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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 9 revisions

Gets the MetaEntity by its name.

If you only need to know the attributes of a single entity, use this method to prevent requesting all Metadata information.


Argument Type Description
name String A logical name of requested entity.
callback function The callback function that is called asynchronously with MetaEntity object as argument.
errorCallback function(errorMsg) The errorCallback which is called in case of error.
scope Object The scope for callbacks.

This example demonstrates how to get the MobileCRM.MetaEntity object.

MobileCRM.Metadata.requestObject(function (metaData) {
	// Request MetaEntity object by its name.
	MobileCRM.MetaEntity.loadByName("account", function (metaEntity) {
		/// <param name="metaEntity" type="MobileCRM.MetaEntity"/>;
		var metaProperties = "MetaEntity properties \n";
		metaProperties += "can account append to contact : " + metaEntity.canAppendTo("contact") + "\n";
		metaProperties += "account C-R-W-D : " + metaEntity.canCreate();
		+"-" + metaEntity.canRead();
		+"-" + metaEntity.canWrite();
		+"-" + metaEntity.canDelete();
	}, MobileCRM.bridge.alert, null);
}, MobileCRM.bridge.alert);
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