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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

MobileCRM.Localization Object

A static object with functions allowing to access the localized texts.


Property Type Description


Function Description
get Gets the display string for the passed id.
getComponentLabel Gets the display string for the passed entity and component (view, form) id.
getLoadedLangId Asynchronously gets currently loaded localization language.
getPlural Gets the plural version of the display string for the passed id.
getTextOrDefault Gets the display string for the passed id, or the passed default string if a string with the passed id doesn't exists.
initialize Initializes the Localization object.
initializeAsync [v10.0] Initializes the Localization object.
initializeEx [v10.0] Initializes the Localization object.
makeId Creates an absolute id from section and id.
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