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ebotoeva edited this page Mar 5, 2015 · 2 revisions

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Using Quest in Protégé 4.x

-ontopPro- integrates the Quest OWLAPI 3 reasoner into Protégé 4.x. Quest works in the same way as any OWL reasoners work, however, it provides extra functionalities that makes it an attractive alternative for a wide range of scenarios.

Starting/Synchronizing/Stoping Quest

In order to be enable Quest in Protégé 4.1, you need to start it first by doing as follows:

  1. Select the "Reasoner" in the menu bar,
  2. Select "Quest x.x (ontop)" as the reasoner,
  3. And immediately click "Start reasoner"
Once Quest is started you will be able to send SPARQL queries and retrieve the answers. This facility can be found under "OBDA Query" tab.

Note that changes in the mappings or ontology are not detected automatically by Quest. If you change any of these, you need to rerun the reasoner by doing synchronization as follows:

  1. Select the "Reasoner" in menu bar,
  2. Click on "Synchronize reasoner".
In some cases you may need to stop Quest to restart it. To stop Quest do as follows:
  1. Select the "Reasoner" in menu bar,
  2. Click on "None"
  3. Restart Quest by selecting again "Quest x.x (ontop)" and "Start reasoner".

Quest Configuration

There is a couple of features that is available in Quest but not to the other OWL reasoners. Users can configure some of the features using the preference window: "File" > "Preferences...". In the preference window select "Quest" tab.

NOTE: Any changes in the configuration require you to restart Quest.

First Order Reformulation

Users may enable/disable the reasoning step to gain better performance in special case, e.g., when querying RDF data.

Data Configuration

  • Virtual RDF Graph mode. In this mode, Quest will not import any data from the data source. All reasoning will be done on-the-fly by means of query-rewriting. Quest computes the answers from your query over the ontology and generates one single SQL query to be executed through a database system. Currently, Quest allows a single data source only.
  • Classic RDF Graph mode. In this mode, Quest will read individual assertions from the OWL file as well as "extract" individual assertions from the mappings of your OBDA model.
For a full description of Virtual and Classic ABox mode, please refer to this document.
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