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Palico Weapon IDs

Ezekial711 edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 3 revisions

Palico Weapon IDs

ID Name Chunk
ot_we001 Felyne Acorn Spade chunk0
ot_we002 Felyne Jag Gunhammer chunk0
ot_we003 Felyne Kulu Lute chunk0
ot_we004 Felyne Pukei Bow chunk0
ot_we005 Felyne Barroth Mace chunk0
ot_we006 Felyne Jyura Sword chunk0
ot_we007 Felyne Kadachi Fork chunk0
ot_we008 Felyne Anja Bonehammer chunk0
ot_we009 Felyne Rathian Rapier chunk0
ot_we010 Felyne Nergigante Hammer chunk0
ot_we011 Felyne Lumu Pawpads chunk0
ot_we012 Felyne Legiana Sword chunk0
ot_we013 Felyne Baan Ball chunk0
ot_we014 Felyne Garon Chainblade chunk0
ot_we015 Felyne Hazak Sword chunk0
ot_we016 Felyne Rathalos Blade chunk0
ot_we017 Felyne Diablos Hammer chunk0
ot_we018 Felyne Godsblade Zapurr chunk0
ot_we019 Felyne Zorah Puppet chunk0
ot_we020 Felyne Lava Mace chunk0
ot_we021 Felyne Uragaan Ironslab chunk0
ot_we022 Felyne Kaiser Mace chunk0
ot_we023 Felyne Daora's Wand chunk0
ot_we024 Felyne Xeno Bouquet chunk0
ot_we025 Invalid Message chunk0
ot_we026 Felyne Bazel Mace chunk0
ot_we027 Felyne Deathgear Scythe chunk0
ot_we028 Felyne Bone Hammer chunk0
ot_we029 Felyne Iron Sword chunk0
ot_we030 Kitty-of-the-Valley Rod chunk0
ot_we032 Felyne Acorn Spade chunk0
ot_we033 Felyne Bone Hammer chunk0
ot_we034 Felyne Iron Sword chunk0
ot_we035 Felyne Jag Gunhammer chunk0
ot_we036 Felyne Kulu Lute chunk0
ot_we037 Felyne Pukei Bow chunk0
ot_we038 Felyne Barroth Mace chunk0
ot_we039 Felyne Jyura Sword chunk0
ot_we040 Felyne Kadachi Fork chunk0
ot_we041 Felyne Anja Bonehammer chunk0
ot_we042 Felyne Lumu Pawpads chunk0
ot_we043 Felyne Rathian Rapier chunk0
ot_we044 Felyne Baan Ball chunk0
ot_we045 Kitty-of-the-Valley Rod chunk0
ot_we046 Felyne Legiana Sword chunk0
ot_we047 Felyne Garon Chainblade chunk0
ot_we048 Felyne Rathalos Blade chunk0
ot_we049 Felyne Diablos Hammer chunk0
ot_we050 Felyne Godsblade Zapurr chunk0
ot_we051 Felyne Deathgear Scythe chunk0
ot_we052 Felyne Gajalaka Sword chunk0
ot_we053 Felyne Gajalaka Sword chunk0
ot_we054 Grimalkyne Pickaxe chunk0
ot_we055 Felyne Kulve Fan chunk0
ot_we056 Felyne Vangis Mace chunk0
ot_we057 Felyne Eliza Parasol chunk0
ot_we058 Mega Buster chunk0
ot_we059 chunk0
ot_we060 Felyne Azure Star Baton chunk0
ot_we061 Gold Chocobo Rod chunk0
ot_we062 Felyne Samurai Sword chunk0
ot_we063 Felyne Butterfly Wand chunk0
ot_we064 Felyne Aloha Ukulele chunk0
ot_we065 Felyne Jack-o'-Lantern chunk0
ot_we066 Felyne Snowcat Bell chunk0
ot_we067 Felyne Star Mic Stand chunk0
ot_we068 Felyne Butterfly Wand chunk0
ot_we069 Felyne Aloha Ukulele chunk0
ot_we070 Felyne Jack-o'-Lantern chunk0
ot_we071 Felyne Snowcat Bell chunk0
ot_we072 Felyne Star Mic Stand chunk0
ot_we100 Unavailable chunk0
ot_we101 Unavailable chunk0
ot_we102 Felyne Forest Arrow chunk0

Credit to Jodo

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