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Quick Guide to Importing Custom Models (Blender 2.80)

Psymon edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 9 revisions

Asterisk's .mod3 Importer for Blender 2.8 can be downloaded here:

For this example, I will be replacing the Azure Rathalos great sword with a custom model in Blender 2.8. Keep in mind that the .mod3 has to be imported first otherwise all visible models currently in the scene will be deleted. (you can toggle something as visible or not by clicking this eye in the top right of blender.)

[Image 1]

The first thing you need to do is resize your model and make sure it lines up with the MHW one, mine already matched up well enough but if you need to do this you can do so here

[Image 2]

(This is for most weapons without unique mechanics, such as GL, BG, Swaxe, and CB) Go over here to check which bone the MHW model is using

[Image 3]

Then add and/or rename an existing bone to match on your model. (double click to edit the name)

[Image 4] [Image 5] [Image 6]

After doing this select weight paint, and you’ll be taken into the weight painting mode

[Image 7]

The purpose at this point is to make the entire model a full red weight, you can quickly do this by pressing and holding alt, then left click+drag the cursor away from the model.

[Image 8]

Now that your model is weighted it will have proper mechanics ingame. The next step is to click on the MHW model, and go into edit mode.

[Image 9]

Click x, then click delete all vertices. After that is done go back into object mode.

[Image 10]

[Image 11]

The final step is to click on your model, shift+click the MHW, and then press cntrl+j If done properly you should only see the MHW models name in the top right menu, but your model will be the one visible

[Image 12]

Your now free to export the model, if you want it to appear ingame just follow the file path of the original model. For example, if it’s file path inside the chunk folder was wp/two/two001/mod then yours should have nativePC/wp/two/two001/mod.

If you followed all the steps properly, you’ll end up with something like this. Congrats, you managed to bring your model into MHW. Next step is working on the textures.

[Image 13]

Tutorial By Miralis#1786

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