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Security Updates 1.0 289

Siju Maliakkal edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 2 revisions

[Critical] Photon OS Security Update


Advisory ID : PHSA-2020-1.0-0289
Type : Security
Severity : {'Important', 'Moderate', 'Critical'}
Issued on : 2020-04-21
Affected Versions : Photon OS 1.0


An update of {'haproxy', 'kubernetes', 'libvirt', 'nodejs10', 'file', 'sqlite-autoconf', 'nettle', 'erlang'} packages of Photon OS has been released.

Affected Packages:


nodejs10 - ['CVE-2019-15606', 'CVE-2019-15605']
sqlite-autoconf - ['CVE-2020-11656']
erlang - ['CVE-2016-10253']


haproxy - ['CVE-2020-11100']
kubernetes - ['CVE-2020-8552']
nodejs10 - ['CVE-2019-15604']
file - ['CVE-2019-8904', 'CVE-2019-8907', 'CVE-2019-8906', 'CVE-2019-8905']
sqlite-autoconf - ['CVE-2020-9327', 'CVE-2020-11655']


libvirt - ['CVE-2019-20485']
nettle - ['CVE-2018-16869']


Update the affected packages (tdnf update package)

Updated Packages Information

haproxy-doc-2.0.10-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 61f7d45325f0bbe3ba1c74a0a677df3dd71c6508538fc34d3fc5eff1d336146a , size : 398K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:26:06 UTC
haproxy-2.0.10-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 0091f37cf74f6ed70a4c96c6fbb39d79574f3114cc89b083f611f06bf5c8b627 , size : 878K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:26:06 UTC
haproxy-debuginfo-2.0.10-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 74cc0a55ba949fef5de2c2cefd6d62e4b4907b32968bde1aca151a63b6beee36 , size : 5.6M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:26:06 UTC
kubernetes-pause-1.13.12-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : d1e4684c8d5d23e22504cea0606b2cb9249dc00478a272e3a620e931b51c16f1 , size : 316K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:36:44 UTC
kubernetes-1.13.12-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 5cf0f352032f3a748910086fae54ae88a10e605feb09bd98ac6597520acd79cd , size : 182M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:36:44 UTC
kubernetes-kubectl-extras-1.13.12-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 56a944d34728716471058a293373cbbea8494cae71557bb4c16476770675a294 , size : 35M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:36:44 UTC
kubernetes-kubeadm-1.13.12-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : ca23081865d0dcb4a5817c4c1f8e9f7dc71f604b9ed2561e5382e88894e3fb82 , size : 11M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:36:44 UTC
libvirt-devel-3.2.0-8.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 5f2c2f0386698add217bd310a0772c6e8cba6353e0af81d002899435448cde67 , size : 68K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:42:34 UTC
libvirt-docs-3.2.0-8.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 507f0a7d97b3a7e1d711027c2488c5449f87d526843a965e4b5c2f0275c89863 , size : 6.4M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:42:34 UTC
libvirt-debuginfo-3.2.0-8.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 27c608f247fe1679e068298d4cc82f0a59d4cf6377b9688693b82570c0e9fb71 , size : 18M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:42:34 UTC
libvirt-3.2.0-8.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 757d42c83d74a2d64c0d9e67bda18aeb1e0ce11dd398875b9e0f530ab18afc1b , size : 5.4M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:42:34 UTC
nodejs10-devel-10.19.0-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : ba120f33814300e09dfd1af4ad01467180f1e5175fb100c76bc05486f1eccd5b , size : 560K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:38:04 UTC
nodejs10-10.19.0-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : da19fdabed0ed8c7af388aa083b044542d9549321135af515d3a7b9840727ec1 , size : 19M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:38:04 UTC
nodejs10-debuginfo-10.19.0-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 24cd6a51fa4297753a64374f3c8a51fd0d9bd617897b170e7d2c83676dfb9afc , size : 2.1M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:38:04 UTC
file-debuginfo-5.38-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : a2214bd720e15b014a63fc3526273a3e9e7436f5cbeaae20671ab03862c0abf0 , size : 298K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:15:49 UTC
file-5.38-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 1af52f14109ec47c3a100ddcfd54c27e79d272e600a4776df26b0c77b5952238 , size : 390K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:15:49 UTC
sqlite-autoconf-debuginfo-3.31.1-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 18c2cf5ee0ea84135d97fd213b3587aa29878d5de6c6470e29d196495448946e , size : 5.3M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:17:27 UTC
sqlite-autoconf-3.31.1-3.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 4f0fc54afed0570fced0f2b81a64ca5c5d3d3f6b7a00101d7890e5df185081c8 , size : 1.5M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:17:27 UTC
nettle-devel-3.4.1-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : ac26fa147cde36d5aff82fdd4764a3c27c5b03070bcb413d841a3f15fec558e6 , size : 342K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:22:56 UTC
nettle-3.4.1-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : d0ddb18a8df52440e97077d247a06762e9a4e979d7b9e6d9547a4afd8b636869 , size : 300K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:22:56 UTC
nettle-debuginfo-3.4.1-1.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : 9c18f8af6351e7ba2183e1aa36a51a925a6a8c522de975b27db097a2bdb390d3 , size : 220K , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:22:56 UTC
erlang-debuginfo-19.3-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : ef7f05e64e14c09834bb5b1dea0e7ea893a58574863985b887cabce07e066bd8 , size : 11M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:48:25 UTC
erlang-19.3-2.ph1.x86_64.rpm , sha256 : f87c0a0bcb7b01078c0dc76ead4f3afee776f8b959735fc52664fa46502f1585 , size : 46M , build_date : Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:48:25 UTC

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