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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 28, 2019 · 1 revision

MobileCRM.DateTimeFormat Object

[v10.2] Provides culture-specific information about the format of date and time values.


Property Type Description
abbreviatedDayNames String[] Gets a string array containing the culture-specific abbreviated names of the days of the week.
abbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames String[] Gets a string array of abbreviated month names associated with the current DateTimeFormat object.
abbreviatedMonthNames String[] Gets a string array that contains the culture-specific abbreviated names of the months.
aMDesignator String Gets the string designator for hours that are "ante meridiem" (before noon).
dayNames String[] Gets a string array that contains the culture-specific full names of the days of the week.
firstDayOfWeek Number Gets the first day of the week (0=Sunday, 1=Monday, ...)
fullDateTimePattern String Gets the custom format string for a long date and long time value.
longDatePattern String Gets the custom format string for a long date value.
longTimePattern String Gets the custom format string for a long time value.
monthDayPattern String Gets the custom format string for a month and day value.
monthGenitiveNames String[] Gets a string array of month names associated with the current DateTimeFormat object.
monthNames String[] Gets a string array containing the culture-specific full names of the months.
pMDesignator String Gets the string designator for hours that are "post meridiem" (after noon).
shortDatePattern String Gets the custom format string for a short date value.
shortestDayNames String[] Gets a string array of the shortest unique abbreviated day names associated with the current DateTimeFormat object.
shortTimePattern String Gets the custom format string for a short time value.
sortableDateTimePattern String Gets the custom format string for a sortable date and time value.
universalSortableDateTimePattern String Gets the custom format string for a universal, sortable date and time string.
yearMonthPattern String Gets the custom format string for a year and month value.
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