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Issues which arise which we can not trace

Tom Willemsen edited this page Sep 14, 2018 · 9 revisions

Wiki > Trouble-shooting > Issues which arise which we can not trace

This page contains issues which we have had at some point and are unsure what the cause is. If we capture them here we can group them and work out what the causes and likely hoods are. Please follow the template:

DAE Control from GUI problem

Where: Polaris

When: 15/05/2017

Version: 3.2.1

Description: GUI could no longer control the DAE tab. User writes

Summary: "IBEX - DAE Control Program: Run Summary/Experiment Setup etc. frozen"

After ending Polaris run 98766 (from a script) the "DAE Control Program" pane did not give back proper control of the instrument.

On the Run Summary tab only the "Cancel Abort" button was active meaning I could not start a new run.

On the Experiment Setup/Data Acquisition tab I could tick the "Veto 0" tick box, but the "Apply changes" button was not active (I had restarted the chopper so needed to re-enable the veto).

Work around: Restart the GUI.

Cannot start scripting console

Scripting console has disappeared from GUI and pressing "new python console" does not bring one back. Seen on IMAT. Not sure what workflow they used to get into this state...

Workaround: restart the GUI

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