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Maros316 edited this page Aug 12, 2020 · 4 revisions

MobileCRM.DynamicEntity Object

Represents a CRM entity, with only a subset of properties loaded.


Property Type Description
entityName String The logical name of the entity, e.g. "account".
id String GUID of the existing entity or null for new one.
isNew Boolean Indicates whether the entity is newly created.
isOnline Boolean Indicates whether the entity was created by online request or from local data.
forceDirty Boolean Indicates whether to force save the provided properties even if not modified. Default behavior is to save only properties that were modified.
primaryName String The human readable name of the entity, e.g. "Alexandro".
properties Object An object with entity properties, e.g. {firstname:"Alexandro", lastname:"Puccini"}.


Method Description
constructor Constructs an instance of MobileCRM.DynamicEntity object.
save Performs the asynchronous CRM create/modify entity command.
saveAsync Performs the asynchronous CRM create/modify entity command.


Function Description
createNew Creates the MobileCRM.DynamicEntity object representing new entity.
deleteAsync Asynchronously deletes the CRM entity.
deleteById Asynchronously deletes the CRM entity.
deleteMultiple Saves an entity instance to storage.Where the entity is stored is determined by how it was loaded: online / offline.
downloadAttachment [v9.1] Initiates the attachment download for specified entity.
downloadAttachmentAsync [v9.1] Initiates the attachment download for specified entity.
loadAsync Asynchronously loads the CRM entity properties.
loadById Asynchronously loads the CRM entity properties.
loadDocumentBody Asynchronously loads the document body for specified entity.
loadDocumentBodyAsync Asynchronously loads the document body for specified entity.
saveDocumentBody [v10.0]Asynchronously saves the document body for specified entity.
saveDocumentBodyAsync [v10.0]Asynchronously saves the document body for specified entity.
saveMultiple Saves an entities instances to storage.Where the entity is stored is determined by how it was loaded: online / offline.
unzipDocumentBody [v9.1] Asynchronously unpacks the document body (assumes it's a zip file) for specified entity.
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