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Benjamin Cogrel edited this page Jan 20, 2015 · 7 revisions

Teiid installation

According to its website,,

Teiid is a data virtualization system that allows applications to use data from multiple, heterogeneous data stores.

Teiid can thus be used to federate heterogeneous RDBMS behind one JDBC interface. This is its most common usage with Ontop.

To install it, in August 2014, you need to download the following components:

Step 1: Install the Teiid designer

Step 2: Set up the JBoss application server with Teiid support

  • Download and unzip JBoss EAP 6.1
  • Download and unzip the Teiid runtime (e.g. 8.8.1)
  • Copy all the files at the root of the Teiid repository into the directory jboss-eap-6.1: cp -R YOUR_TEIID_DIR/* YOUR_JBOSS_DIR/
  • Create an admin user: $YOUR_JBOSS_DIR/bin/
    • Type: management user
    • Realm: ManagementRealm
    • Username: admin
    • Password: admin1664!
  • Create an application user:
    • Type: Application user
    • Realm: ApplicationRealm
    • Username: user
    • Password: user1664!
  • No need to run the application server here, we will do from the Teiid designer interface. However, just in case, the command to run it is the following: ./ --server-config=standalone-teiid.xml

Step 3: Follow the BookFederation tutorial

See BookFederationTutorial.

Some tips:

  • If you have access to the Unibz network, you can use the following MYSQL database for accessing the books database: jdbc:mysql:// (fish/fish)
  • If you use H2 (eg. for the bookstores db), please make sure to provide a non-empty password. You may need to create a new user: CREATE USER TEST PASSWORD 'test' ADMIN;.

Configuration tips

Augment heap size

In the file $YOUR_JBOSS_DIR/bin/standalone.conf, change the line

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms1303m -Xmx1303m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

into (for example)

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms6000m -Xmx6000m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

Augment the number of active plans

If you run complex queries, you might need to augment the number of active plans. If not, Teiid might block (see this forum question).

For changing parameters of Teiid (or any other application managed by the JBoss AS), you need to use the CLI client to connect to the Application Server.


Then connect the local server


Read the attribute value


You will then see

  "outcome" => "success",
  "result" => 20

Change the value

/subsystem=teiid:write-attribute(name=max-active-plans, value=40)

You then need to reboot the application server


Log configuration

For logging the queries Teiid sends to the source DBs, you need to set org.teiid.CONNECTOR to the DEBUG level.

How to do this? Go to your Application Server admin interface in Profile/Core/Logging/Core Categories and add a logger category.

Former notes (OUTDATED)

This installation use THIS products. When we tried to use different versions, they did not work together. For instance, Teiid 8.8 with Jboss 6.3 or Teiid Designer with Eclipse Luna.

Java 1.7

teiid-8.8.1 jboss-eap-6.1

teiid-designer-8.5.0 Eclipse Kepler

$ rsync -a teiid-8.8.1-jboss-dist/* jboss-eap-6.1/

../bin ./

$ ./ --server-config=standalone-teiid.xml

Follow instruction from:

Utilize the Teiid Designer Guides View, which contains many sets of common tasks or actions. First, launch your eclipse/Designer instance and select the Designer perspective.

Windows->Open Perspective -> Other.. -> Teiid Designer

STEP 1: Define Teiid Model Project

STEP 2: Create Teiid flat file or DB connection

Adding the driver Action: go to Preferences, "Data Management" , "Driver Definitions" node. You should see a list of existing driver definitions. Edit it and update the jar list to point at the jar you want. Delete the one by default. Leave only 1 jar, the one you picked.

Adding flat file Connection Action: Double-click this action to display the Define Model Project dialog. In this dialog, either click New... button to launch the New Model Project wizard, or if you've already defined one or more projects, click the Existing... button to select one. Click OK when finished.

Adding Connection Action: Go to Model JDBC source, create JDBC connection, and create source model. Follow the instructions there.

STEP 3: Create source model

Summary: Source models define the relational structure for your data sources. When added to a VDB and the data source JNDI name is specified the Teiid runtime framework can access the data source and return your source data.

STEP 3.5 Create Teiid instance.

Select JBoss EAP 6.1+ Runtime Server !!!!

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