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Retrospective notes 2023.05.10

Thomas Lohnert edited this page May 10, 2023 · 2 revisions
Chair Timekeeper Note Taker

Items from last retrospective:


  • Everyone can stand or sit as they please.

CO2 monitor

  • We will observe policy, nothing else to add for now. Likely to become less of an issue now that it is warmer and we can open windows more easily

Recording hotfixes

  • Ticket to improve process is in ready.
  • Version numbers have been removed from IBEX overview table to make it more readable. Added link to different page displaying live versions instead.

Database truncation

  • Nothing to add

High priority tickets

  • During standup, we have been pointing out high priority that have remained at the top of ready for a long time. This is good and we should keep doing it.

Items from this retrospective:

People other than KB leading sprint planning

  • People are comfortable enough leading the sprint planning meeting, except for the program increment bit.
  • People are also unsure about all the other pre- and post-admin surrounding the actual meeting itself.
  • DK volunteered to check we have a comprehensive list of necessary steps written down on the wiki (or elsewhere that's accessible)

Other comments (Mad/Glad/Sad)

  • Glad: Support has been going well, feels like we have been good at addressing issues. However, we are also aware that TS1 has not come online yet, will likely make support more challenging
  • Glad: We managed to condense a 4hr retrospective meeting into 30 minutes
  • Question to new starters whether they have any feedback on onboarding process?
    • Evan: It's going well, I have a good general idea of what's going one
    • Any issues we had came from wider STFC/UKRI, not this team (e.g. account login issues)
    • We should try to make more use of any opportunities to take the new starters to instrument halls
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