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Guohui Xiao edited this page Sep 17, 2013 · 7 revisions

This page shows how to setup Eclipse in order to program using Quest and -ontop- directly from Java. You will need to follow this instructions to execute the Java examples we have in the main documentation.

To setup your environment do as follows:

  1. Download the QuestOWL distributable.
2. Unzip it into a location of your choice. 3. Create a new Java project using the context menu 4. Add all the .jars located in the JDBC and LIB folders from the unpacked zip, EXCEPT slf4j-log4j12-1.5.8.jar it is important not to include this file otherwise you will get exceptions about multiple SLF4J bindings (we will remove this file from the zip in later releases).

Now you are ready to run queries against Quest from Java.

Here goes the visual guide:

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