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Quick Guide to Importing Custom Models (Blender2.79)

Psymon edited this page Oct 16, 2023 · 6 revisions

Install Blender to the default location. Download Blender

Download Asterisk's Plugin. Asterisk's Plugin is Located Here

A more extensive video tutorial into importing models. Covers some common issues and most of the workflow and plugin properties.

It's companion tutorial covering linking materials and textures to it. Covers basic mrl3 editing.

For this example, I will be replacing the Kjarr para Insect glaive with a custom model [Image 1]

With my model the mesh is a separate object but the steps will be nearly the same either way [Image 2]

  1. Select the base object; the one you want to delete the mesh of In my case “bs_rod012 000 LOD 1”

[Image 3]

  1. Put the object in ”Edit Mode” via the bottom tab

[Image 4]

  1. Make sure all the vertices are selected on the base model If they’re not all selected, then disable “Limit Selection to Visible” on the bottom tab. You’ll notice that you can see some extra points that weren’t visible before

[Image 5]

[Image 6] [Image 7]

  1. Press “B” on your keyboard, then click and drag across the object After this, while still in edit mode press “X” Then click vertices, and poof. The model will disappear

[Image 8] [Image 9] [Image 10]

  1. Finally, you can merge the meshes Shift+Left Click your object (or the mesh if its separate like in my case) and Shift+Left click the original object in that order If you did it properly it will look like this (if your mesh was separate only the bs_rod would be highlighted)

[Image 11]

  1. Go to the left side bar and click ”Join” If done properly your model’s mesh should override the original. You can see how the mesh was transferred from “Untitled” to “bs_rod012 000 LOD 1”

[Image 12] [Image 13]

By: Miralis#0773

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