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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 5 revisions

MobileCRM.UI.QuestionnaireForm Object

[v10.3] Represents the Javascript equivalent of native questionnaire form object.


Property Type Description
form MobileCRM.UI.Form Gets the form which hosts the questionnaire.
groups MobileCRM.UI.QuestionnaireForm.Group[] A list of QuestionnaireForm.Group objects.
questions MobileCRM.UI.QuestionnaireForm.Question[] A list of QuestionnaireForm.Question objects.
relationship MobileCRM.Relationship Gets the relation source and related entity. "null", if there is no relationship.


Method Description
cancelValidation Stops the onSave validation and optionally causes an error message to be displayed.
findGroupById Returns the question group with given id.
findGroupByName Returns the question group with given name.
findQuestionById Returns the question item with given id.
findQuestionByName Returns the question item with given name.
suspendPostSave Suspends current "onPostSave" operations and allows performing another asynchronous tasks before the form is closed.
suspendSave Suspends current "onSave" validation and allows performing another asynchronous tasks to determine the validation result


Function Description
changeLookupQuestionSetup Sets the views and filters for specified lookup question.
deleteGroup Deletes an instance of repeatable group with all its questions and adjusts the repeatIndex for all instances of the same template group with higher index.
focusQuestion Asynchronously sets the focus on given question.
getQuestionnaireEntity Requests the Questionnaire entity.
onAnswerChanged [v11.2] Binds or unbinds the handler for specific question change event on QuestionnaireForm.
onChange Binds or unbinds the handler for onChange event on QuestionnaireForm.
onCommand Binds or unbinds the handler for QuestionnaireForm command.
onDeleteGroup Binds or unbinds the handler for onDeleteGroup event on QuestionnaireForm.
onPostSave Binds or unbinds the handler for onPostSave event on QuestionnaireForm.
onRepeatGroup Binds or unbinds the handler for onRepeatGroup event on QuestionnaireForm.
onSave Binds or unbinds the handler for onSave event on QuestionnaireForm.
overridePicklistOptions Overrides the list of options for given picklist question.
repeatGroup Duplicates repeatable group with all its questions. The name of the group will contain the lowest available repeatIndex and suffix in form #00X.
requestObject Requests the managed QuestionnaireForm object.
trySetAnswer Asynchronously sets the answer value for given question.
trySetImageAnswer Asynchronously sets the answer value for given image question.


Objects Description
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