MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle that is based on structured query language (SQL).
Jan 27, 2023
MySQL is an open source relational database management system. Based in Structured Query Language (SQL), MySQL can run on most platforms and is mainly used for web-based applications. It is written in C and C++.
MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Oracle that is based on structured query language (SQL).
OutdoorBuddies is an application to schedule outdoor activities
JePhone is a web application that gives you a chance to quickly and easily find the phone you want and have it delivered to your home in no time, regardless of your location, as long as it is in one of the countries of the INDONESIA
"INPIS - Indonesian Navy Personnel Information System" merupakan aplikasi desktop berbasis Java berupa sistem kepegawaian TNI AL yang dibuat untuk final proyek matakuliah MPPL (Manajemen Proyek Perangkat Lunak)
Scans AMZ book tradein values for retail-to-used price differences
Digital motorbike(Bodaboda) Management System
Java, Spring, Mysql, Postgres, Boostrap, jQuery
Accessibility: This Website will contain information for making a website accessible. It will contains all the tools and technology commonly used for accessibility testing, how a developer can make different element accessible, guidelines and many more.
Its an interdisciplinary project in which we are making a smart electricity meter which is controlled using an android phone. Features are online payment of bill, check power consumption by different appliances, switch on/off circuit breaker, etc.
Code depicting data extraction from text file onto a database hosted on a server
This is a repository for my enterprise web application and architecture class SOEN387 at Concordia University during Fall 2017
side proyect for smash tournaments and fcg, using elo and asigning a value to each tourney
API REST based on Slim Framework with Slim-Skeleton, MySQL, and Eloquent ORM
二技二上的課程PHP on Google App Engine
Скрипт на Питоне для сравнения двух баз данных MySQL.
I made this Django project as part of a test assignment given by RCC, Uchicago. Project demonstrates a basic web app that updates a database in the back-end and displays results to the user on front-end. Web app is being hosted at:
Created by David Axmark, Allan Larsson and Michael "Monty" Widenius
Released May 23, 1995