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Retrospective notes 2021.10.28

Dominic Oram edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 1 revision

Retrospective notes 22/09/2021

Items from last retrospective

  • IOC tests are better but still a bit flaky. Some fail on some servers but not others but down to only 4 failing
  • We would rather not remove the failing tests but will propose a ticket to fix them
  • JH has created a ticket to avoid merge conflicts on release notes

Items from current retrospective

Sprint Planning was Fast

  • Likely due to good pre-planning


  • We are probably having too many of these so need to reduce the frequency
  • People generally like having them for a full week but also find it hard to slot the Friday work into other things happening that week
  • Could have a nominated number of points for Fridays over the whole sprint but this would be hard to manage
  • It's hard to make it a "fun day" when remote and spread over a week
  • ACTION: KB will think about ways to make it more fun

Moving configs from control-svcs

Managing Squish License

  • ACTION: LC to make spreadsheet to manage who has the license (is set up on teams)
  • Discussed restarting the server every night but this will kick the CI off so will not do it
  • There are instructions on the wiki for how to restart the license server if someone has taken the license
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