)
  • notification: add styles for rtl (9ae4f92)
  • notification: Adjust close icon position (#78) (#162) (83bcc85)
  • notification: fix padding and close button position (b5483f6)
  • notification: improve close button position (c5ae062)
  • notification: Position close button (#131) (4b2cb7f)
  • notification: use small font size, introduce variables (ba6a6b4)
  • numercitextbox: use correct background-clip for numercitextbox (1a29f67)
  • NumericTB: Fix invalid state spinners color (1605c01)
  • numerictextbox: Adjust flex of input fixing Edge weirdness (d6a758a)
  • numerictextbox: icons are not vertically aligned (7a55a83)
  • numerictextbox: k-select links alignment (9b34417)
  • numerictextbox: remove invalid input border in Firefox (08a2770)
  • numerictextbox: spinner icons alignment; fix select width (ac4ad5f)
  • numerictextbox: spinners active appearance (50d5c8a)
  • NumericTextbox: Improve invalid state feedback icon positioning (0dce499)
  • pager: disabled pager links should inherit color (be5ed18)
  • pager: use -padding- for pager (aa00773)
  • pager: use flexbox to improve numeric pager align (540f548)
  • panelbar: style fixes (#115) (67cb403)
  • panelbar: toggle arrow is in the wrong place for k1 (2d325c3)
  • panelbar: use correct background-clip for panelbar (3f30da3)
  • panelbar: use header variables for item padding (#265) (2ab5c58)
  • PanelBar: update border color of subgroups (ec933d0)
  • panels: styling panels (0e5c9b8)
  • pickers: remove focus outline (16064f3)
  • pivot: use correct background-clip for pivot (e745463)
  • pivotgrid: Add missing styles for pseudo elements in PDF export (28714b1)
  • pivotgrid: Make grid cells non-wrapable (defff41)
  • pivotgrid: Remove flex from Grid container, add border-width (2711bbc)
  • pivotgrid: use correct KPI icons (70b5a56)
  • popup: apply popup styles to animation-container (c6e24ca)
  • popup: no data template alignment in IE (7263fb7)
  • popup: style option label like regular items (10c9d55)
  • popup: use correct background-clip for popup (1c0046c)
  • popup: use specific variable for selected text (fea14bd)
  • progressbar: Add progress status background color (#129) (3923c46)
  • progressbar: improve fluid progress (62c6447)
  • progressbar: improve styling of chunked upload (d38567a)
  • progressbar: imrpove selected state position #764 (702111f)
  • progressbar: progressbar is missing gradient (200bfef)
  • progressbar: use correct background-clip for progressbar (7a69c77)
  • progressbar: use correct border-radius (ffeaf81)
  • ripple: contain ripple in its container (5a65049)
  • ripple: improve effect in flat primary button (b44fd95)
  • scheduler: add spacing between text and icon in show full day (9af6039)
  • scheduler: border-color is not properly inherited in FireFox and IE (35bf322)
  • scheduler: expand scheduler to its content in IE (cc190d9)
  • scheduler: improve inner dimensions of scheduler (2d6008f)
  • scheduler: RTL appointment resizing issues (48c33a6)
  • scheduler: rtl buttons positioning and border radiuses (6a5d273)
  • scheduler: scope styles for recurrence editors (bf61394)
  • scheduler: use correct background-clip for scheduler (35eb805)
  • scheduler: wrong close button position in agenda view in rtl (57aa9bc)
  • scheduler: wrong event actions position (b75695e)
  • scrollview: add min flex width for pager (ecf608d)
  • scrollview: add static position for kendo-jquery-scrollview (7c19eac)
  • scrollview: add styles for kendo-jquery-scrollview (7b464fe)
  • scrollview: Add styles for Mobile widget (telerik/kendo#6508) (#125) (a014812)
  • scrollview: add styles for scrollview pager for kendo-jquery (fce1ebe)
  • scrollview: handle variable button size (3168f58)
  • scrollview: tweak flex-grow for pager items (59f55e5)
  • scrollview: use flexbox for scrollview pager (6bfa1c7)
  • scrollview: wrong styling on prev/next arrows (d5a0875), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#342
  • slider: add d.ts file for slider (#12) (83ce469)
  • slider: draghandle styling improvements (c451203)
  • slider: extract metrics variables (#619) (fbf5628)
  • slider: include component name in path to icons (038bc1f)
  • slider: interaction states. (238dde0), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#225
  • slider: large ticks appearance (095b645)
  • slider: remove focus outline (be18669)
  • slider: revert regression in slider animation (3e96000)
  • slider: rtl buttons styling (862d561)
  • slider: vertical ticks are misaligned (c602975)
  • sortable: apply default display to sortable container (d1bfa95)
  • sparkline: remove border and padding from tooltip (1f77425)
  • splitter: fix flipped collapse arrow in rtl (9095247)
  • splitter: Fix resize handle, pointer cursor telerik/kendo#6508 (#122) (07dfc3a)
  • splitter: nested resize handles have the wrong background (cfa1aab)
  • splitter: reverse panes in RTL mode (bd373d3)
  • splitter: splitter needs to be inline-flex in gantt (1016d2a)
  • splitter: use col/row-resize cursors (d1bf7cd)
  • splitter: use correct background-clip for splitter (de4a4bb)
  • splitter: use correct colors for splitter normal and hover state (e5a1f91)
  • spreadhsheet: Add styles for active cell within selection (574c4ca)
  • spreadsheet: add assumed box-sizing for buttons (00d5fd6)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for formula bar icon (282156f)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for formula list (73a2144)
  • spreadsheet: add styles for spreadsheet autofill range resizing (f5dc736)
  • spreadsheet: borders do not render in 2017.2.x (7d6b34a)
  • spreadsheet: custom editor button not visible (f6e3c91)
  • spreadsheet: fix more format layout (d34f221)
  • spreadsheet: improve active cell borders by frozen cells telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (44bcf30)
  • spreadsheet: improve custom formatting dialog (31f3092)
  • spreadsheet: improve formula syntax highlight (dde4575)
  • spreadsheet: improve formula syntax highlight (1bdb226)
  • spreadsheet: improve spreadsheet dialog layout (b9fa2ad)
  • spreadsheet: improve spreadsheet toolbar and tabstrip layout (615cd91)
  • spreadsheet: Missing indicator for Spreadsheet range resizing (6922fd4)
  • spreadsheet: page orientation icon in export dialog is not properly positioned (67c4f2b)
  • spreadsheet: remove border radius of spreadsheet toolbar area (f3dbdf9)
  • spreadsheet: remove window customization from spreadsheet (67fe651)
  • spreadsheet: replace hardcoded color for merged-cell by variable (951e2bf)
  • spreadsheet: use correct background-clip for spreadsheet (92e9e27)
  • spreadsheet: wrong custom editor button width (1cb3bdd)
  • stockchart: navigator handles layout (64c46b2)
  • switch: displaced switch handle (7296a65), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#226
  • switch: improve labels positioning (#758) (dd770bb)
  • switch: metrics (b604715)
  • switch: missing border on macOS / retina displays (#374) (a4728bf), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#367
  • switch: off lable color and contrast (67c8f35)
  • switch: remove focus outline (57a790a)
  • switch: use calc for mixed units (39c52a9)
  • switch: use correct background-clip for switch (a28958a)
  • switch: use variable units for RTL labels (#346) (4aed3e7)
  • tabstrip: add styles for closable tabstrip (dbea750)
  • tabstrip: enable :normal and :hover state customization of individual tabstrip items (0e0579a)
  • tabstrip: improve alignment of close icon (347e8ad)
  • tabstrip: improve layout when wrapper height is set (bb49170), closes #495
  • tabstrip: set host display (3a3f40d)
  • tabstrip: tabstrip scrolling (#112) (f2e6b10)
  • tabstrip: tweak tabstrip styles (#111) (bb5187b)
  • tabstrip: use correct background-clip for tabstrip (2f5292e)
  • tabstrip: use scoped tabstrip variables for styling (4e61adf)
  • textbox: add RTL styles for floating label (#842) (5639c7a)
  • textbox: apply default width to textbox container (0b8cd37)
  • textbox: disallow selection of floating label (54df3e1)
  • textbox: inherit kendo-textbox-container size (e448eac)
  • textbox: use classes for styling (4601174)
  • textbox: workaround IE11 limitation (1cfc1a9)
  • timepicker: add time list focus state (#656) (e852cda)
  • timepicker: align time list on MacOS (f8b9de7)
  • timepicker: update highlight border-color (7dd890d)
  • timepicker: update time list focus state (#662) (aeccee5)
  • toolbar: fix overflow button position in RTL telerik/kendo#8009 (2389a89)
  • toolbar: improve disabled appearance of button telerik/kendo-ui-core#3684 (1d2b3f3)
  • toolbar: prevent overflowing templates content #784 (1e556c5)
  • toolbar: use correct background-clip for toolbar (bb3fa99)
  • toolbar: use correct colors for toggled button (d53c49f)
  • toolbar: wrong split button focus and expand state (37e45ea)
  • tooltip: add callout styles (9882ec1)
  • tooltip: use contrast-wcag for tooltip (cc86875)
  • tooltip: use correct padding for collapsible tooltip (844037f)
  • tooltip: use correct padding for collapsible tooltip (2ad3894)
  • Treelist: Add k-display-block class to handle frozen columns (98b891d)
  • treeview: add treeview rtl styles (40699b5)
  • treeview: hide scrollbars during a node expansion (d6541f4)
  • treeview: reduce spacing between checkbox and item text (0556e46)
  • treeview: remove outline when focus is on items (b062f16)
  • treeview: treeview alignment (#116) (4dce864)
  • treeview: update item layout (#259) (28d3411)
  • treeview: use correct background-clip for treeview (90b7960)
  • treeview: use correct border radius and box shadow for treeview items (22a75bc)
  • treeview: use correct metrics for treeview (80c8215)
  • upload: add RTL styling (#245) (fc49b80)
  • upload: decrease metric of file list (441c163)
  • upload: extract metrics variables (d9db8d3)
  • upload: failed to upload item icon color (575cd8b)
  • upload: improve metrics of toolbar (a8e8fe7)
  • upload: incorrect icon size when used with Bootstrap (47fe0e7), closes telerik/kendo-angular-upload#39 #151
  • upload: increase empty space after file name for chunk upload telerik/kendo-ui-core#3021 (b51d5b7)
  • upload: move some metrics to the theme file (8b3d214)
  • upload: trim long file names (aaa4ff7)
  • upload: un-nest k-upload button selector (547ef6a)
  • upload: use correct background-clip for upload (51ccb48)
  • upload: visual glitches (#97) (4d00a64), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#95
  • validation: allow nesting of validation tooltip in kendo-popup (874d572)
  • validation: check ng-dirty and ng-touched before showing errors (35cef0d), closes #127
  • validator: validation message is not aligned (3f1e21a)
  • window: add styles for content frame (36bbcfa), closes #510
  • window: add styles for predefined dialog prompt (454abd7)
  • window: Adjust header height telerik/kendo#6508 (#100) (5fa3cf0)
  • window: align content with title text (581f650)
  • window: fix title height for Bootstrap skin #752 (9045a54)
  • remove inappropriate rule (a7664f6)
  • remove inherited background from pickers (212bae6)
  • remove native focus outline from popup items (62cb150)
  • remove negative margin of action buttons (abe8f5f)
  • remove outdated rule (956985d)
  • remove redundant font formats (5bdc800)
  • remove slider outline (3075766)
  • remove switch outline (09c3a00)
  • remove text-decoration of links (b402fc5), closes telerik/kendo-angular-scrollview#49
  • remove unnecessary variable (2643b98)
  • remove widgets focus outline (e19501d)
  • rename dialog slide-in effect (92f90f0)
  • rename input-container to textbox-container, use k-state-empty class (4c03d85)
  • resolve ruby sass error (8071100)
  • reuse common module webpack config for building theme (92b267c)
  • revert 2ff88d3 (ee1af32)
  • RTL styles for the Slider and Switch (#344) (8f0b432)
  • set block display for dialog host elements (abc8437)
  • set display type of panelbar to work with ng2 host elements (c460011)
  • sparkline tooltip marker appearance. (27d1b72), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#249
  • split button in normal state misses borders, bg and border-radius (a953400)
  • split button in normal state misses borders, bg and border-radius (b045e71)
  • style new overflow wrapper telerik/kendo-ui-core#3254 (1ce1415)
  • tab hover styles (c76e205)
  • tabs alignment in right/left positions (54e5577)
  • tabstrip active tab border (5961f0d)
  • textbox focused box-shadow (75f9011)
  • title bar overflows dialog (3347a45)
  • tooltip validation appearance (96fb5de)
  • trim down npm package, provide dist files (cf6c77a)
  • Tweak pressed button shadow (#172) (#210) (476d504)
  • unify design of dialog buttons and action buttons (e54a288)
  • update bootstrap dependency (#765) (b53effc)
  • update Bootstrap dependency to v4 official (e96f66b)
  • update dialog action buttons layout; update dialog titlebar sizing (d87857d)
  • update dropdowns transtions (da3ac97)
  • update license (8e9fbe6)
  • update panelbar states colors (085bb05)
  • update upload styling to match the new design. (642d3f4), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#152
  • upload action buttons styling; disabled upload styling (f58863e)
  • upload header background (e16bf1f)
  • upload status icon margin (c0e4cdf)
  • use .k-fieldset class to style fieldsets (#146) (e94b839), closes telerik/kendo-angular2#193
  • use calc to allow mixing of rem/px (#166) (7b07f4b)
  • use contrast-wcag for variables and grid (bffe632)
  • use correct line-height in autocomplete (a4bdb22)
  • use deeper path to hint widget for proper font path (723bd80)
  • use flexbox for dialog centering (307fad0), closes telerik/kendo-angular#227
  • use icon-size instead of mixed units in checkboxes (8ef1684)
  • use improved border-radius mixin (#516) (c5fa5a5)
  • use setting for border-radius in respective mixins (57686e7)
  • use setting for box-shadow in respective mixins (a729c5c)
  • use setting for linear-gradient in respective mixins (6e4b92a)
  • use transparent border for dialog actions (a7172b3)
  • variables not inlined into calc blocks (dd17363)
  • vertical align chart shared tooltip marker (#43) (a646c54)
  • window: reducing title height #752 (32244f3)
  • visual glitches (4d4d178)
  • window: set layout for resize handles (f9a29ce)
  • wrong appearance of the overflow button in editor toolbar (36c6cc2)
  • wrong borders in grid (dd5bcfa)
  • wrong colorpcker metrics and states #174 (b18b5a5)
  • wrong styles of toolbar buttons (1e3965e)
  • wrong styles of toolbar buttons (389532e)
  • window: streamline window and dialog layout (a60b9ab)
  • wrong titleless window selector (bda4a3b)


  • add animated loading indicator (#77) (1e56d09), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#65
  • add background-color transitions (12337c6)
  • add chart donut center template styles (edec094)
  • add classes for styling forms (#391) (f9850b7)
  • add default font-size to components (6ec271d), closes #33
  • add gantt styles (e041966)
  • add grid toolbar styling (5a57e69)
  • add icon font (7e4cf6a)
  • add layout fixes file for IE9 (349bbce)
  • Add Listbox styles (08072c6)
  • add panelbar styles (3d0e671)
  • add pivotgrid styles (#126) (eb7177f)
  • add progressbar styles (99978d1)
  • add ripple effect styles (e1e15f1)
  • add slider styles (1b27dce)
  • add styles for gauges (d67cfa0)
  • add styles for grid with virtual scrolling enabled (ad33589)
  • add styling for chart selection (#46) (392a480)
  • add switch styles (0b4e40d)
  • add variables for styling checkboxes (d9316e8)
  • add variables for styling dialog and window (#574) (fb84a4f)
  • add variables to disabled mixin (c76535a)
  • allow changing of checkbox/radio size (0f1b4cd)
  • bare button class (#188) (eab2862)
  • basic window styling (1a43eb9)
  • charts package (a5ff54d)
  • charts package (4b6e382)
  • content in panelbar headers should not be selectable (#29) (dd2035b)
  • define active state to allow its use in widgets (de28454)
  • define classes for icons different font-size (#28) (671b192)
  • enable integration with bootstrap forms (91d5969)
  • enable release channels (2b9f436)
  • Example component CSS (da1bf90)
  • export variable for icon sizing (610b08e)
  • import basic styles from kendo (4d9452b)
  • animation: change animation container position to fixed (#45) (2c55158)
  • Animation: Add a toggle effect for a single element animation (66f01a7)
  • Animation: Add Animation effects CSS classes (2459a09)
  • Animation: Add appear animation variation of current animation effects (304549f)
  • Animation: Add slide down/up animation effect (486edbf)
  • Animation: Import animation styles into main entry point (885038e)
  • animation-effects: add horizontal slide effects (#10) (069e272)
  • badge: add styles for badges telerik/kendo#7846 (97cc16d)
  • badge: improve styles using variables telerik/kendo#7846 (e83ccc6)
  • badge: prevent expanding badge more than the button width telerik/kendo#7846 (97bf50c)
  • button: improve common styles for adding bare button in Bootstrap (e1b9a0a)
  • buttongroup: add styles for responsive buttongroup (#290) (f73c892)
  • buttongroup: add styles for responsive buttongroup (#290) (0941ef6)
  • buttonGroup: add styles for button group telerik/kendo#7846 (227e96e)
  • buttonGroup: improve border radius after improving rendering telerik/kendo#7846 (1f2d915)
  • buttons: Add new design styles and improvements (#91) (6ae48ba)
  • checkbox: allow changing of indeterminate state (9c58b9b)
  • checkbox: introduce variables for checkbox sizing (543e8d3)
  • dateinput: add dateinput (#128) (8922425)
  • DateInput: Add invalid state styles (5df409f)
  • DatePicker: Add styles for embedded DateInput - invalid state (3c4f527)
  • datetimepicker: Add invalid state styles (9aea3f9)
  • dropdowns: add styling for invalid state (de91d7a)
  • fade-animation: rename fade-in to fade. Add fade out effect (#8) (c42632d)
  • forms: add styling for integration with Bootstrap form-control-sm and form-control-lg classes (f435f18)
  • grid: add grid pdf export styling (#368) (e5e659f)
  • grid: add rtl styling (4e9e59a)
  • grid: Add styles for column selection checkboxes (c4e0f09)
  • grid: Add styles for opaque loading mask (c8dd437)
  • grid: Add styles for sorted column shading (b72e060)
  • grid: Improve Grid editor checkbox styling (telerik/kendo#6747) (5bcd4da)
  • grid: resize when height is set on container (#400) (8b232a8)
  • grid: simplification of formula for column menu margin (78d96f3)
  • Grid: Add column sorting order styles (e746cdc)
  • import button styles (5c68023)
  • import calendar styles (95e2b86)
  • Improve popup styling for use in DropDownButton (ff79685)
  • introduce dependencies between widgets (dd6447e)
  • loading indicator improvements (#366) (e4c6b59), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#365
  • prefix class names, stop using css modules (307eaaa)
  • remove box-sizing override (0fbeeff)
  • styles for calendar (433ddfd)
  • timepicker: Add invalid state styles (4d1f5fc)
  • styling for grid grouping (#54) (47f3cd4)
  • icons: allow icons to have modifiers (8a586da), closes #806
  • ListBox: Add drag and drop styling (01044fb)
  • MaskedTextbox: Add separate styles for MTB, invalid state (telerik/kendo#6825) (0769b10)
  • mediaplayer: styles for mediaplayer (a1f1f13)
  • menu: add styling for menu scrolling (5ae60f0)
  • NumericTextbox: Add invalid state styles(telerik/kendo#6796) (2ea8f85)
  • popup: introduce a popup styles package (#18) (d89eee4)
  • radiobutton: change dot positioning (fe25c90)
  • slider: enable transitions through class (63db42e)
  • slider: transition drag handle state (d8a519a)
  • splitter: add styles for flexbox splitter (f3eb2b0)
  • style: add lint and commit message validation (1c648e7)
  • textbox: introduce textbox-line-height variable (536bb3c)
  • timepicker: add initial styling (#640) (e8fa4d6)
  • upload: add correct icon to chunk upload functionality (72c2c03)
  • upload: add styles for focused state (8f6dc6c), closes telerik/kendo-theme-default#312
  • test via node-sass prior to pushing (5f0011e)
  • update default theme to new design (2284cc2)
  • use sans-serif by default, add header bg (432d499)
