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Security Update 1.0 260

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Jan 26, 2022 · 1 revision

Critical Photon OS Security Update


Advisory Id : PHSA-2019-0260

Type : Security

Severity : ['Critical', 'Important']

Issue date : 2019-12-10

Affected Release: 1.0


Updates of ['gc', 'logstash'] packages of Photon OS have been released.

Affected Packages


gc - ['CVE-2016-9427']


logstash - ['CVE-2019-7620']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

gc-debuginfo-7.4.18-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 568K , sha256 : 979b13890a0fbe1e59d8b91eee387671c80a73ce6ebb5868be1fe7824cc6dc22 , build time : Mon, 09 Dec 2019 01:52:38 UTC

gc-7.4.18-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 340K , sha256 : c21c303c70254e8c75796a4ca677acc735c912726ff490b5a8c78edcf793d038 , build time : Mon, 09 Dec 2019 01:52:38 UTC

gc-devel-7.4.18-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 68K , sha256 : f0a500a07328ca572180392191d43d07b422f18bdd419e51fb7db7193f47e29b , build time : Mon, 09 Dec 2019 01:52:38 UTC

logstash-6.7.0-7.ph1.x86_64.rpm | size : 170M , sha256 : 476d642fc57572c6cda116efcbb6bb56fa519e4e567990c9ba2d60a54dd84c20 , build time : Mon, 09 Dec 2019 02:02:00 UTC

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