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Security Update 1.0 181

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 1 revision

Important Photon OS Security Update


Advisory Id : PHSA-2018-0181

Type : Security

Severity : ['Important']

Issue date : 2018-09-05

Affected Release: 1.0


Updates of ['httpd'] packages of Photon OS have been released.

Affected Packages


httpd - ['CVE-2018-1333']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

httpd-2.4.34-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 1.9M , sha256 : a3c083cb9c97e9672a0378c1050d9c37c7f791b5d5f53ad31bd7b7f4af5a8a60 , build time : Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:13:03 UTC

httpd-docs-2.4.34-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 5.3M , sha256 : 9d31ce36bf2c86beecdc607be4a10ed947858e6cd65df920c9c00b1920b4e8f6 , build time : Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:13:03 UTC

httpd-devel-2.4.34-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 192K , sha256 : 3d8cd9a46dba209850493bba853955c3877995b894a562f507add626371af690 , build time : Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:13:03 UTC

httpd-tools-2.4.34-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 20K , sha256 : 1d6d495816389bd70f4447afb2abb9d697203a3d6268c34030e5ac415f222931 , build time : Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:13:03 UTC

httpd-debuginfo-2.4.34-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 4.9M , sha256 : 3bfe0fdb5ad42b3ac55dc71bf2a938a447af2ec4fef574d8aff2d2e1e56a25c5 , build time : Mon, 03 Sep 2018 12:13:03 UTC

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