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Security Updates 3.0 135

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Sep 8, 2020 · 1 revision

[Important] Photon OS Security Update


Advisory ID : PHSA-2020-3.0-0135
Type : Security
Severity : ['Important', 'Moderate']
Issued on : 2020-09-05
Affected Versions : Photon OS 3.0


An update of {'bindutils', 'elasticsearch', 'kibana'} packages of Photon OS has been released.

Affected Packages:


bindutils - ['CVE-2020-8623']


bindutils - ['CVE-2020-8624']
elasticsearch - ['CVE-2020-7019']
kibana - ['CVE-2020-7017', 'CVE-2020-7016']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

bindutils-9.16.6-1.ph3.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 07fe823f5aff7aa3c2d8c0aa1c7e7708cd58a577f48317c1a434b880bc8a2926 , size : 3.5M , build_date : Fri, 04 Sep 2020 02:20:46 UTC
elasticsearch-6.8.12-1.ph3.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 28f4ac98b68a3c2112751ca7a32c1427758c2aedda130d155b5ad3a796265823 , size : 65M , build_date : Fri, 04 Sep 2020 02:21:36 UTC
kibana-6.8.12-1.ph3.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : b5fc80c09e9ca96647eb8e876cb0d05630bb0a6bfd07551cd0c147a72b4cc78b , size : 71M , build_date : Fri, 04 Sep 2020 03:03:22 UTC

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