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rescocrm edited this page May 15, 2023 · 1 revision

[v10.0] Appends the product into sales order collection.

Resulting MobileCRM.DynamicEntity object implements method "update" which can be used to update the entity properties in the sales detail collection.


Argument Type Description
product MobileCRM.Reference A reference of the product to be appended.
quantity Number Product quantity.

This example demonstrates how to add a new product with given quantity into order details.

// WARNING: async/await pattern requires ECMAScript 6 and it's not supported on Internet Explorer.
// It's supported by all modern browsers including mobile version of Chrome and Safari (requires Android 5+ and iOS 10+).
function addNewProduct(productId, quantity) {
	return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		try {
			var productRef = new MobileCRM.Reference("product", productId);
			var orderDetail = yield MobileCRM.UI.EntityForm.DetailCollection.addAsync(productRef, quantity);
			MobileCRM.bridge.alert("Product added");
		catch (err) {
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