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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

MobileCRM.UI.EntityList Object

[v9.2] Represents the Javascript equivalent of native entity list object.


Property Type Description
allowAddExisting Boolean Gets or sets whether adding an existing entity is allowed.
allowCreateNew Boolean Gets or sets whether create a new entity (or managing the N:N entities in the case of N:N list) is allowed.
allowedDocActions Number Gets or sets a mask of document actions (for Note and Sharepoint document lists).
allowSearch Boolean Gets or sets whether to show the search bar.
autoWideWidth String Gets the view auto width pixel size.
context Object [v10.0] Gets the specific context object for onChange, onSave and onCommand handlers.

The onSave context contains property "entities" with the list of all changed entities and property "errorMessage" which can be used to cancel the save process with certain error message.

The onChange handler context contains "entities" property with the list of currently changed entities (typically just one entity) and property "propertyName" with the field name that was changed.

Command handler context contains the "cmdParam" property and "entities" property with the list of currently selected entities.

entityName String Gets the name of the entities in this list.
flipMode Number Gets or sets the flip configuration (which views to show and which one is the initial).
hasMapViews Boolean Gets whether the list has a view that can be displayed on map.
hasCalendarViews Boolean Gets or sets whether there is a view with "CalendarFields".
hasMoreButton Boolean Gets whether the list needs a more button.
internalName String Gets the internal list name. Used for localization and image lookup.
isDirty Boolean Gets or sets whether the list is dirty.
isLoaded Boolean Gets or sets whether the list is loaded.
isMultiSelect Boolean Gets whether multi selection is active.
listButtons Array Gets the read-only array of strings defining the list buttons.
listMode Number Gets the current list mode.
listView MobileCRM.UI._ListView Gets the controlled listView control.
lookupSource MobileCRM.Relationship Gets the lookup source. If the list is used for lookup this is the entity whose property is being "looked-up".
options Number Gets the kinds of views available on the list.
relationship MobileCRM.Relationship Gets the relation source and related entity. "null", if there is no relationship (if it is not an associated list).
selectedEntity MobileCRM.DynamicEntity Gets currently selected entity. "null", if there's no selection.
uniqueName Number Gets or sets the unique name of the list. Used to save/load list specific settings.


Method Description
suspendSave [v10.0] Suspends current "onSave" validation and allows performing another asynchronous tasks to determine the validation result


Function Description
onChange [v10.0] Binds or unbinds the handler for onChange event on EntityList.
onClick [v10.1] Binds or unbinds the handler for onClick event on EntityList.
onCommand Binds or unbinds the handler for EntityList command.
onSave [v10.0] Binds or unbinds the handler for onSave event on EntityList.
reload Initiates asynchronous entity list reload.
requestEditedEntities [v10.0] Asynchronously gets the list of entities that were changed on the list.
requestObject Requests the EntityList object.
runCommand Executes the list/button command attached to this entity list.
selectView Selects specified EntityList view.
setDataSource Sets the entity list data source replacement.
setDataSourceFactory [v11.0.2] Sets the entity list data source replacement factory.
setEntityProperty [v10.1] Sets the value of the entity property.
setPrimaryCommand Overrides the entity list's primary command button.
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