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Access Ontop end point with Twinkle

elemguzel edited this page Apr 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

Ontop can be used as SPARQL end-point by running Sesame Workbench. The ways to run Ontop as SPARQL end-point are remarked here. Accessing Ontop end-point with Twinkle SPARQL Query tool is explained as following:

  1. First of all we need to add a new repository to Sesame Workbench.

    • Repositories -> New Repository

    • Give a name and id to the new repository.

    • Add the ontology and the mapping file to repository.

      Then we can see the new repository on the repository list.

  2. At the second step;

  • download Twinkle from here and add Ontop end-point as a remote service to etc/config.n3 file.
<http://localhost:8080/openrdf-sesame/repositories/1> a sources:Endpoint
        ; rdfs:label "Ontop end-point".

After adding Ontop end-point we can see it at the Remote Services list.

  • Click the Ontop end-point item on the Remote Services list. Now we are ready to test it with the following query:

    PREFIX : <http://meraka/moss/exampleBooks.owl#> 

SELECT ?x ?y ?name WHERE {?x a :Book; :title ?y; :writtenBy ?z. ?z :name ?name.}

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