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Adding a Button to the Perspective Switcher

dtmaclaren edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 13 revisions

Wiki > The GUI > Coding > Adding a perspective Perspective Switcher

Creating a plug-in

  • In Eclipse, add a new UI plug-in via File->New->Other->Plug-in Development->Plug-in Project

  • Give it a name, for example:

  • Do not use the default location, instead set it to C:\Instrument\Dev\client\ISIS\base\ plus the plug-in name.

    • for example: C:\Instrument\Dev\ibex_gui\base\
  • The dialog should look like this:

Add Perspective

  • Click 'Next'

  • On the next page of the dialog check it looks like the following and click 'Finish':

Add Perspective

Note: Generate an activator is unchecked as generally we do not need one for UI plug-ins, but it does not really matter if there is one.

Creating a Perspective

Now the plug-in has been created:

  • Add a source package via File->New->Other->Java->Package

  • Set the source folder to the path of the source folder in the newly created plug-in

  • Set the name to something sensible prefixed by the plug-in name (or just the plug-in itself)

  • The dialog should look something like this:

Add a package

Note: Package names should be in the format of, not org.csstudio.isis.ui.packagename as shown in all images.

We now need to add a Perspective class to the new package; the easiest way to do this is to copy and paste an existing one, for example: the one in, and edit it.

The first thing you will notice is that there are numerous red errors.

Eclipse errors

These are easily fixed:

  • Hover the mouse over 'BasePerspective' on the 'public class Perspective' line and select 'Fix project setup...'

  • Delete the 'Consoles.getDefault().createConsole();' line

  • Open the MANIFEST.MF file in META_INF and select the 'Dependencies' tab; on that tab click the 'Add' button under 'Required Plug-ins'. From the list select and click 'OK'. Add org.eclipse.ui and org.eclipse.core.runtime with the same method.

  • There are likely to be other dependencies missing, fix any other errors.

  • Save all the changes.

The errors should now have disappeared, but there are a few more things to do:

  • Change the value returned by the name function to be what you want shown on the Perspective Switcher. Put an ampersand before the character that you want to use as the perspective shortcut making sure that the chosen character is not in use already. (More on this later)

  • Add a new icon (we will leave that as it is for now and fix it later!)

Creating a View

With the Perspective now in place we need to add a View:

  • Add a new class via File->New->Other->Java->Class

  • Make sure the Package is the same as one created earlier

  • Enter a sensible name

  • Click the 'Browse' button next to the Superclass and select ViewPart

The dialog should look something like this:

Add a View

The new class file should open in the editor. For this example I am just going to add a web browser to the view:

  • Right-click on the View in the Package Explorer in Eclipse and select Open With->WindowBuilder Editor.

  • In the window that pops up select the Design tab

  • Select the FillLayout and click on the mock-up of the View to add it

  • Select the Browser control and click on the mock-up to add it

  • Now click on the Source tab

  • If the createPartControl method has a Composite argument called arg0 change it to parent

  • Delete the TODO comments

  • Add an ID for the View which is the full-name of the class in lower-case; for example:

  • It should now look something like:


    import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
    import org.eclipse.ui.part.ViewPart;
    import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FillLayout;
    import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
    import org.eclipse.swt.browser.Browser;

    public class MyView extends ViewPart {
        public static final String ID = "";
        public MyView() {

        public void createPartControl(Composite parent) {
            parent.setLayout(new FillLayout(SWT.HORIZONTAL));
            Browser browser = new Browser(parent, SWT.NONE);

        public void setFocus() {

Adding the Perspective and View to the GUI

Note: The extensions are defined in XML inside plugin.xml, so example XML is included below if you would prefer to edit that directly.

Note: Sometimes Eclipse cannot find the schema for the extensions, so when trying to select, say, New->contribution contribution does not appear in the list rather it says Generic; in this case, it is necessary to edit the XML directly.

To add both the new Perspective and View to the main GUI we use extensions. First let's add the Perspective:

  • Open the MANIFEST.MF file in META_INF and select the 'Extensions' tab, it should be empty like this:


  • Click the 'Add' button and select extension point and click 'Finish'

Extension points

  • It should now look like this:

Extension points

  • Right-click on the extension point and select New->contribution

  • The contribution should appear below the extension point

  • Using the 'Browse' button select the Perspective class created earlier, the screen should now look like like this:

Extension points

  • Using the 'Add' button as before we need to add org.eclipse.ui.perspectives extension point

  • Right-click on the new extension point and select New->perspective; the new perspective should appear below the extension point

  • Select the newly added item and fill in the required details, it should look something like this:

Extension points

The XML in plugin.xml for what we have done so far is:

            name="My Perspective">

Now we add the extensions for the View:

  • Using the 'Add' button as before we need to add org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions extension point

  • Right-click on the new extension point and select New->perspectiveExtension; the new perspectiveExtension should appear below the extension point

  • For the new perspectiveExtension set the targetID to the ID of your perspective, for this example it is

  • Right-click on the perspectiveExtension and select New->view; the new view should appear

  • Select the view and change the ID to the ID of your View, for example:

  • Change the relative to

  • The remaining setting determine how the View will appear and behave, it is recommended that you set the following values:

    • closeable: false
    • minimized: false
    • moveable: false
    • showTitle: false
    • standalone: true
    • visible: true
    • relationship: right
  • It should look something like this:

Extension points

  • Next, using the 'Add' button we need to add org.eclipse.ui.views extension point

  • Right-click on the new item and select New->view; the new view should appear below the extension point

  • Set the class and id to the name and id of your View class respectively; it should look something like this:

Extension points

The XML in the plugin.xml for the View related stuff is:

            name="My View"

Finally, the last step is to add the plug-in we created to

  • Open the feature.xml file in and select the Plug-ins tab

  • Click the 'Add' button and select the new plug-in we created

  • Save everything and run the main GUI - hopefully, the new Perspective will appear

Adding a new icon

  • Grab a nice png icon which is appropriately sized (24x24 pixels) from somewhere like

  • Create a icons folder in the top-level of the plug-in

  • Drag the icon into it

  • Open the MANIFEST.MF file and select the Build tab

  • Tick the icons box under Binary Build to include the icons folder in the build

Add an icon

  • Open the Perspective class created earlier

  • Change the image method to return the new icon from the correct plug-in by changing the plug-in name and icon name, like so:


    import org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout;
    import org.eclipse.wb.swt.ResourceManager;

    public class Perspective extends BasePerspective {

        public static final String ID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

        public void createInitialLayout(IPageLayout layout) {
        public String ID() {
            return ID;

        public String name() {
            return "My Perspective";
        public Image image() {
            return ResourceManager.getPluginImage("", "icons/myperspective.png");
  • Finally, start the GUI to check the new icon is shown

Adding a keyboard shortcut

  • In the plugin xml for your new perspective add the following:
            sequence="Alt+Shift+_char chosen earlier_">
               value="_your perspective id_">
  • Run the GUI and hit ALT + SHIFT + chosen char and confirm that the perspective is switched to.

Setting the Perspective to be invisible

If you are creating the perspective for testing a new feature that you do not want displayed to the user by default then add the following code to your perspective class:

	public boolean isVisibleDefault() {
		return false; 

by default this value is set to true and so perspectives are displayed.

To subsequently display the perspective run IBEX and go to the perspective window (CTRL + ALT + P) then enable the checkbox in ISIS Perspectives. On the next restart of the GUI your perspective should be displayed.


If the perspective is not being shown in the switcher at the side it may be Eclipse being silly or you may not be running the right product. Be sure to re-run by going selecting the client product, rather than using the drop-down (which will run the same product as you used previously) Finally, try clearing the workspace and resetting the target platform etc.

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