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Computer Troubleshooting

John Holt edited this page May 10, 2019 · 22 revisions

Issue related to the computer that IBEX is running on

Screen Resolution needs to be Set

The resolution is setable on a remote desktopm, even to a resolution bigger than the current screen. To do this there is a menu item on the remote desktop window for “smart sizing” which does just this.

smart screen

It doesn’t seem to persist on server 2012 unless you edit it into the .rdp file (and it also requires that you don’t select full screen or it takes a lower resolution). I’ve edited the RDP file appropriately on the NDHSMUONFE desktop so that this works at 1920x1200. The key bits are at the top here – but you we can fiddle the resolution down a bit if a different aspect ratio works better.

''' screen mode id:i:1 use multimon:i:0 desktopwidth:i:1920 desktopheight:i:1200 smartsizing:i:1 ... '''

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