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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 9 revisions

[v10.2] Returns the formatted date/time string that matches current device culture.

This method fails if CultureInfo.initialize method hasn't completed yet.


Argument Type Description
date Date A date being formatted.
format String Custom format string that meets the MSDN Sepcification.

This example demonstrates how to format current date to a string having pre-defined or custom format.

MobileCRM.CultureInfo.initialize(function (currentCulture) {
	///<param name='currentCulture' type='MobileCRM.CultureInfo' />
	var formatDate = new Date();
	var monthDayPattern = "MM-MMMM, ddd-dddd";
	var customDate = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.formatDate(formatDate, monthDayPattern);
	var fullDateTime = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.fullDateTimeString(formatDate);
	var longDate = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.longDateString(formatDate);
	var longTime = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.longTimeString(formatDate);
	var shortDate = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.shortDateString(formatDate);
	var shortTime = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.shortTimeString(formatDate);
	var mothDay = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.monthDayString(formatDate);
	var yearMonth = MobileCRM.CultureInfo.yearMonthString(formatDate);
	var result = monthDayPattern + ": " + customDate + "\n" +
		"full date time : " + fullDateTime + "\n" +
		"long date : " + longDate + "\n" +
		"short date : " + shortDate + "\n" +
		"long time : " + longTime + "\n" +
		"short time : " + shortTime + "\n" +
		"day of month : " + mothDay + "\n" +
		"year of month : " + yearMonth + "\n";
}, MobileCRM.bridge.alert, null);
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