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Adam Haile edited this page Jul 1, 2017 · 5 revisions

class bibliopixel.Matrix

Matrix provides methods to control a matrix of pixels, currently with the assumption that the matrix is built from a single, continuous run of 1-dimensional LED strips. See Coordinate Mapping for more details. It inherits from Layout and provides all of its public methods and properties. Matrix actually lives at bibliopixel.layout.Matrix but can be accessed at bibiliopixel.Matrix for convenience.


(driver, width = 0, height = 0, coordMap = None, rotation = MatrixRotation.ROTATE_0, vert_flip = False, serpentine = True, threadedUpdate = False, brightness=255, pixelSize=(1,1))

  • driver - A driver class or list of driver classes that inherit from bibliopixel.drivers.driver_base.DriverBase. See the Drivers page for more info.
  • width - width (x-axis) of the matrix. If width and height are omitted, it will try to calculate the value from driver.numLEDs by assuming it is perfectly square.
  • height - height (y-axis) of the matrix. If width and height are omitted, it will try to calculate the value from driver.numLEDs by assuming it is perfectly square.
  • coordMap - To be used if the matrix is not arranged in a standard pattern to provide a map from (x,y) coordinates to strip index. See Coordinate Mapping for more details.
  • rotation - Amount to rotate matrix coordinate map by in order for coordinate (0,0) to be the Top-Left corner of the display. See Matrix Orientation for more details.
  • vert_flip - True to flip the matrix coordinate map on the y-axis. See Matrix Orientation for more details.
  • serpentine - If True, the coordinate map with follow a serpentine patter. Otherwise, each row index will restart at the left side of the matrix.
  • threadedUpdate - Display updates will run in background thread if True. Defaults to False.
  • brightness - Default master brightness value, 0-255
  • pixelSize - Sets pixel scaling size. For example, if set to (3,3) each call to set() will set a 3x3 LED grid.


(x, y, color)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to set. If a texture has been set with setTexture, color can be left off or set to None to use the pixel color from the texture instead.

Set value of pixel at (x,y) coordinate to given color or texture color.


(tex = None)

  • tex - Texture matrix to use with set(). Texture must have same dimensions as the matrix and be a 2D list of color tuples. Textures can be loaded from an image using loadImage from bibliopixel.image

Setting a texture will allow calling set() without the color parameter to use the color value from the same pixel on the texture instead of a passed in color value. Any below drawing or set function can take None instead of a color to use the texture.


(x, y)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel

Returns RGB tuple, (r,g,b), if pixel is in bounds. Otherwise returns (0,0,0).


(x, y, hsv)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • hsv - 8-bit HSV tuple (h,s,v)

Convenience method for setting color with an 8-bit HSV tuple value.


(x, y, r, g, b)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • r - 8-bit (0-255) Red color component.
  • g - 8-bit (0-255) Green color component.
  • b - 8-bit (0-255) Blue color component.

Convenience method for setting color with individual components instead of RGB tuple.


(x0, y0, r, color=None)

  • x0 - x coordinate of circle center point
  • y0 - y coordinate of circle center point
  • r - radius of circle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the circle.

Draws the outline of a circle.


(x0, y0, r, color=None)

  • x0 - x coordinate of circle center point
  • y0 - y coordinate of circle center point
  • r - radius of circle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to fill the circle.

Draws a solid circle of the given color.


(x0, y0, x1, y1, color=None)

  • x0 - x coordinate of first point on the line
  • y0 - y coordinate of first point on the line
  • x1 - x coordinate of second point on the line
  • y1 - y coordinate of second point on the line
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the line.

Draws a line between two points with a given color.


(x, y, w, h, color=None)

  • x - x coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • y - y coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • w - width of the rectangle
  • h - height of the rectangle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle outline.

Draws a rectangle with the given color.


(x, y, w, h, color=None)

  • x - x coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • y - y coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • w - width of the rectangle
  • h - height of the rectangle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle.

Draws a solid rectangle with the given color.



  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color fill the screen.

Sets every pixel to the given color.


(x, y, w, h, r, color=None)

  • x - x coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • y - y coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • w - width of the rectangle
  • h - height of the rectangle
  • r - radius of each corner
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle outline.

Draws a rectangle outline with rounded corners and using the given color.


(x, y, w, h, r, color=None)

  • x - x coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • y - y coordinate of top-left corner of the rectangle
  • w - width of the rectangle
  • h - height of the rectangle
  • r - radius of each corner
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle.

Draws a solid rectangle with rounded corners and using the given color.


(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=None)

  • x0 - x cordinate of point 0 of the triangle
  • y0 - y cordinate of point 0 of the triangle
  • x1 - x cordinate of point 1 of the triangle
  • y1 - y cordinate of point 1 of the triangle
  • x2 - x cordinate of point 2 of the triangle
  • y2 - y cordinate of point 2 of the triangle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle outline.

Draws the outline of a triangle given 3 points and an RGB color tuple.


(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, color=None)

  • x0 - x cordinate of point 0 of the triangle
  • y0 - y cordinate of point 0 of the triangle
  • x1 - x cordinate of point 1 of the triangle
  • y1 - y cordinate of point 1 of the triangle
  • x2 - x cordinate of point 2 of the triangle
  • y2 - y cordinate of point 2 of the triangle
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the rectangle.

Draws a solid triangle given 3 points and an RGB color tuple.


(x, y, c, color, bg, size)

  • x - x coordinate of the top-left corner of the character
  • y - y coordinate of the top-left corner of the character
  • c - character to draw (0-255 ASCII values are all valid)
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the character
  • bg - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the character background
  • size - Amount to multiple the size of the character by. Characters are all monospaced, 8x5 pixels. Size value will multiply this size.

Draws a single character at the given point using the font data in bibliopixel.font.

drawText(text, x = 0, y = 0, color = None, bg = colors.Off, size = 1)

  • text - ASCII string to draw. Newline (\n) characters will move the text to the next line. Carriage return (\r) is ignored.
  • x - x coordinate of the top-left corner of the character
  • y - y coordinate of the top-left corner of the character
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the text
  • bg - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to draw the text background
  • size - Amount to multiple the size of each character by. Characters are all monospaced, 8x5 pixels. Size value will multiply this size. Size 0 is also now available which is a 6x4 monospaced font.

Draws a text string starting at the given point using the font data in bibliopixel.font.



Width of the display matrix


Height of the display matrix


Generated or provided coordinate map. See Coordinate Mapping for more details.

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