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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 9 revisions

Shows a dialog which allows the user to select a list of entities from a configurable list of entity types.

This example demonstrates how to select products from multi-lookup form. It opens the multi-lookup form with products matching specified filter fetch.

// WARNING: async/await pattern requires ECMAScript 6 and it's not supported on Internet Explorer.
// It's supported by all modern browsers including mobile version of Chrome and Safari (requires Android 5+ and iOS 10+).
function openMultiLookUp(orderRef) {
	return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		/// <param name='orderRef' type='MobileCRM.Reference'>A reference to a sales order entity.</param>
		var filteredLeadXML = '<fetch version="1.0">' +
			'<entity name="product">' +
			'<filter type="and">' +
			'<condition attribute="name" operator="like" value="H%" />' +
			'</filter>' +
			'</entity>' +
		try {
			var ml = new MobileCRM.UI.MultiLookupForm("product");
			ml.source = new MobileCRM.Relationship("salesorderid", orderRef);
			ml.addEntityFilter("product", filteredLeadXML);
			ml.allowNull = true;
			ml.addView("product", "Active Products", true); // requires "Active Products" view for "product" entity in your mobile project 
			var selected = yield ml.showAsync();
			var reportText = (a) { return a.primaryName; }).join(", ");
		catch (err) {
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